
Reality Shifting

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We are shifting from reality to reality in every moment. It actually is a pretty simple idea. 

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Reality Transfuring? Yea I hear about people claim to change time lines but idk

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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3 hours ago, Nahm said:

FInd the beginning & ending of reality and it no longer shifts. 

The disciples said to Jesus, "Tell us, how will our end come?"

Jesus said, "Have you found the beginning, then, that you are looking for the end? You see, the end will be where the beginning is.

Congratulations to the one who stands at the beginning: that one will know the end and will not taste death."


What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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I've heard it, attempted it but still haven't been able to change the whole reality I'm in. Only parts / things ordinary magick practitioners can do. I'm 100% certain it's possible tho. It's just not something you will get easily unless you're very gifted.

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