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How to be immune to Propanganda?

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I think the distinction between immune and not immune is a spectrum rather than a yes/no issue.

Everybody is immune to some degree, some more than others. Depending on the degree of broadness and nuance of of your perspective, you are either more or less gullible to propaganda.

Also, propaganda itself can either be offensively crude and direct or it can be very subtle and manipulative. 

So the best way I think of becoming "immune" to propaganda is to realize, that you can't become totally immune, only more immune. Because then you take all perspectives with a grain of salt and never simply fall for something without questioning. 

And when the propaganda was more subtle than you were able to be nuanced, well then that's that. We make mistakes. 

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You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Propaganda crumbles under the weight of facts. To counter propaganda and fake news, you need to keep yourself well informed. You also need a healthy sceptisism: don't just blindly believe everything you come across, apply judgement.


57% paranoid

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  • Real life experience of how selfish and manipulative humans can be.
  • Studying history from different sources.
  • Epistemology.
  • Studying human psychology.
  • High awareness of oneself and one's own devilry.

And even then, you won't likely be 100% immune.

The most important thing I have found is learning about logical fallacies because social media thrives on using them all the time, because most people are logically gullible, and therefore easily manipulated emotionally. I've read a book about it in my original language, and I recommend everyone to really invest their time in deeply understanding and embodying the information provided. I'm sure there's a good number of books in English on this one topic. It falls under the epistemology category, and the reason why I mentioned it in specific is because I think it's the most crucial thing for us at this stage of human development.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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Actuality. Look at your hand. Realize that 99% of what you read never happens to you, the president could be a pink elephant for all you know, unless youve met him, how do you know you met the real president.

Stay grounded. 

Also what the others said above. But be grounded in actuality is a good pillar. 


Caveat: If you say "Well thats mean anything could be true so my conspiracy theory must be true!" Thats also a thought! Dont substitute not knowing for something else! Be "idea-less" and grounded in nothing!

Edited by Rilles

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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