
How Check Is 5-meo-dmt Is Fake?

13 posts in this topic

I find where I can buy some 5-MeO(HCL version), but how can I test that it's not fake?

I've tryed to google for it and this says: "In fact, we are not aware of any drug tests that would show 5-MeO-DMT usage."
So do any of you guys know how can I test it?

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Check out which tests work for 5-meo-dmt.

"In fact, we are not aware of any drug tests that would show 5-MeO-DMT usage." - This refers to testing to see if SOMEBODY has used the drug specifically. This is not referring to testing the substance itself.

Edited by Feeble Dave

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If you can't google for a drug test kit, then you're probably better off not getting involved with psychedelics at all.

You sure got that right Leo, I was thinking that earlier when I first read it. The original poster was asking in another thread if the meo drug concerned cures "shyness."

No-one said this drug CURES ANYTHING AT ALL.

And if you can recall me from my other comments Leo, I'm still slightly disturbed you went down this route and fully comprehend how drugs are regarded in different countries around the world, however important they are to your / or my path.


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@Leo Gura

I'll tell you more.
I find a site where I could buy some 5-MeO and I kinda wanted to do that,
but a sane person told me that it's must a scammer site,
and then I googled for that and yep - this is a scammer site.
The point is that I still think that it's for me I need to get it asap.

My point here is if you tell someone that he shouldn't do psychedelics,
because he is stupid and show him why exactly he is, he still will stand on it's own. That's doesn't work, at least in my case. I don't mean that you shouldn't tell ppl some like that, but usually it won't work.

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@Parki I don't know which country you are typing from, but as a class A drug in most countries, you need to also understand you could get a criminal record for buying this and the implications of that on your life.

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2 hours ago, Parki said:

The point is that I still think that it's for me I need to get it asap.

If you need any substance ASAP - that isn't needed for keeping you physically alive - you have a whole other problem, my friend. xD Please be wise here. What we're talking here isn't LSD, isn't Shrooms or MDMA, it's way more potent then this. And you could even fuck yourself up with with these three substances.

If you are not able to get clean, lab-tested stuff from a safe source, don't do it. If you don't know it's purity, don't do it. Every milligram counts. If you don't have the patience to do massive theoretical research before you fuck around with this, don't do. When @Leo Gura told me about 5-MeO-DMT - before he made his video about it - I did 2 months of research, and now I am fairly confident that I at least have a taste of idea what's coming.

So cheer up, and don't be stupid. I would recommend you get your hands off that and try low dosages of shrooms or LSD first, then work your way up, then do regular DMT, do that for a time and then, finally try Meo. But this requires patience, probably few months of heavy research and who wanna do that right? Well, it's necessary for a reason.

If you do your research, you'll find out for yourself where you can get your stuff and know it's good, pure and clean and how to test it etc.

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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"Thank God there's someone talking sense around here."

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3 hours ago, Parki said:

@Neo Don't worry, it's still legal in Russia.

Sorry, but both DMT and 5-MeO-DMT are illegal in Russia since 2011. For buying 0,5g of any of those substances you may get 3 years in prison, for 2,5g - 10 years. For higher amounts - 15 years.

- ст. 228 УК РФ

- Постановление Правительства РФ "Об утверждении перечня наркотических средств, психотропных веществ и их прекурсоров, подлежащих контролю в Российской Федерации"

- Постановление Правительства РФ от 01.10.2012 N 1002 (ред. от 01.04.2016) "Об утверждении значительного, крупного и особо крупного размеров наркотических средств и психотропных веществ..."

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@Naviy Thanks, cuz google didn't help me with "5-MeO-DMT легальность".
It's very easy to find that DMT is ilegal, but for some reason find 5-MeO is ilegal online is much harder, I didn't find any information about that.

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12 minutes ago, Parki said:

@Naviy Thanks, cuz google didn't help me with "5-MeO-DMT легальность".
It's very easy to find that DMT is ilegal, but for some reason find 5-MeO is ilegal online is much harder, I didn't find any information about that.

This is because the law says that "DMT and it's derivatives are illegal" and it does not mention 5-MeO-DMT particularly. But I've looked through court trials practice and saw that courts treat 5-MeO the same as DMT, using same laws for both. You can just try to type "метокси-диметилтриптамин" in the search bar here, for example:

As an example - quote from this court verdict -

"...вещество, содержащее 5-MeO-DMT (5-метокси-диметилтриптамин), являющееся производным наркотического средства ДМТ (Диметилтриптамин)..."

Which means that court thinks that 5-MeO is derivative of DMT.

Edited by Naviy

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