
Why some people never change their spiral dynamic stage?

25 posts in this topic

   One thing that might contribute to people not developing up the spiral, is also not knowing that Spiral Dynamics is a thing.

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On 31/01/2021 at 5:45 PM, tolo said:

Many people never change their spiral dynamics stage. I know "red people" living in an "orange country" but staying red till the end of their human life.  Is it connected with the stage of the society in which we are living in? But if so, then why some people even reach a further stage, than the society they live in? 

People who live in a relatively advanced society and are at stage red are usually highly traumatized in their youth. So for them advancing on the spiral coincides with confronting their trauma which is emotionally extremely difficult to do.

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1 hour ago, Danioover9000 said:

  One thing that might contribute to people not developing up the spiral, is also not knowing that Spiral Dynamics is a thing.

No that is called having an illusion of growth xD (you're kinda right though).

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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I'm assuming you mean most Adults don't develop further than the center of gravity for their Culture (or whatever subculture Culture was most prevalent in the circumstances they grew up in)? That's not surprising really, since it's kind of where most people will land at by default, and going beyond that requires actual effort on that Individual's part.

Edited by DocWatts

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On 1/31/2021 at 6:58 PM, Leo Gura said:

Most people have no interest in developing themselves.

It is actually rare for someone to outgrow the stage they were raised in -- as that requires emotional labor and people are lazy.

It's extremely rare for someone to grow by 2 stages or more.

What about early traumatic events and lack of the perception of love? What if you got complex ptsd or something and you understand the spiral intellectually and you personally observed the people and yourself play out all the vMemes? Is it lazy? Or is it overwhelming? What if one has very high standards for their self and are their own worst enemy? Music, sounds, smells, facts, perceptions and  perspectives of those  facts? What if they take you back in time against your will. Intrusive thoughts. Rapid thoughts. Even music and Tibetan bowls coukdnt slow these vicious cycles of thoughts.  What counts and what does not count as hard work? Cuz what is hard work to you maybe not be hard work for me. What is fun for you might be hard work for me. Cuz it’s all relative right? I’m out of my mind and I’m sober. 

Edited by Lindsay

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