The Buddha

Everyone will be enlightened?

22 posts in this topic

Will there be a time where all earth is fully awake? I know we are going full masturbation here but let's try to figure out a society where everyone is simple awake. How society, economy, drugs, buildings, education, art will be? Would there be any steps left or we would all be in ectsasy and joy for all of our human existance? If there is a point when all this happens my question is what next? (probably concept of next wouldn't exist, but I think you understand my pointer)

Very curious to find out your answers in this one

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that's the goal honestly.(help me here a little bit)

Edited by blackchair

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@Leo Gura As my question did not get much atention, I would really love to know your insights. I think it's a very interesting topic to discuss.

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You wouldn't know what enlightened was unless you also knew what not-enlightened isxD

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This would only be possible so far in the future that it’s almost pointless to discuss the implications. We have no idea what the world will look like by then. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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53 minutes ago, Tim R said:

You wouldn't know what enlightened was unless you also knew what not-enlightened isxD

I get your point, but true enlightenment is beyond being enlightened or not, so there is also no pint.

48 minutes ago, BipolarGrowth said:

This would only be possible so far in the future that it’s almost pointless to discuss the implications. We have no idea what the world will look like by then. 

Well we could make a try, just by discarding it we don't go anywhere also.


Just feel that all your answers are very poor, I thought this would really bring up great discussion and new topics about global conciousness and transcending our nature. As the step from monkeys to human beings, so the next step in our developement: the great awekening. Hoping anyone brings great insights because I'm very fascinated about this concept.

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In one way or another. The only question is if it will be on earth or somewhere else. I mean... what happens to humans if earth get's destroyed? Maybe all the humans ( souls) will continue the journy somewhere else if the earth is destroyed.

We as conciousness obviously never really die, so eventually we should be led back to the source aka become enlightend, but some might not be humans. 

Maybe we will all become enlightened but not here on earth... or maybe we will... or maybe something else will happen... who knows


"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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11 minutes ago, SamC said:

In one way or another. The only question is if it will be on earth or somewhere else. I mean... what happens to humans if earth get's destroyed? Maybe all the humans ( souls) will continue the journy somewhere else if the earth is destroyed.

We as conciousness obviously never really die, so eventually we should be led back to the source aka become enlightend, but some might not be humans. 

Maybe we will all become enlightened but not here on earth... or maybe we will... or maybe something else will happen... who knows


Thanks, for sharing, very good points!

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@The Buddha

How does one enlighten others? 

How do you know for sure reality is not already pure wakefulness? 

“Games, changes, and fears. When will they go from here? When will they stop? I believe that faith brought us here, and we should be together. But we’re not. I play it off, but I’m dreaming of you. I keep my cool...but I’m feeling.”   Macy Gray

What if you’re the only, the last holdout?

How would you even know?

If you woke up in love this morning, how would you know? 



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@The Buddha Your question is founded on delusion.

The only one who can awaken is YOU. Since all others are imaginary.

When you awaken the whole Universe awakens.

Yeah... it's that radical.

This idea of others is really tripping you up in this work.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@The Buddha Your question is founded on delusion.

The only one who can awaken is YOU. Since all others are imaginary.

When you awaken the whole Universe awakens.

Yeah... it's that radical.

thank you.

1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

The only one who can awaken is YOU. Since all others are imaginary.

When you awaken the whole Universe awakens.

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9 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@The Buddha

What if you’re the only, the last holdout?

How would you even know?


this is very valid queston. i sometimes metaforically feel like Moses. Does that makes any sense?

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33 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@The Buddha Your question is founded on delusion.

The only one who can awaken is YOU. Since all others are imaginary.

When you awaken the whole Universe awakens.

Yeah... it's that radical.

This idea of others is really tripping you up in this work.

@Leo Gura can you clear this notion of others for me? Because in your Quantum Mechanics video you say that phsyicality can be experienced within consciousness just as the ego, body or self.

In the big picture I can see that ultimately my brother and I are from the same substance but nonetheless is he human just as I'm one right?

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@The Buddha Your question is founded on delusion.

The only one who can awaken is YOU. Since all others are imaginary.

When you awaken the whole Universe awakens.

Yeah... it's that radical.

This idea of others is really tripping you up in this work.

Wow, thanks

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The only one who can awaken is YOU. Since all others are imaginary.

Then why is there Hinayana (motivation to liberate only one self) and Mahayana (motivation to liberate all beings) in Buddhism? @Leo Gura

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2 hours ago, youngshinzen said:

Then why is there Hinayana (motivation to liberate only one self) and Mahayana (motivation to liberate all beings) in Buddhism? @Leo Gura

Because when you wake up others beings you are waking yourself. That is the work of bodhisatvas, the one that discovers The Self but doesn't end the eternal cycle of being born and death till all beings are awake. So the bodhisattva even though he knows the illusion of self and others, has great compasion towards all beings, even though he knows that they do not exist. He is waking himself up (as he is everything), and decided to play this role of waking others up because from all roles in a child game this is the most pure. The same reason as Leo also helps us even though he knows we do not exist;)

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7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@The Buddha Your question is founded on delusion.

The only one who can awaken is YOU. Since all others are imaginary.

When you awaken the whole Universe awakens.

Yeah... it's that radical.

This idea of others is really tripping you up in this work.

@Leo Gura Yet the other unawake minds, although part of your awake mind, are still unawake minds.

Their unawakeness is dependently arising with your awakeness. 

Of course, those unawake minds can still awaken.

Because those unawake minds are you, are You really awake if parts of you are unawake?

The issue here is looking at awakening as an on/off switch from the perspective of Universal Enlightenment.

This is a duality that can be collapsed.

Awakening isn't just about the awakening of the mind but the awakening of all minds.

The duality between the two collapses yet remains at the same time, for its collapse would be the creation of another duality. 


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