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Pornograhy :is it healthy?

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Quick note  :Not discussing masturbation here.. Just the porno. 


Not for the producers because they obviously make tons of money.. And not for the actors/actresses.. They seem to enjoy their job (?)..although I've watched interviews with a lot of retired workers in the industry reporting how it was overall a negative experience but anyways..... ..  more for the consumers.  The majority of the consumers of course are young males.. Young single males.  In the last few years there was a growing number of studies showing the "addictive" effects of porn on the male  brain. It rewires the brain to be responsive to porn rather than real sex.. Lots of forums and support groups and websites (most famous YBOP) were spread on the web last five years filled with thousands of guys reporting how porn has negatively affected their sex lives and the tough addiction they are dealing with. 

My own experience is I used to watch porn back in my teenage years (I guess every teen on the planet watches porn).. But I kinda outgrew it as I grew up. Nowadays I just buy quality porn from intimacy-like sex novels producing sites.  Just watching here and there no big deal. 

What's your experience with watching porn? Are you addicted? Do you feel it's positively influenced your sex life or negatively? Any possibile down sides or benefits? 



P. S. Females are welcome also to give their two cents.  Although I'm more interested in hearing from male consumers. 


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@Someone here Define healthy.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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Nothing evil or wrong with pornography. Sex is a wonderful thing in life and people should be able to enjoy it in the various forms it comes in. Just try to only use it a handful of times a year when you're single and really horny.

The problem comes from the fact it's so readily available, and the majority of people don't have the discipline to stop themselves from using it too much. Where is can easily become an addiction.

Think of porn like chocolate bars or candy. Almost everyone in the world likes some kind of chocolate bar or candy, and no matter where you go in our modern society it's pretty easy to find. Whether you're in a small town in the middle of nowhere, or a city. Every gas station, corner store, grocery store, or even non-food related stores will have them, ready to be eaten.

However you know they're so tasty and rich that if you eat too much of them, or get one every time you go into a gas station or grocery store it might damage your health, and for sure make you sick if you overdue it. They taste so good because there is so much sugar, and it's designed in mind to give you pure pleasure at the cost of everything else. The cost is any nutrition, damage to your teeth, even the risk of diabetes after years of not controlling the addiction.

Porn is just like candy, but the costs of the pleasure are mental, sexual, and physiological. By all means enjoy it, but treat it exactly like what it is (no pun intended)......... a treat.



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30 minutes ago, Roy said:

Nothing evil or wrong with pornography. Sex is a wonderful thing in life and people should be able to enjoy it in the various forms it comes in. Just try to only use it a handful of times a year when you're single and really horny.

The problem comes from the fact it's so readily available, and the majority of people don't have the discipline to stop themselves from using it too much. Where is can easily become an addiction.

Think of porn like chocolate bars or candy. Almost everyone in the world likes some kind of chocolate bar or candy, and no matter where you go in our modern society it's pretty easy to find. Whether you're in a small town in the middle of nowhere, or a city. Every gas station, corner store, grocery store, or even non-food related stores will have them, ready to be eaten.

However you know they're so tasty and rich that if you eat too much of them, or get one every time you go into a gas station or grocery store it might damage your health, and for sure make you sick if you overdue it. They taste so good because there is so much sugar, and it's designed in mind to give you pure pleasure at the cost of everything else. The cost is any nutrition, damage to your teeth, even the risk of diabetes after years of not controlling the addiction.

Porn is just like candy, but the costs of the pleasure are mental, sexual, and physiological. By all means enjoy it, but treat it exactly like what it is (no pun intended)......... a treat.


   What kind of discipline are you talking about?

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14 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

What kind of discipline are you talking about?

The discipline to resist the ego minds demands, and to act authentically in it's place.  


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:P depends how you yourself are relating to it, why you use it and your motivation behind it. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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On 1/30/2021 at 7:23 PM, Gesundheit said:

@Someone here Define healthy.


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4 minutes ago, Someone here said:


Lol define harm.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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Causes any possible damage to the body or mind. 


P. S. you are NOT going to play this game of define X ad infinitum right? 

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On 1/31/2021 at 0:08 AM, Evil Raccoon said:



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@Someone here 

I can't say that something is healthy or not unless you first define certain desired outcomes, because health is defined by them. And even then, due to the fact that I can't possibly know everything that contributes to that desired outcome, I can't give an accurate answer. Ultimately, I don't think anyone can answer this question for you because it probably depends on your lifestyle and how you want your life to be. But generally, it's known that porn is more likely to set you up for failure in bed due to overestimation and disappointment, but that probably depends on what kind of porn you're consuming and how you're consuming it, I mean intensity, quantity, and the way you're perceiving those images. Then again, what are the things that are allowed and considered healthy and proper for you? We can speculate, but we can never know. Should it all be avoided? I don't know, but humans survived without it, so it's not exactly a necessity.

On the other hand, let's think about porn in comparison with regular TV shows. Just because porn shows explicit material that we're reconsidering consuming it more sounds a little bit biased, don't you think? After all, everything around us affects us in one way or another, even radio waves could be affecting us. Then again, many people advice against wasting time on watching TV, and many others are addicted to it. What does TV shows do to us? I don't and can't possibly know. That would require me living before TVs existed and making some comprehensive research into life before TV. And even then, there'd be lots of other technologies that I would not be able to isolate.

You see what I'm getting at here? Health is very complex that looking to maintain it loses its meaning and becomes pointless eventually, because you could always do everything "right" but screw up at some point or just have bad luck.

There are no guidelines for watching porn, but as long as you're overall happy and able to perform well in bed and satisfy yourself and your partner, there shouldn't be any problems. Allow your body & mind to satisfy their curiosities, but also beware of addiction loops. I think that's the most we can say about porn.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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@Gesundheit yes of course there is a distinction between what kind of porn you watch (vanilla stuff vs fucked up shit) and how often do you watch Yada Yada Yada.. The issue I see is it's so easy to become an addiction. Because it's extremely pleasant unlike video games or fast food. Especially for young boys with you know with an explosion of hormones during  puberty age. the thing is.. exposure to porn results in dopamine spikes in the brains of the porn-users.. However.. after being exposed to many graphic images.. the brain becomes de-sensitised and unable to be satisfied by ordinary sexual encounters.  now what is needed is sexually extreme experiences and hardcore pornography to become sexually aroused.  You get how this works? 

What wasn't so popular and known untill recently as I mentioned in OP that watching porn causes physical damage in the brain.. Researchers found less grey matter in the brains of men who watched large amounts of sexually explicit material relative to those who watch it casually or were not exposed to it at all.  So I am actually building a case here that porn is harmful and should be avoided. Watch video below for more information.. 


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2 hours ago, Someone here said:


Because it will rot your brain, fuck up your libido, make you depressed and turn you into a beta cuck.

I'm not friendly.

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On 1/30/2021 at 5:38 PM, Roy said:

Think of porn like chocolate bars or candy.


I'm not friendly.

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I watched it regularly for most of my life, because my friends did and everyone said it is normal.

Recently I began to notice how much it influences my thoughts for days after.

It is said that 'men think about sex every 7 seconds' or some bullshit like that. There's probably some truth to that, but actually they don't think about sex: they think about porn.

I noticed that if I didn't have this porn habit, I wouldn't have intrusive thoughts about sex either. And my dick worked fine when I needed it anyway. And what is the point of having sexual thoughts when no one's around and you're trying to get work done?

So for mental hygiene and to have better focus, I decided it's best to avoid regular porn use.

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I personally think it is damaging to every aspect of life. This is only coming from a spiritual perspective, because it depends what you are living for and what motivates you to do it and the life style you want.

For me, it is caused me so much suffering in my teenage years. The Ego Indulgence, Selfishness, Shallowness, Negativity, Negative relationships with people, Un natural behavior, all the trickery, feminizing effects on me. Though, I heavily miss-used porn throughout my teenage years and masturbated to it 99% of days for like 5 years. I don't even think it's worth it to do it once.

It will seem great, everything your Ego wants. But the price to pay is not worth it, in my opinion, for matters of the heart and soul.

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Here's the real question. Is porn filming for profit prostitution?

Love life and your Health, INFJ Visionary


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