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Western (American) women have totally unrealistic standards

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DISCLAIMER: This video is about AMERICAN women, if you come from a eastern or even European country this may not apply for your countries.

So before saying "self biased" and all the other stuff you always say about these kind of posts. Here we have A FEMALE THAT IS A MATCHMAKER complaining about the crazy standards that American women have. How is it possible for a women to say this? Maybe because it is true? 

I would love to hear your "self biased women are not pickier then men" people try to debunk this video. Maybe you have as much experience as this women have with matchmaking. And this is regarding marriage and love, not about casual hook ups and relationships. I am pretty sure plenty of you here can hook up with hot girls. 

Just watch the first 10 minutes of the video, it is a legendary roast done by no other than a  WOMAN.

Would love to hear your comments and defenses

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Yeah, she actually has some valid points. Ironically, even though men generally have it harder in their early years of dating than women do in their early years of dating, the dating success trends tend to switch with both genders during their later years of life. Also, men actually have more potential than women do in the long-run for dating, sex, and romance. Of course men have to really work consistently hard for at least a few years to become that sexual alpha male. Yet, a man who's dating game or seduction skills are on point will have a much easier time than even a woman who dating game or seduction skills are also on point in terms of keep kind of attractive partner or partners they want. This is because men who are highly successful with women usually don't want to be in monogamous relationships with a woman whereas the vast majority of women, even including those who are highly successful with men, want to be in monogamous relationships. After all, it is generally more in a man's sexual nature than it is a woman's sexual nature to want to be with sex many partners. So if a man is good at seducing women if not great at seducing women like a Don Juan, then he's very likely never going to want to ever commit to just any one woman for the rest of life. There of course have been guys out there who have had a really high body count and then finally settle down with just one woman perhaps for rest of their lives after getting tired of living the player lifestyle.

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Just because what she is saying might be true to a certain degree, doesn’t mean you’re not biased.

You still came on a forum and felt the need to post this video, trying to prove your point of view that women have unrealistic standards.

And why might you do that? Not because it’s true. You posted this video because you’re struggling with dating and you need to justify it.

Even your language like “legendary roast” shows that you’re getting a certain satisfaction out of this. In this case, it’s the feeling that it’s okay that your dating life is not what you want.

Of course, it is okay. There’s no shame if you’re struggling with dating. But be aware this is not an objective analysis you’re making here.

Edited by aurum

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@aurum I am biased for sure, however my critique is irrelevant because i am not saying my thoughts. The person making the remarks is a woman.

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@Hardkill So you base things on the top guys instead on the normal guys. That is like saying India is not poor because i am focusing on the top people that are rich. No man it does not work like that. The normal guy versus the normal girl. That is what you focus on. Not everyone is a top guy or can be.

Tell me what work do girls need to do regarding dating? Except taking care of their looks which guys ALSO DO. What else? The work they have to do is so small compared to work guy has to do. 

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She is talking about what my dating coach refers as the 49er syndrome.

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5 hours ago, MrBON said:

@Hardkill So you base things on the top guys instead on the normal guys. That is like saying India is not poor because i am focusing on the top people that are rich. No man it does not work like that. The normal guy versus the normal girl. That is what you focus on. Not everyone is a top guy or can be.

Tell me what work do girls need to do regarding dating? Except taking care of their looks which guys ALSO DO. What else? The work they have to do is so small compared to work guy has to do. 

Well, most men actually give away too much of their masculine power away to women by desperately wanting to make a girl they started dating for only a few weeks to their girlfriend as soon as possible. Even a normal guy can make a normal or even a hot girl wait for them to be in a serious relationship for at least a year until she has proven herself to be girlfriend material to him.




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Usually I'm very sceptical of redpill type shit, but I have to admit, A lot of white western women do have this problem.

They are fundamentally against the caretaker role in the relationship, and they basically want to fuck whoever they want and not bear any responsibility in life at all. This is known as the "Sex and the city syndrome".  It is actually not a privilege they have (even though it seems that way at first) because after they hit 30 a lot of them become completely lost in life because they have lived selfishly all their life, and their old strategies don't work anymore.

It's not the fault of the women, they are indoctrinated from a young age to be competitive with men. While women of color still have more traditional upbringings.

I'm not saying progressive values are bad, But they can and have been grossly misinterpreted by western white women.



Edited by Mythos

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yeah yo but i think it doesnt matter because there are tons of great girls out there. and as you heal and develop yourself as a man this stuff won't bother you as much and you'll be able to get women with relative ease 

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@Mythos Agreed 100 percent. Feminism is great but these days it is too much.

I think Western society hit the sweet spot in the 80s regarding male and female roles. Before that it was too skewed on the guys direction and now it is getting too skewed on the opposite direction.

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@Hardkill They want sex and love. If they get that without being exlcusive then it is all good.

Men will not wait 1 year for sex.

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On 1/29/2021 at 6:28 PM, MrBON said:

@aurum I am biased for sure, however my critique is irrelevant because i am not saying my thoughts. The person making the remarks is a woman.

You are like a white conservative saying that racism doesn't exist because you found a random video on YouTube of a conservative black guy saying racism doesn't exist.

You need to stop doubling down on your biases with these kind of tactics. It's cringe and we see right through it. You're not fooling anyone here about what you're doing with these kind of posts.

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do they really though? there are a ton of fish in the sea. I can think of many characteristics to describe western women before being too picky. 

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8 hours ago, MrBON said:

@Hardkill They want sex and love. If they get that without being exlcusive then it is all good.

Men will not wait 1 year for sex.

Most girls actually first want to feel safe and protected. They are then in a space where they are allowed to play and express the full spectrum of their being. Without this safe space they instead contract in fear.

Of course there are girls who is still learning to filter for guys properly and does not know what a man wants. These are the women bitching about not finding a man that's good enough.
On the other side of the coin is guys like you that are bitching and blaming women because you don't know how to create an accepting, safe space for yourself. You are living from fear and this is the easiest thing for any girl to sniff out.

There is no difference between you and the girls you are bitching about.

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Nowadays it is better to be ruthless and being a nice guy. Exactly because of such girls. Don't fall for their "men are trash". It is really them. I don't see them picking a nice guy who isn't a prick and doesn't spike her emotions because that is "boring". As a nice guy you really have to pound some before you can dial back the assholeness.

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@Leo Gura I love how you focus on me instead of the woman that said what she said. It is like being focused on the messenger instead of the person that wrote it. I did not make that video. So you are saying that a woman who's job is to match other women with men, that woman is being biased against other women? So that is more possible than her just honestly saying the stuff that she has to deal with in her everyday job? 

I do not think pick up will help you get women to marry you Leo so i do not think you can use the "hit on 5000 girls" and some  will sleep with you kind of thing. That works great for getting laid but settling is another matter. She was talking about settling here, not about incels that cannot get laid.

Getting laid and getting a women to want to marry you are totally different things. You can be a master at the first and get nothing on the second.

Lastly i have nothing against women in general. It is just western and especially American women that are so ridicious regarding what they want. Go on Eastern Europe, Asia or even Western Europe on some parts and none of this stuff is an issue.  I have been told by many people that American women are very entitled and they preferred dating European women because they were more down to earth about what they wanted. So i am not ranting on females in general here, also this is not about getting laid and i have no plan to get married or settle anytime soon so you cannot say "you cannot get laid and looking for excuses to justify it". If you talk with a lot of girls you will get laid and even land a girlfriend for sure. 



Edited by MrBON

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@Dancer This does not affect me to all dude. I do not live in American and i do not want to get married anytime soon. That video was about women that want to settle down/ get married. Not for me. I just found it interesting and annoying that such stuff even exists.

What i sent is the equivalent of men that would not want to marry or have sex with (if you think guy agenda is just sex) if their girls didn't have big tits, cute face, nice ass, was very feminine, girly, good in bed, gave them oral whenever they wanted, had healthy self esteem, emotional self control. Meanwhile the guy is average at best.

This is the male equivalent of the material discussed in the video. Imagine how ridiculous it would look if someone said that stuff. Now imagine hundreds of people doing that. 

Incels are very entitled for sure but they are usually entitled about getting sex not about having the perfect dream girl for the rest of their lives. Give incels some average sex and they will stop complaining.

Edited by MrBON

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35 minutes ago, MrBON said:

@Leo Gura I love how you focus on me instead of the woman that said what she said. It is like being focused on the messenger instead of the person that wrote it. I did not make that video. So you are saying that a woman who's job is to match other women with men, that woman is being biased against other women? So that is more possible than her just honestly saying the stuff that she has to deal with in her everyday job? 

I do not think pick up will help you get women to marry you Leo so i do not think you can use the "hit on 5000 girls" and some  will sleep with you kind of thing. That works great for getting laid but settling is another matter. She was talking about settling here, not about incels that cannot get laid.

Getting laid and getting a women to want to marry you are totally different things. You can be a master at the first and get nothing on the second.

Lastly i have nothing against women in general. It is just western and especially American women that are so ridicious regarding what they want. Go on Eastern Europe, Asia or even Western Europe on some parts and none of this stuff is an issue. So i am not ranting on females in general here, also this is not about getting laid and i have no plan to get married or settle anytime soon so you cannot say "you cannot get laid and looking for excuses to justify it". If you talk with a lot of girls you will get laid and even land a girlfriend for sure. 

He was referring to you essentially saying, "See! A woman confirms what I say!" 

It's a lazy argumentative stance where "Person A" attempts to make an argument that criticizes "x" group... and to do so, they find a video or post from someone in "x" group who holds a perspective that criticizes something about "x" group. And then says, "SEE! Look, I must be right. A person in "x" group is saying it!"

It also involves a bit of a logical fallacy that assumes that, just because a person belongs to "x" group, that their opinion must have more weight to it regarding "x" group... even if their viewpoint is marginal within "x" group. 

It's kind of like how Phyllis Shlafley was a huge opponent of women's rights, despite being a woman. And tons of men would rally behind her because, "SEE! Look, we must be right to deny women's rights. A woman agrees with us!"

So, he is right that it is a very cringey and transparent rhetorical strategy. 

Edited by Emerald

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