Dany Balan

Fight Corruption

2 posts in this topic

@Leo Gura I live in a very corrupt country.An activist from my specific county that has fought for the last year to try to stop illegal masive deforestation,that went on to follow trucks full with timber every day just to make sure the police come and arrest them thieves,has been severely injured by the "Wood Mafia". He now risks to have both leg paralysis. It turned out that the police were hand in hand with the forest thieves,the police just appeared at his calls just as a facade,in reallity the thieves give commision to the cops to let them rob the forests of the carpathian mountans without any legal consequences.

I wrote the above to highlight that acts of stage green activism in an highliy corrupt counties lead to the death or severe injuries of the activists.

So,what can do an idividual in order to impact even with 0.1% the reduction of corruption?

What the collective society/collective ego,needs to do in order to reduce corruption?

How long does it take for a country as a whole,to diminish substantially the corruption?

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You need stage Green and Stage Red. 

You need someone who will cut off the heads of some chickens.

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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