Aaron p

Awakening and Asperger's Syndrome

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"Perception is neither right nor wrong, it merely is..."


Video: "Autistic Awakening" | Caitlin Smith | TEDx


So lately I've been observing the interesting links between Asperger's Syndrome and Awakening. 

In the video above Caitlin Smith talks about how " Aspe's " (people who experience forms of high functioning autism) tend to "incessantly anthropologically study their environment, trying to make sense of confusing stimuli" and they tend to be very aware of their environment and experience qualia (consciousness) differently to how someone else may be experiencing it.

Caitlin mentions how this invisible phenomenon causes the individual to be very "direct, honest, inquisitive and non-judgemental..."

Isaac Newton, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates. Those guys had Asperger's allegedly.

So while Asperger's Syndrome seems to forfeit academic intelligence (in certain instances), it seems to also cause staggeringg  intellectual growth within the mind itself.


In other words it creates geniuses.


Direct, honest, inquisitive and unbiased studying of direct experience. Increased intellectual capacity. These sound greatly like the features expected of one who is awakening...wouldn't you think? ?

You think there's a connection?


(It's alleged that more people have autism than previously thought, and that high functioning autism (asperger's) is more subtle and harder to spot than more severe levels of autism.)

Edited by Aaron p

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Seems like common sense.  

When you train us to be like you, know that it is only for you”. 

Especially that. 



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   There's a connection there for sure, but keep in mind that this does not save you from putting in some effort to mastering spiritual techniques. Also, just because an individual has Asperger's syndrome, does not make them immune to selfishness and egotism, they still need to eat, drink, breath, survive in society somehow. It's mainly the difference being that they experience reality differently, and I realize that such a statement can't begin to showcase how totally differently they experience reality, but it's mostly that. Their body and mind are such that they do also can experience different versions of awakening as well, but that's about it.

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49 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

   There's a connection there for sure, but keep in mind that this does not save you from putting in some effort to mastering spiritual techniques. Also, just because an individual has Asperger's syndrome, does not make them immune to selfishness and egotism, they still need to eat, drink, breath, survive in society somehow. It's mainly the difference being that they experience reality differently, and I realize that such a statement can't begin to showcase how totally differently they experience reality, but it's mostly that. Their body and mind are such that they do also can experience different versions of awakening as well, but that's about it.

There's something about the mind being simple that connects the two

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On 29/01/2021 at 9:12 PM, Nahm said:

Seems like common sense.  

When you train us to be like you, know that it is only for you”. 

Especially that. 

Interesting man

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Fuck it...I'm Gona start taking 5meo again from Saturday like

Edited by Aaron p

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@Aaron p Holy shit! She's amazing.

"Excellence in science and art requires a dash of autism." Ever since I was in middle school, I've seriously questioned whether I have a small hint of autism for being so observant and 'hooked up' to my surroundings. In middle and high school I loved interacting with autistic kids - they are unique individuals with a unique way of being. There's potential in the autistic community; when our society becomes loving enough to embrace these peoples, all of that potential will be unroofed. Thank you for sharing. :x

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@WonderSeeker i actually predict that there is Gona be a massive influx of love, unity and acceptance in our lifetime. Our generation is different to the last...it's nearly getting to the point where mental health is normal to talk about. At least where I am. There was so much violence in Belfast and now so much peace. It's like an ego death for my entire country.

With so many people feeling lonely on social media etc... people are Gona have to band together and love eachother again. 

Edited by Aaron p

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@Aaron p Love for oppressed groups will certainly increase. But most people will still hate the 'evil' ones for failing to see why they are the way they are (lack of understanding systems). 

But you've got a point. I live in Burlington, VT (actually a couple blocks away from Church St, which Caitlin mentioned in the video) and about half of the people in this town are already pluralists/individualists and much more sensitive to different groups of people. There aren't many places like this yet. Only have to wait another few decades to see more of it!

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