
Who would YOU surround yourself with?

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They say that you're the average of the five people you surround yourself with.

If you could choose any five beings, past or present, who would be your core? They can be anybody that inspires you. Be creative and choose mostly names that others haven't heard about before; it's easy to say Leo or Ken Wilber. Enjoy!

My core:
1) Daniel Ingram (arahant/Buddhist teacher, MD, author)
2) Byron Katie (epitome of unconditional love, creator of The Work)
3) Jad T Jones (men's dating coach, keen sense of purpose and integrity, authentic)
4) Susanne Cook-Greuter (linguist, developmental psychologist, scholar)
5) Andre Doshim Halaw (Zen priest, school teacher, author)

NOTE: I just realized how hard it is to put people who aren't already in the spotlight somewhat. Maybe after another 10 years of research I can jot down more rare individuals! :P

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1) my mentors/teachers (two of them)

2) father and mother

3) best friend who shares same name as me :)







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Anyone who can prolong my survival. But mostly, I'm independent, so I don't surround myself with a lot of people.

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I assume it would be boring if I would predefine the people surrounding me. I could only decide on the basis of known. 

I prefer the suspense. Presumed there is an internet where I can also decide who is around me :) A combination is good

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A civilized but brutal fighter.

A comic.

An activist.

Someone wiser, atleast someone to look up to for primarily her/his wisdom.

An unintentional rebel in their genuine artistry, some poet so potent as to be blind to their own brilliancy.

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12 hours ago, Abdelghafar said:

But mostly, I'm independent, so I don't surround myself with a lot of people.

@Abdelghafar Is that your personality or just what works for you? Do others hold you back?

@Reciprocality Well that's a diverse group of characters!

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6 minutes ago, WonderSeeker said:

@Abdelghafar Is that your personality or just what works for you? Do others hold you back?

Yes, it is my personality. No, I don't think others hold me back, I can be sociable and symbiotic but I don't need to be surrounded with a lot of people.

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