
The More Consciousness Work I do, The Less Interested I Am in Survival

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I've noticed that the more I journal, contemplate, meditate, etc - The more my motivation for survival needs - such as financial security - declines.


I used to work 4x more efficiently, but all this money-making just feels out of alignment with my true self. But I still need a solid foundation so that I can have the autonomy to not worry about survival needs, and put even more time into spirituality. So in this way, survival and spirituality are one.


My main problem is with how my motivation with survival needs plummets the deeper I go into consciousness work. 

I've tried having this particular mentality; "Just push through, and you'll have all the time in the world to do what you want" 

But I feel like that thought pattern stops me from being present. 


Any advice? Should I temporarily stop doing consciousness work? Or reduce it to solely meditation? 

Edited by Vision

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Action is a vibrational thing. When you understand the truth, you understand that you never move ever. You never do anything. Your only job is to be in the flow, and the flow moves you in the way you want. That's wu wei. 

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1 hour ago, Vision said:

But I feel like that thought pattern stops me from being present. 

@Vibroverse You really can't 'stop being present'.  Whatever you are experiencing (thought patterns, no thought patterns, pure awareness, dreams) is your 'present experience'.  

1 hour ago, Vibroverse said:

you understand that you never move ever

It is always now. 

What Vibroverse is telling you is..  awareness of 'now' is all there is, and awareness doesn't 'do anything' beyond 'being aware'.  The 'you' who you feel like you are is something that is occurring now, and not something that 'does things'. 

Do not fear death.


“Death is nothing to us. When we exist, death is not; and when death exists, we are not. All sensation and consciousness ends with death and therefore in death there is neither pleasure nor pain. The fear of death arises from the belief that in death, there is awareness.”

― Epicurus

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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4 hours ago, Vision said:

I've noticed that the more I journal, contemplate, meditate, etc - The more my motivation for survival needs - such as financial security - declines.

It’s just a lame paradigm. Breathe in this prana, slap yourself, splash some cold water on your face, recognize you’re pretending you’re serious and be sincere, and shake it off. Change perspectives like you’d change liquid pairs of transparent shoes. Always coming or going, never fixed, never expected to be fixed, right, etc.  

Need is a belief, ‘disconnective’ of truth, of source. Imagine standing in front of an audience...”ok everyone, what I need you to do”. Most people would already feel the discord. Motivation is the avoidance of unwanted. Motivation for survival needs is the avoidance of death, which is literally love, which you’re trying to align with. Love is not lame sir. This paradigm is lame. 

Wanting is connective. Wanting is infused with feeling. Inspired. Inspiration. Feeling is not a paradigm. Feeling is not a paradigm about yourself. 

You’re not in a future. You’re presence. Intelligence and feeling are not in a future, ‘they’ are obnoxiously abundant right now. Stop expecting ‘them’ to be in a future! Life is like “you’ll enjoy this moment or else!”, cause ‘it’ LOVES you that much. Ain’t nothing you can do about that. Can’t escape this love. Come up with all the conditions you can, love is like “whatever, ‘thoughts’ “. 

Don’t ‘double up’ on discord using me calling your paradigm lame. It is lame.  If you notice you are, that is ‘beating up’ on yourself. It’s mechanical, robotic, asleep, reaction, and it will not do. It isn’t true, it isn’t you. It is so far off from how amazing you truly are, and what you’re capable of, and it is not indicative of the simple unavoidable fact that you actually love everything.  Jump off the thought cliff.  Free fall into now, not a story about you. Mother loving you bro! You! Look around, the “answer’s” in the room, and in your heart, not your head. That’s just a preference tool, nothing more. 


I used to work 4x more efficiently, but all this money-making just feels out of alignment with my true self. But I still need a solid foundation so that I can have the autonomy to not worry about survival needs, and put even more time into spirituality. So in this way, survival and spirituality are one.

Comparing yourself to the you in the past - or is that just a thought? Now? The very habit you’re letting go of...?


My main problem is with how my motivation with survival needs plummets the deeper I go into consciousness work. 

My neighbor isn’t focused on a problem and has no clue what you’re talking about. 


I've tried having this particular mentality; "Just push through, and you'll have all the time in the world to do what you want" 

But I feel like that thought pattern stops me from being present. 

Yes. It’s like saying “this, this is shit. In the future though, this might be better”. That’s thought attachment. That’s believing you’re an object in time. There’s no future. That which is appearing as this will also be that which is appearing as that. 

‘Your’ thoughts are perfectly accurate in their depiction of this “past” you speak of. 

‘Your’ thoughts are also perfectly accurate of a “future” you speak of. 

What say you?

And it shall be. 


Any advice? Should I temporarily stop doing consciousness work? Or reduce it to solely meditation? 

You came here to bring the love & inspiration, to kick ass and have a good time. Not to find something to point a finger at. Not to “get to the bottom of the problem”, not to solve lack. Rather, to enjoy the miracle of focus, and not to take it, life, or experience (NOW) for granted. 

Throw your whole consciousness work paradigm in the garbage. 

Every morning when you wake up - notice you did. That’s an unexplainable miracle. 

Don’t go to the screen, don’t go to thinking about your “situation”. Don’t go to your thinking about what other people think. 

Put headphones on. Sit still for ten minutes. Inspire and awaken yourself. I triple dog dare you to not allow your body to move to the music. If you can do that you’re a ‘better’ man than me. But not as Happy. 

It’s ok to be crazy you know. You don’t have to live in anyone else’s world. 

Tomorrow, wake up, take a piss...and then listen to this. Let the content go. It’s not about the content. FEEL the frequency. You’re entire life will change. 



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So is thinking about my future vision while working on survival to actualise it connected to wanting? Because it’s necessary to actualise what I want? 

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I’m posting not to give advice or try to help you but merely to say that I’m having the same problem. The more I do this work, the more I don’t see a point in human life. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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in my humble opinion, its opposite, the more work you do the more you want to live.

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2 hours ago, Vision said:


So is thinking about my future vision while working on survival to actualise it connected to wanting?

Yes, so connected in fact there’s no such thing as separation. 

2 hours ago, Vision said:

Because it’s necessary to actualise what I want? 

Nothing’s necessary. 



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