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In the search of 'something, 'nothing' and what lies beyond.

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So I am trying to dissect what something is, what nothing is and what occurs when I really start to question the true nature of these terms…


  • Any 'thing' is a just a survival based, mental concept (eg, an apple, waltzing in the dark, the color red)
    • It does not exist outside of myself and my desires
    • … and is hence created rather then discovered
  • Any 'no-thing' is the inversion of that thing (eg, not having an apple, not dancing in the dark, a transparent glass).
    • The explicit creation of a 'thing' implicitly generates the concept of a 'not this thing'
    • Ie, an opposite… not true zeroed out nothingness.
  • The removal of these arbitrary divisions in 'things' leaves me with 'everything'.
    • However this 'everything' is also a mental concept, along with its inverted pair 'nothing'.
  • Removal of this concept leaves me with a nameless 'this'.
    • Everything and nothing as one, but not really one because this would again imply the something/nothing pair.



  • I am obviously trying to think my way out of this puzzle but is this even possible? … because every thought is itself another thought division and brings me right back to the start and back to the delusion of 'things' and 'no-things'?
  • Does a true realization of 'this' only ever occur spontaneously?
  • Are there any recommendations of exercises/actions I can do to embody this direction rather than having it just sit as a mental understanding alone?


Many thanks in advance. G.

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@Gneumatics Wonderful! ?

You are already experincing 'this' through your senses so maybe start get in touch with those more and see how your thoughts are creating the delusions.


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2 hours ago, Gneumatics said:


  • Any 'thing' is a just a survival based, mental concept (eg, an apple, waltzing in the dark, the color red)
    • It does not exist outside of myself and my desires
    • … and is hence created rather then discovered

Nope. False!

An apple, the color red -- when experienced -- are Absolute Truth. Experience is the Absolute. Ego has co-opted Absolute Truth and relabeled it "my personal subjective biological experience". But this is not true, it's just imagination.



  • I am obviously trying to think my way out of this puzzle but is this even possible? … because every thought is itself another thought division and brings me right back to the start and back to the delusion of 'things' and 'no-things'?

You need to change your state of consciousness -- which has nothing to do with thoughts. Thoughts can arise or not arise, doesn't matter.

  • Does a true realization of 'this' only ever occur spontaneously?

Nope, you can take a psychedelic and create a higher state of consciousness. Or meditate your way to it.

  • Are there any recommendations of exercises/actions I can do to embody this direction rather than having it just sit as a mental understanding alone?

Psychedelics are most effective.

Or meditation/concentration/yoga.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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