Thought Art

I am a piss poor creator ( I will not die this way)

24 posts in this topic

@StarStruck It's good advice, thank you my friend. I used better help and my ego was so inflated with the first person I had, but the second therapist I felt more attune to and let some guard down. I will have more in the future, and I find going to tantric festivals there are a lot of psychologists you can meet there who would understand more.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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1 hour ago, Thought Art said:

I think when I said that I was meaning, clearly the universe can be brutal and not everyone gets everything they want. But, I am still learning. I don't want to expect to be given things. I know I have to work for it.

I think our wants have to be radically authentic, coming out from the depth of the heart. And then you work really hard for what you desire, knowing that you may never get want you want - hoping, believing but... accepting the unknown, hence detached from the outcome.

I really like this film ''Rebel in the Rye''. It's based on the hugely successful writer's biography.

There is a great scene when the student writer comes to the lecturer (both main characters) because he has been rejected and he doubts himself so he wants the advice. And the lecturer says: you may spend the rest of your life being rejected and never publishing. And now you have to ask yourself a question: are you willing to devote your life to telling the stories knowing that you may get nothing in return?

Maybe you can ask yourself that too?

What is it about that you want to make music? and are you willing to devote your life to creating music knowing that you may get nothing in return?

If the answer is no... well, food for thought.




softly into the Abyss...

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@Intraplanetary might as well kill myself. Seems like a long repetitive nightmare then. Good one God, really... so protected.. 

See, you aren't protected in the duality. Maybe the God head is, but not us.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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