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Trip On Salvia Divinorom

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So being that most if not all psychedelics are illegal, I thought I would experiment with Salvia.  I tried Purple Sticky Salvia 60x extract.  This did give me an experience of no self via an out of body experience.  The first puff was light and I had no breakthrough but on the second I torched the hell out of the pipe and away I went.  I felt a tremendous pull on my body down and to my left.  Also, it felt as if my spirit had to "fold" its way out of the corporeal.  The experience was one of bright awake awareness.  I also heard a woman's voice encouraging me to make it out all the way.  Make sure you have a sitter for this experience, as you do not control motor function.  Something to consider if one cannot afford a trip to mexico to smoke cost prohibitive 5 meo DMT.

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