
straight white man hate

77 posts in this topic

2 hours ago, Preety_India said:

I wasn't expecting any less bias either. 


Even tho I've just started posting, I've seen your posts. You're delusional. Anything that doesn't fit your exact world view is delusional to you. You're jumping on every single thread to shit on every one who expresses the trouble that men, or white people face. I find your way of argumentating disgusting, lazy and profoundly stupid. You don't know what some white men have been trough. Completely denying the awfull terrible reality of white people in south Africa? I have relatives over there who have suffers in ways you can't imagine. I think you've actually suffered nothing (from seing your posts) but you have a victim complex. I just thought you should know. Therefore, you can comment on all my future posts if you want but I won't be acknowledging you or your comments, and I say that from the bottom of my heart, you racist, sexist maggot.

Edited by Fredodoow

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7 hours ago, Fredodoow said:

Even tho I've just started posting, I've seen your posts. You're delusional. Anything that doesn't fit your exact world view is delusional to you. You're jumping on every single thread to shit on every one who expresses the trouble that men, or white people face. I find your way of argumentating disgusting, lazy and profoundly stupid. You don't know what some white men have been trough. Completely denying the awfull terrible reality of white people in south Africa? I have relatives over there who have suffers in ways you can't imagine. I think you've actually suffered nothing (from seing your posts) but you have a victim complex. I just thought you should know. Therefore, you can comment on all my future posts if you want but I won't be acknowledging you or your comments, and I say that from the bottom of my heart, you racist, sexist maggot.

Name calling is not allowed, no matter how frustrated you are.. Against forum guidelines. Learn to keep it civil. 

Watch your language. 

@Leo Gura offensive name calling by user. 


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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@cetus I've maintained the discussion civil and not used any name calling. 

I've the right to react if someone is being extremely offensive to me since it shouldn't be tolerated. 

I'm surprised that such a comment is not given warning points. 


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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@Leo Gura can you look into this?

I don't think this comment should be tolerated. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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1 hour ago, Preety_India said:

@Leo Gura can you look into this?

I don't think this comment should be tolerated. 

This forum has a report button. You can also report discreetly by private messaging a moderator.

Please use these methods instead of being a part of degrading a topic. Nobody wants to read 5 messages of two people bickering at each other like elementary children.

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Just now, Hansu said:

This forum has a report button. You can also report discreetly by private messaging a moderator.

Please use these methods instead of being a part of degrading a topic. Nobody wants to read 5 messages of two people bickering at each other like elementary children.

I used all those options. Then I came back here to comment. 

This is probably my 7th attempt because I have complained about such things many times before and all went ignored in the past. Then I silently tolerated many more times. 

So this time, after being totally fed up, I finally decided its better to speak on here. Because reporting doesn't work. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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16 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

I used all those options. Then I came back here to comment. 

This is probably my 7th attempt because I have complained about such things many times before and all went ignored in the past. Then I silently tolerated many more times. 

So this time, after being totally fed up, I finally decided its better to speak on here. Because reporting doesn't work. 

My experience with two reports through PM's was that both of my reports were handled within 24 hours and disciplinary action was taken on the reported users.

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@Hansu everyone's experience is different. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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@Preety_India Try to stay calm next time someone insults you. 

Because now after you insulted each other its silly just to punish one person.

So maybe it's a good thing no severe action was taken by the moderators. 

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@Opo name calling is not ok. I'm done with it. What I said was a reaction to what was said to me which is reasonable for anyone who gets angry for being called the m word. So please don't defend such behavior on the forum.

Fine it was between me and him and  the moderators. No need to drag it further and create a dumpster fire out of it. 

Don't mention or quote me further on this topic, I don't want this drama. Be done with it.

Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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16 hours ago, Fredodoow said:

@Husseinisdoingfine Could you extand on that? I mean, I actually honestly think you might be right, I'm just honestly curious what in my post gives of this impression.

You're talking about internet problems, not real life problems. If you want to see white privilege in action, go outside and observe the real world.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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11 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

You're talking about internet problems, not real life problems. If you want to see white privilege in action, go outside and observe the real world.

You're right, I simply haven't been going outside enough, recently, and spending too much time on the internet. However, if we're strictly talking the about internet world, don't you problematic that you can post "fuck white people" and get a pass but "black people" = banned, cancel etc... And before you say "because those people were degraded (or those people's grand grand parents) in the past)" well ask yourself, how in the world does that justifie it?

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@Godhead It's true that there is little of it affecting me in real life, in a concret way... But when I see on twitter "death to white men" with upvotes, and no restriction, and then a comedian makes a silly joke about the jews and he's banned, cancelled, hated etc... I just think to myself, fuuuuck are we heading towards a white men holocaust? (Of course I'm being ultra hyperbolic here, I don't want to sound like I'm diminishing the holocaust) it's just that there something in this logic that reminds that to me.

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58 minutes ago, Fredodoow said:

don't you problematic that you can post "fuck white people" and get a pass but "black people" = banned, cancel etc... And before you say "because those people were degraded (or those people's grand grand parents) in the past)" well ask yourself, how in the world does that justifie it?

What would you do if you were angry at someone? "Fuck them". What if you also had a good reason to be angry? In that sense, you can sympathize with "fuck them" as it's an understandable reaction, but in another sense, of course it would be better if it was avoided. The latter is of course utopian. 

I think the burden is on you to explain why historical events should not be a part of the equation in this specific instance. There is no reason to pretend there is always a level playing field. You have to be able to draw fine distinctions even in the pursuit of equality.

It's easy to get lost in abstract ideas here, but is this necessarily how you would act yourself? Would you treat the child who got angry because his ball was stolen the same way as a child who got angry because he simply hates someone for no reason?

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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18 hours ago, Fredodoow said:

Hey, everyone, so basically I'm strongly triggered by what I consider hate speech against men, white people or straights. Now what triggers me per se is not the attack, primerely, but the reaction to it from the the mainstream media and the establishment. Or to be more accurate, the lack of reaction. What gets to me even more is the classic "you're such a baby, stop feeling victimized, your victimisation is nothing compared to the one that - insert oppressed group - endures. This is a damn if you do, damn if you don't scenario. Defend yourself, your race, your gender and you're at best a cry baby (they love to use this to try and make you feel small, wich shows intent to hurt) and at worst, a "racist, nazis, alt right, mysoginist, whatever". Then your only option, if you dont want to fall into disgrace, being categorized, labelled and cancelled, you can only shake your head yes and accept every thing, every feminist idea, every anti-racist idea. Questioning it, or simply saying fuck you, wich is your right, will only get you the treatment I explained earlier. 

Now, I would like to submit an argument. If a white, straight, male feels attacked in a racist, sexist or heterophobic way, the response he get to that hurt is this 

"you shouldn't feel hurt, you don't deserve to feel hurt and to express hurt or anger, because those other groups have been traditionnally opressed in history.

My argument is this : isn''t that like saying "oh, you got punched in the face? Well we're denying you justice, compensation, acknowledgment, because those guys over there got punched a lot more time, or the guy who punched you got punched a lot more time in the past.

How does that change anything?? I would love to hear your thoughts on that.

I'm tired. If mysoginy, racism, homophobia are crimes (in the form of hate speech or such) Then Racism against whites (wich I endured in school), misandrism and heterophobia should to. I'll respect twitter the day I see a "fuck white men" tweet deleted and censored by twitter. Otherwise, we're living in a lie, a double standards, and generation of straight white men is going to be really pissed. That's ok tho, we'll just call them racists.

Maby this is a rant, and maby it will get deleted but, i don't know, i just really felt the need to get that of my chest for anyone who's listening. Feel free to disagree, just please don't just dismiss me by puting a label on me "oh yeah it's that jp fanboy who doesn't get laid" because you don't know me, i don't like jp, i get laid, and I love Rihanna.

My take on this: being a straight white man has nothing to do with what you are feeling.

That's just your mind playing games on you, trying to explain what's really coming from your heart. It does not matter if you are male, female, straight, black, white, green, blue, short, tall, anglo.... the list goes on and on and on....

That's just your mind, trying to explain what your heart is feeling. And it simply does not have the capacity to do so, Only your heart knows why it feels like a victim. We just had four years of a billionaire, white, male president of the most powerful country in the world whining on and on about "poor me" and look at how everyone is treating me. Classic example. Go read the book his niece wrote, and you'll discover the heart of the matter. All his tweets were just his mind trying to explain what it cannot. Or even better still... listen to your own heart, and find out why you feel like such a "poor me" victim. Trust me, it will be worth it.


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@wwhy A fairly interesting possibility, guess I'll have to amp up the meditation...

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17 minutes ago, Fredodoow said:

@wwhy A fairly interesting possibility, guess I'll have to amp up the meditation...

All the best with that, keep at it. Don't get too sucked in with all the stories and bs of this world.

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@Fredodoow You see this stuff from Twitter because people filter this stuff out for you so they can play into your fear. They get your attention that way. It's really not a big deal in real life. 

You have to understand that the people that say "death to white men" (which is probably max 0.00001% of women) have probably been hurt by white men.

Most girls can't even count the times they have been harassed by men.

Most POC can't even count the times they have experienced racism.

When was the last time you've been harassed by a jew? 

4 hours ago, Fredodoow said:

But when I see on twitter "death to white men" with upvotes, and no restriction, and then a comedian makes a silly joke about the jews and he's banned, cancelled, hated

You have to understand power dynamics. 

If you are the president and make jokes about poor people that's super disrespectful.

If you are a poor person and make fun of the president it still might not be nice but it's a different matter.


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