
No Internal Monologue

150 posts in this topic

@Nahm So death is like sleep just that it will never ever display anything again?

Like the materialistic notion of lights out forever

Am I interpreting it right? :)

Never again an experience? :)

Non existence forever, " you" have 1 shot of this " life" then bye forever.

Thats what infinity means?

Edited by Adamq8

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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13 hours ago, Nahm said:

Another is that you are dreaming nahm & science, but that implies “it” is actually you, so this would not actually be an interpretation, but just simply, being. If you own the dismissal, unconscious, sleeping, coma, neurons, brain activity, responsibility, you can inspect it. You find it continues to appear, and that “it” is you....


I have no idea what you are talking about. Honestly.. Not just tryanna smart ass it with ya. 

Ok good.. So now you are denying that you have a nervous system just because you can't see it?  Why don't you go ahead and deny your digestive system.. And stop feeding that stomach that you can't see (internally)?. Man sorry I don't resonate with this. I don't know why you must deny the brain's more than obvious correlation with your consciousness activity to justify whatever nondual insights you have.. Why can't both be right?  Stage turquoise btw is all about holistic big picture thinking and integrating science with spirituality with religion etc together.. Not to exclude clearly existing parts of reality. Which doesn't make any sense whatsoever. 

And of course.. Everything I'm saying here are "thoughts" .. Duh? That doesn't mean it's flawed. It might be flawed.. But not Because it's thoughts. That's like saying the grocery store in my town does not exist when I'm holding it mentally as an idea. No one actually lives like that or takes such approach seriously. 

Take a brief look at neuroscience..  Scientists were able to Record  the electrical activity of neurons directly from the surface of the brain.. the scientists found that for a simple task.. such as repeating a word presented visually or aurally.. the visual and auditory cortexes reacted first to perceive the word. The prefrontal cortex then kicked in to interpret the meaning.. followed by activation of the motor cortex in preparation for a response. During the half-second between stimulus and response... the prefrontal cortex remained active to organize all the other brain areas.   It's fascinating how this system works. And how can we actually enrich our spiritual understanding when it's integrated with the science of it. 

Edited by Someone here

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3 hours ago, Adamq8 said:

@Nahm So death is like sleep just that it will never ever display anything again?

Like the materialistic notion of lights out forever

Am I interpreting it right? :)

Never again an experience? :)

Non existence forever, " you" have 1 shot of this " life" then bye forever.

Thats what infinity means?

Before your body was born, you were nothing, you were dead. So to understand what happens after death, look around. Dreaming realities is the nature of consciousness. 

Edited by Vibroverse

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7 hours ago, PureRogueQ said:

I was thinking today about shift I experienced, like seriously it is amazing, you will never have a clue till you get to be like that yourself, it is not like states you acquire trough awareness practices , or some self inquiry where you get detached from your ego, but ego still functions.

Ego is literally gone, as if costume that you had all this time gets removed and you seriously have no clue how much you really had under it until it is gone, what is left is not some non thinking being, or some ecstasy that makes you jump out of joy of all the wonderful emotions that you have, emotions are good alright, but you are not controlled, reactive to them.


So I was thinking, if this has something to do with brain,  does it mean that some part of the brain is responsible for all of this information and if this shift happens because it is  possible to shut it down, there might be possibility that in future it will be easy to do it with some device.


Another idea I had is that maybe it does not  get shut down, but maybe it is shift of thinking processor, reason being that it resembles process  of when you are disoriented and you find that one landmark that spins your view point to your inner compass.

When a single neuron fires.. it is an isolated chemical blip. When many fire together. they form a thought. How the brain bridges the gap between these two tiers of neural activity remains a great mystery.. but a new kind of technology is edging us closer to solving it. 


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I did not understand this thread at all. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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3 hours ago, Adamq8 said:

@Nahm So death is like sleep just that it will never ever display anything again?


You are closest to who you are when you are in deep sleep. Ramana Maharshi 

why do you think is called “awakening “? ?

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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One thing I do find fascinating is watching the eyes of the woman in the video:

And comparing this to what NLP says: https://dailynlp.com/eye-accessing-cues/

These eye accessing cues are totally subconscious. If you watch her eyes, and match it to the words she uses, you'll see they gel well together.

So the observation is this: whenever she talks about internal monologue and "describing" her eyes go right to the place indicating internal monologue. I'm not saying she's lying, just that she uses something subconsciously that takes the place of internal monologue.

Edited by LastThursday

57% paranoid

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@LastThursday exactly, the true "no internal monologue" master is Osho ?

It's clearly seen in the eyes.

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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@Someone here question for you bro, do you feel that awareness/conciousness is a byproduct of the brain? :) and If so, the brain simulates GOD realization and so forth, some materialist believes that psychedelic and spiritual experiences is simulated by the brain

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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40 minutes ago, LastThursday said:

One thing I do find fascinating is watching the eyes of the woman in the video:


What she is describing is still internal dialogue and thoughts.

Whether she thinks they are hers or not is totally irrelevant.

She is lost in monkey mind.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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12 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

What she is describing is still internal dialogue and thoughts.

Whether she thinks they are hers or not is totally irrelevant.

She is lost in monkey mind.


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@Leo Gura agreed. After all, how can she talk about something she doesn't have (although we're all guilty of that)? She should be like a blind person talking about seeing. Instead she's a seeing person thinking she is blind; to milk the analogy.

57% paranoid

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5 minutes ago, LastThursday said:

@Leo Gura agreed. After all, how can she talk about something she doesn't have (although we're all guilty of that)? She should be like a blind person talking about seeing. Instead she's a seeing person thinking she is blind; to milk the analogy.

There are people who truly have no internal dialogue. They can still talk.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

There are people who truly have no internal dialogue. They can still talk.

Talking doesn't need internal dialogue at all. I do things and talk mostly when my mind is silence! A Silence mind doesn't make you stupid, it makes you wiser! :)

Those who can silence their mind understand this.

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1 hour ago, James123 said:

You are closest to who you are when you are in deep sleep. Ramana Maharshi 

why do you think is called “awakening “? ?

In fact you can never have any separation from yourself that later would enable you to be closer or farther from it. You can only be in ignorant of it.

Edited by m0hsen

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