
Queries on Contemplation

6 posts in this topic

Hey guys, hope you all doin great!

I need your help on contemplating reality.

So, what kind of questions shall i ask in my contemplation to get to the following awakenings 

  1. To knowing true self or to see everything is merely consciousness itself.
  2. To realize God.
  3. To realize Love.

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It's not about the question. Simply hone on the desire, which led you to even consider contemplating one of these - that desire itself is your question, your doorway to the insight you are seeking.

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Contemplation will only dig your hole deeper, for these realizations just invest in learning and taking a psychedelic.

You will not understand these things at a mundane level of consciousness. You need to experience a higher lever of consciousness.

Take a psychedelic and then have the intent of understanding one of these fields during your trip.

thats my 2 cents

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@mmKay psychedelics is cool, but its not easily available especially here and i never tried anything which alter state maybe in future even never drank alchol or smoked. But I'm sure I'm not ready for psychedelics at this time.

So I'll try to do in good old way, lol!

Anyways, thank you!

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You have already asked the questions and God has readied the answers. 

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