
Premasati Yoga

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@Javfly33 People shouldn't try to regulate or standardize pick up, it's a very unique thing that will be different to every individual. 

Tbh I think pickups great & I really don't want it to turn into this shit. I think its reached its peak already. If you're complaining about pick up then I call excuses, what else do we need. 

Watching Connors videos is entertaining, but 100% not something an average joe could pull off.

This is not pickup. This a very handsome famous chad who could probably get away with slapping their asses or something ridiculous. 



Edited by Striving for more

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4 minutes ago, Striving for more said:

@Javfly33 People shouldn't try to regulate or standardize pick up, it's a very unique thing that will be different to every individual. 




 That´s exactly what I said that I would be doing :) 



Watching Connors videos is entertaining, but 100% not something an average joe could pull off.


Yes, it could. As long as it has a long-ass expensive camera in front of it

Having an expensive camera gives you massive social proof. Add that Connor Murphy has massive effortless confidence and he is going out at night where people are usually having drinks, the weird thing would be that he wouldn´t find girls to kiss. Lol.



 If you're complaining about pick up then I call excuses, what else do we need. 

Not exactly. Mabye I didn´t explained myself well. I said (Or wanted to say) that I would do it differently. As you said, in my style. I think pick-up is way too focused on stage-orange-materialistc approach. Which obviously I understand because people when they want to get laid or have a girlfriend would like some results in the short-mid term, not spend the next 5-6 years doing hardcore personal development and spiritual growth.

But ultimately what you want in life is a map/guide to start building yourself rock solid so the "techniques" or teory that they taught you in pick up, you literally have them in your insides naturally because you have embodied self-love and confidence as the true work.

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On 1/26/2021 at 4:29 PM, aurum said:

That said, I’d argue he is still very much addicted to sex. Or at least the validation that comes from it.

Addiction is inevitable. It's the nature of the mind. Observing and accepting your addictions is the challenge. 

Paradoxically, this acceptance dissolves them.

For example, most people on this forum probably think they're not addicts. 

Well I guarantee you almost everyone on here is either addicted to happiness, peace, or truth seeking. 

Of course out of everything there is to be addicted to, these are relatively positive. My advice is definitely not to "cure" these addictions. 

Although this could be perceived as cliché, I can assure you it's quite the opposite: I at the moment find my most severe addiction to be love. 

My life is fairly dominated by this addiction, just as sex used to dominate my life. 

The resemblance is eerie. 

Essentially everything I do is to amplify love, just as everything I used to do was to amplify my sex life. 

The cool thing about being addicted to love, though, is that it dissolves the suffering that comes with addiction, 

because suffering and the awareness of love are inversely related.  

When a feeling of lack or emptiness arises which is the fuel of most if not all addictions, 

I attempt to see the love in it. I challenge myself to develop perspectives that are aware of love under any circumstance.

For example, the feeling of lack is vital to contextualize the feeling of completeness. Both dependently arise with one another, so 

the feeling of lack is actually the feeling of completeness, which is of course love. 

Even my sex addiction I've learned to love. I wouldn't say its completely gone, nor would I say its even possible for it to completely go away.

Just like most "negative" things in reality, sex addiction asymptotically approaches zero as awakening progresses.  

But if you can truly find love in your addictions, are they even a problem?

I don't mind being addicted to love, because that's what I am. 

Addiction is inherent to your human nature, it's just a matter of where you direct it. 

@Nahm Actually just seeing this post. I don't hang around this section too much haha. Appreciate you sharing :) 

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20 minutes ago, Valwyndir said:

Addiction is inevitable. It's the nature of the mind. Observing and accepting your addictions is the challenge. 

I agree with your basic premise. It also depends on how you define addiction.

I see addiction as a bottomless attempt to meet a need through a means which is not working.

For instance, if I lack a sense of belonging in my life, and I attempt to meet that need with shopping, my quest will be endless. You are not really meeting the need.

Supernormal stimuli tends to create this effect. I think I want the fast food from McDonalds because it's loaded with salt, sugar and fat, but in reality it is lacking in substance to what I desire.

Sex, especially casual sex, can potentially fall in this trap.

To put it more simply, you can't get enough of something you don't want. Hence, destructive addiction.

26 minutes ago, Valwyndir said:

Paradoxically, this acceptance dissolves them.

Agreed. If we pile more shame on top of our addictions, then we just push it further into the shadow / unconscious.

28 minutes ago, Valwyndir said:

Even my sex addiction I've learned to love. I wouldn't say its completely gone, nor would I say its even possible for it to completely go away.

That's awesome.

And it's good to see you around the forum. I'm enjoying your content.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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