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Fitness Food Journal ? ?

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I got this idea from Jeff at Athlean-X to document my food intake for the next 3-5 days. According to him, you'd be surprised if you look at what you are eating on daily basis, and it can make for a good reflection on what you can improve. Since we're used to just eat and forget about what we ate the next day.  

My goal is muscle building, without gaining much fat. I researched thoroughly last night for the best ways to "bulk" even though I'd consider myself to have some knowledge on the topic. Yet it seems like I had all the wrong info, I always thought it was crucial to be in a caloric surplus to gain muscle, which apparently is not the case. You can build muscle on a calorie deficit or just at your normal daily intake as long as you feed your body enough protein. It is advised to do about 0.7-1g protein per pound of bodyweight. I feel like 190g of protein is too much personally so I'll be going with around 130-160g per day while trying to keep the calories at a deficit or just baseline even though I don't mind if it goes a little over into surplus every now and then. I'm not obsessing over this. 

I can't really afford to gain much fat weight since I'm doing calisthenics, and relative strength is very important there. 

@Michael569 Feel free to roast my lack of food variety. ? 

Edited by fridjonk

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Day 1

12:00 PM: 2 scoops of whey protein, granola/oats (50/50), creatine monohydrate.

6:00 PM: 180g Chicken breast, 50g Black bean spaghetti.

7:00 PM: 2 Plates of fish made in butter and onions, alongside potatoes.

10:30 PM: 2 whole grain bread slices with organic peanut butter and a thin layer of keto stevia chocolate, cacao with sea salt.

Water consumption: 3-4 liters. 

I feel like I could have added some veggies to most of the meals, I was just so busy today I couldn't be bothered to do so. :D

Meal day 1.PNG

Edited by fridjonk

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15 hours ago, fridjonk said:

I feel like I could have added some veggies to most of the meals, I was just so busy today I couldn't be bothered to do so

Ok so you asked for a roast yourself so here it goes :D ADD...MORE...VEGGIES...BRO :D 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
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Day 2

12:40 PM: Oats/granola (70/30), 2 scoops whey protein, orange juice with creatine.

15:00 PM: Organic Peanut butter bread, stevia chocolate, and an organic sugar-free fruit smoothie.

17:30 PM: Leftover fish from yesterday with black bean spaghetti and potatoes.

19:00 PM: Pizza and breadsticks :|

10:00 PM: Cacao brick straight from the jungle.

Water Consumption: 3-4 liters. 

I'm also supplementing vitamin D3 at 4-5k IU per day.

Today was a little repetitive and lacked veggies again (forgive me@Michael569 ) I'll try to remember tomorrow. xD I usually eat more fruits and veggies but been kinda lazy with them these past couple of days, of course, it's at the exact moment when I make my food journal public.?

day 2.PNG

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Day 3

11:40 PM: Oats/granola (40/60), Fruit smoothie (creatine), 2 scoops whey protein.

13:50 PM: 4 eggs, keto protein pasta, cucumber, tomatoes.

17:40 PM: Peanut butter bread, apple, cucumber, tomatoes.

19:00 PM: Tikka masala chicken, rice, garlic bread. (3 plates)

21:00 PM: A tiny amount of ben & jerry's..sssh.

22:00 PM: Cacao

Water consumption: 2-3 liters.



Edited by fridjonk

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@fridjonk better ? now throw a bunch of blueberries in that oatmeal will ya? And a few nuts??

(Totally not hijacking your journal ?)

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
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2 hours ago, Michael569 said:

(Totally not hijacking your journal ?)

Please do brother, I'll take any advice I can get. xD

I'll add some nuts and blueberries (if I have them) tomorrow.

What do you think about the granola? Should I be ditching it completely or lessening it? It does contain sugar (about 19g per 100g), when I say it out loud maybe I should be completely ditching it. 

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14 hours ago, fridjonk said:

What do you think about the granola? Should I be ditching it completely or lessening it? It does contain sugar (about 19g per 100g), when I say it out loud maybe I should be completely ditching it.

Always go for the box with the most fibre and the least added sugar, ideally go for No Sugar but beware of hidden sneaky poisons such as (fructose syrup, corn syrup etc). The less unnatural ingredients the better. Also, avoid something that has cheap oils like sunflower or palm. Not sure how many options there are in your shop but another option is to make it yourself. I used to do that. I mixed a bunch of oats, nuts, seeds, chopped apples, peanut butter, cocoa and some home-made apple juice to stick it all together and then heated that mass in the oven on medium heat. Otherwise, you have no control over what's in there. 

Post a few pics if you try it ;)


Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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15 hours ago, fridjonk said:

What do you think about the granola? Should I be ditching it completely or lessening it? It does contain sugar (about 19g per 100g), when I say it out loud maybe I should be completely ditching it. 

Hey mate, sure ditch this, that's like 4 teaspoons/100 gram. 

You are already doing a good job eating 4-5 meals a day. Have you tried tracking your macros for at least a week? Might be a good idea.

Also definitely try to chop in some veggies every meal. If you're trying to burn excess bodyfat and build lean muscle, you can try to arrange your last meal of a day to contain no carbohydrates (for ex. 50g of almonds & scoop of protein powder). I don't know how you look, how much you weigh, or how tall you are and what your goals are but ideally try to hit 1.8-2 proteins/kg of body weight (I tried SO MANY combinations and that one works the best, but I suppose that might be individual), and divide these through every meal of the day, so for ex. if your goal protein intake is 150g, with 5 meals a day, put 30g in each meal. And don't be afraid of wholemeal carbs, I can see that you do a lot of keto stuff, unless you're on a keto diet, carbs won't harm you in any way, as long as they're coming from good sources.

Great that you're supplementing vit. D3, 5kIU daily is quite high though and it might lead to some other problems like elevated calcium levels and more. Everything is good but in moderation, if you're hyper-active person, I suppose 4-5k might work for you, otherwise I'd rethink that, or test your blood levels.

Edited by JohnnyAb

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Day 4

11:40 PM: 1 scoop whey, granola w/ almonds, 1 banana, Oj w/ creatine.

13:00 PM: Tikka masala chciken, rice. 

16:00 PM: 3 eggs, black bean spaghetti.

19:00 PM: Breaded chicken (oven cooked) cucumber, tomato.

21:00 PM: 100g organic peanut butter, 1 and a half apple.

22:00 PM: Cacao.

Water consumption: 3-4 liters.

@Michael569 They have another one without added sugar and the oil used is canola oil. I've often bought that one instead but it's tempting to get the sugar added version from time to time. I'll stick to the sugar-free one from now on. I also want this diet to be sustainable in the long run, I don't know for how long I'd be able to keep making my own granola. :D

@JohnnyAb I've not tried tracking my macros so far as I'm not really taking this so seriously. I'm shooting for around 1.8-1.9g protein per kg. I'm currently 87kg, 183cm. I feel like it's too hard to be constantly going for 180-200g of protein daily without going too far into a calorie surplus. So I'll be sticking to about 150-170g. I'm not on a keto diet really, I just recently found out that many keto products are loaded with protein, that's the only reason I buy them.

We barely get any real sun exposure here in winter, that's the reason for the high vitamin D intake. It's quite normal here for people to be taking 5-10k in the winters, then in the summer, I lessen it to 1-2k. Appreciate the input. :) 


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@fridjonk good job! I see you added the berries and nutd and veggies. Diet's improving ☺️

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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Tikka masala? 

I like the last thing. Is it coffee? 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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I ate a lot of peanut butter today. And I feel a bit nauseous. 

Could it be that I'm allergic to the peanut? 

I don't know why I felt uncomfortable after eating another spoonful. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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3 hours ago, Preety_India said:

Tikka masala? 


3 hours ago, Preety_India said:

I like the last thing. Is it coffee? 

It's cacao. xD

3 hours ago, Preety_India said:

I ate a lot of peanut butter today. And I feel a bit nauseous. 

Could it be that I'm allergic to the peanut? 

I don't know why I felt uncomfortable after eating another spoonful. 

Was it organic healthy peanut butter? Could be because of the oils, or that you reacted badly to it from something you ate earlier. 

Edited by fridjonk

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@fridjonk it's organic healthy peanut butter. Does cacao taste like coffee?. Ok I googled cacao, it seems it's like cocoa, here we call it cocoa powder. I've that cocoa powder that I use sometimes in milkshakes 

Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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17 hours ago, fridjonk said:

I've not tried tracking my macros so far as I'm not really taking this so seriously.

It's more about knowing the amounts you're eating, it could help you stick better to your daily caloric needs :) but its obviously 100% your choice

17 hours ago, fridjonk said:

It's quite normal here for people to be taking 5-10k in the winters

Yikes! May I know where are you from? Anything Scandinavian? Just curious.


17 hours ago, fridjonk said:

I'm not on a keto diet really, I just recently found out that many keto products are loaded with protein, that's the only reason I buy them.

That makes sense, it's also worth noting that meat proteins and vege proteins are digested differently and they might have different effects, but since you're doing calisthenics only ,I believe you are just fine. Keep that up, well done with your diet ;) 


9 hours ago, Preety_India said:

I ate a lot of peanut butter today. And I feel a bit nauseous. 

Could it be that I'm allergic to the peanut? 

I don't know why I felt uncomfortable after eating another spoonful. 

PB is extremely fat and caloric dense, I suppose that's the main reason ;)

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Day 5

11:00 PM: Banana, granola w/almonds, Oj w/creatine. 

14:00 PM: 3 eggs, black bean spaghetti.

16:30 PM Protein bread w/peanut butter, avocado.

17:30 PM: Burger and fries.

18:00 PM: Cacao

19:00 PM: 2x burrito, one ground beef, one chicken, filled with various veggies, sriracha sauce.

23:00 PM: Apple and peanut butter, 2 scoops whey protein, Oj.

Water consumption: 3-4 liters.

This was likely my last day of uploading here. It was fun to do this little challenge and it really kept me on track with making sure most meals were healthy. Now it's just keeping this up without the need to take a picture before every meal. :D If I start to sway off course, I might consider uploading again to be held accountable.

@JohnnyAb I'm in Iceland. I might take your advice and follow my macros for a week sometime. I've mostly just been making sure to get enough protein for now. I'm most definitely curious about how many calories I'm consuming as well.

@Michael569 Thanks for the advice brother! Do you have any last advice other than more veggies?xD  Am I lacking variety perhaps? Or am I lacking fats and complex carbs? Should I be eating less bread? Would appreciate any input. 


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@fridjonk indeed a wider variety. As an athlete you may benefit from replacing some of those simple carbs (potato, white rice) with some wholegrains. More B-vitamins & more magnesium (essential substrates for glycolysis) and I'd also see if you can add more chickpea, lentils or beans ?

Maybe something like brown pasta with tomato sauce, courgette, spinach, basil, chickpeas and sunflower seeds on top

And maybe 2-3 green teas? (I made a post  about it recently in my group, you can check it out below) 

But overall I'd say its fairly good :)

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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4 hours ago, Michael569 said:

and I'd also see if you can add more chickpea, lentils or beans ?

Careful! Dr. Gundry might hear you. xD

4 hours ago, Michael569 said:

And maybe 2-3 green teas? (I made a post  about it recently in my group, you can check it out below) 

I saw your post on Facebook yesterday. I've been into green teas in the past, so I'll definitely start drinking that again.  

I was supplementing with magnesium and vitamin b before Christmas when I was running every day. I'll make sure to start that again as well, or try and get it from real food preferably. 

Ditch those simple carbs, got it! Thanks :D  

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