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On determinism and free will

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I believe that for my entire life I am bound to being mind substance, that is, that everything that I will ever think or feel is subject to being imaginary. I also believe that we are all one single consciousness field that is knowing itself from all perspectives possible within the infinity of that consciousness field, and this field is God. I also believe that the world is deterministic and causation prevents us from having free will.

This is bothering me, because it seems to me, this higher consciousness that we are, has decided to imagine the laws of nature and causality. Now, because this higher consciousness is imagining so, we the finite consciousness are bound to being in this deterministic world.

Now, the finite parts of consciousness are the whole itself. Higher consciousness has a will, and his will is to imagine a deterministic and materialistic reality.

The paradox I see is that we are using our free will to imagine a world where there is no free will. So we are in fact in both states at the same time, we both have and haven't free will.

Someone has more insights into this? Is my reasoning flawed?

Edited by alevinval

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You are awesome, first of all. Notice how you are feeling when you are thinking these thoughts. When you are feeling confused, you keep manifesting thoughts that represent confusion and not understanding in that sense. 

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And it can really be something like a unicorn. And if everything is a dream then is there a space etc really? Is there a person, in that sense, in front of me in like reality?

Edited by Vibroverse

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Imagine you're a kid playing the favorite toys in bath, so the one yellow duck asks another duck: "I don't have a free will?".

I'd say: "You can play as you wish" ✨

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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The idea of free will is really one without an answer.

There is one activity we all do that sits on the boundary of free will: breathing. Is breathing under control of our free will or not? It's good to contemplate this deeply.

If you ascribe to a consciousness-is-everything-time-doesn't-exist paradigm, then the question of free will is actually meaningless. Free will implies causation: you made the thing happen. But in terms of the paradigm, consciousness unfolds itself moment to moment, no cause and no effect.

57% paranoid

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Free will and determinism are concepts to which we are imposing meanings. Depending on what meaning you impose upon these concepts, the answer changes. 

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