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North Sea

Riots in The Netherlands against Covid curfew

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What are your opinions, is the curfew too much of a restriction in proportion to the virus? or is it necessary?


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That looks excessive to me. 

Something must be really wrong with these people to act out in such ways.. 

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@Preety_India Of course, the majority of the people here think those protestors are retarded, but you have to realize our government's covid policy is and was a pile of shit, and the only reason the Netherlands is standing is because the government has a big pile of money over here to hand out during times like these. despite the government support still 150.000 ppl have lost their jobs and many entrepeneurs don't get any money. The Netherlands is literally the last country in the world to have started vaccinating. this is all because of The Netherlands' bad organization and frugality. The only reason it stills stands reasonably well during this crisis is it's wealth.

But I respect the curfew because of the UK variant of virus. It seems extremely contagious so it's the responsible thing to do a curfew at least untill we vaccinate the majority of the country.

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@Preety_India A combination of corruption and bad leadership. The government actually resigned a week ago because of a witch hunt on people who got government benefits, falsely accusing them of fraud and extorting money from them. racist slurs by government organizations were involved. (research "Toeslagenaffaire"). In my experience and from what I have seen in the news it has been getting worse here economically and socially, as in division and racism in the last 5 years.

Don't get me wrong The Netherlands is a great country with a 'soft bottom', if you fall into poverty government help for housing and food are almost guaranteed. However this is mostly because income is taxed heavily here, after 60k income per year, the government takes 49%. This is after other taxes that they hold on your labour earned money or business revenue. In my opinion this is corrupt, because there are extremely wealthy people and corporations in this country which almost don't get taxed. "Wealth is most concentrated at the top of the distribution in Austria, Netherlands and Germany" (source:

the 10% wealthiest people of NL hold almost 60% of the total wealth. It is also seen as a "Tax Haven" by extremely rich corporations, who therefore decide to put their headquarters here. How is this fair when normal income is taxed so high?

Edited by North Sea

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They set on fire a covid testing center. I can see protesting a curfew, yet burning down a covid testing center is crazy behavior.

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@Forestluv  Yeah it's way off the line. Curse of The Netherlands: Always idolizing and following the US. Including moronic MAGA uprisings.

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The people in the Netherlands should see if they have an organization similar to what the US has which is "Crowds On Demand" which one news article says makes up 90% of the Antifa and BLM rioters. Just like at the Capitol riot.

They should go after such an organization hard and hold them liable for any damages.

Edited by unicity

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I live here too, it's been quite surreal to have something like this happening. You feel awful seeing it in a country like US, but it is so far removed from your reality, having it happen so close hits totally different. 

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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