
What’s your relationship with this forum?

46 posts in this topic

I have found some really significant gems on here that have really advanced my development. For me there is usually only about 15-30 minutes of stuff to browse in my notifications and check out each day. A fair chunk of my time I just journal on here and I like to help people occasionally. 

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great thread @Barbara

Definitely addiction to a degree. I like to see this as a virtual pub where most people are trying to maximise their highest potential, everybody is aiming towards something and no topic is taboo (well, saying that as a mod....that's not entirely true). 

I've made a few virtual semi-friendships here, had profound discussions here that help me change the trajectory of my life and even found people who were helped me greatly accelerate my life purpose and gain valuable clinical experience. 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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@Gesundheit yea, resonate with that too. 

20 hours ago, Michael569 said:

well, saying that as a mod....that's not entirely true

Eheh :P 

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I use this forum mainly for the purpose of tracking my progress/evolution.

Also like to share insights, extract cool info and have a laugh here and there.


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I'm just here till I get banned for good like I do every single other forum I go on.

Obviously I love helping people which is karma grinding and I am God at it, but simultaneously some people just want to suffer and spread their brain dead misery so what can you do?

I've had all the validation in the world from the prolific amount of content I've created over the internet, so it's just a matter of helping, fun and self expression to me. It's ultimately a Rorshack test if others see good in me, but me I know what I am (God), so w.e they see; good/bad/indifferent, it's all good.

Let those who have ears hear
Let those who have eyes see

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