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Life purpose strategy, planning and stuff

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I need to be a strategic motherfucker if i ever want to be financially free by doing what i enjoy. 

I need to study strategy, learn stuff, plan things and work hard. 

Just working blindly without thinking about the path won't cut it. I may be too ambitious but i'm sure that there is a path that leads to creating success and my work is to find this path, walk this path, find a balance and manage to have a personal life on top of that although i think i need to sacrifice a piece of that for some years. 

So here's the situation. 50 hours per week gone because of work. 20 hours per week should be the minimum of life purpose work. That translates to at least 2 hours every day after work and 10 hours on the weekend. It seems that i need to sacrifice some hours of sleep from the 8 i usually need but that doesn't sound like a good idea at all. Maybe what i can manage is only 1 hour every workday at least and 15 on the weekend? This sucks but sounds like the maximum effort i can afford. 

The quality of the work is also very important. I need those 20 hours to be quality hours. To do that i need to practice concentration, meditation and visualization everyday without skipping. Health should also be a priority. Working out, healthy meals (i need to learn more about meal prep) etc. 

Maybe i could survive with 6-7 hours of sleep but honestly if i don't sleep for 8 hours usually end up tired and the quality lp work hour will be very hard. 

To do what i want i wrote down 22 skills that i need to have and be at least ok at, at least at the start. Maybe i will end up forming a team but right now as a starting point i am alone. 

My strategy is to dedicate 100 hours working on each skill to build a good enough foundation and to be able to have a shot at success. I am going to chip in hours on those skills. For some skills 100 hours are nothing and need longer. Other than that a good project would take at least a year or 2. If i work really hard 20 hours per week or roughly 1000 a year on learning those skills i need let's say 2,5 years to build a foundation. If i add the projects i need 2 more years at least for something good. In 5 years i could make something happen but the truth is that the odds are against me. That's it for now. 

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I finally understand why i'm stuck and frustrated.. I need to change my underling structure. I currently read the book from the booklist about how to be a creator. This book has some mind blowing new informations for me. This explains many things. 

Lesson learned again.. If i have a problem there is probably a book that can help me understand it and overcome it. The books from the booklist are life changing. Maybe i'm able to consume 1 book per week but from now on i will implement one book per month. There are years of work for me there. I'm actually excited to implement those books!

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  On 1/25/2021 at 10:03 PM, BlackMaze said:

Maybe i could survive with 6-7 hours of sleep but honestly if i don't sleep for 8 hours usually end up tired and the quality lp work hour will be very hard. 

bad idea :D It is probably better to take longer to get to your goal than to cut your lifeline short but cutting sleep short ;)

  On 2/2/2021 at 5:36 PM, BlackMaze said:

. I currently read the book from the booklist about how to be a creator

which one is this? (pm me if you don't want to reveal the book on public forum) I got the list it as well 

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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@Michael569 the 6th one from success and productivity. The path of least resistance. Yeah i'm not sure if i'm allowed to reveal a book or not. I guess i just did. But this book is great and everyone should read it. But really if someone doesn't buy the book list it's their loss. It's my favorite resource so far. 

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@BlackMaze ah that one's been on my reading list for some time. Seth Godin's - Process is keeping me company these days. I think you will find that one useful for your situation as well. 

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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Thanks. I plan to read all of his books sometime but first i'm gonna finish the one i'm reading and maybe some more from the booklist. But i will check it out the tittle sure is interesting. 

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