
Does anyone else do stupid or risky stuff during awakenings?

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These are just a few negative things that have happened to me due to pursuing awakening. Leo’s video on the dangers of spiritual work is definitely worth watching before you get in too deep. 

The most common thing I’ve done during awakenings that was stupid from my ego’s perspective is throwing my phone. This happened on three occasions. I actually broke it once which ended up costing me over $1,000. Usually I’ll reach a ridiculous level of consciousness, and from there I basically am so conscious that all worries or limits to my behavior disappear. It’s at this point that something incredibly useful to my ego is recognized to be as important to true Self as an acorn (insert any other random object here). 

I also have given away thousands of dollars away during several awakenings. I usually kept barely enough to keep myself from huge financial trouble, but it has set me back quite a bit. The worst thing I’ve done during awakenings, which has happened twice, is I drove my car at its maximum speed on the highway for multiple hours. The last time this resulted in me totaling my car due to the mechanical damage running it at its limit caused (I didn’t wreck). Both times I did this it was in the middle of the night on an empty highway, so there was no risk to anyone other than myself. 

One thing worth mentioning is I ran naked down my street and ended up having a 10 minute conversation with a random neighbor while naked. 

Lastly, my social media postings during awakenings have reduced my reputation a lot because I basically spew off my deepest insights in places where less than 1% of people will have a chance of making sense of them (usually Facebook). 

The benefits still greatly outweigh any damage caused so far, but I guess I’m just curious if anyone else has experienced anything like this. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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These are nothing compared to the danger of going insane or developing mental issues. (except the driving part, be careful there)

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Just be more careful next time.

Yeah, I've done retarded shit while not caring about ego too.

But then I realized nihilism is just another layer of ego.

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The most stupid thing I've done during awakenings is to resist it and stick my head in the sand - every single god damn time. Sometimes I just want to let go, give up, stop playing this game with myself, but I can't. I keep interpreting it as death (which is a thought, yes, Nahm), but nope, this nut ain't gonna crack.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Consumed 10 gr dried shrooms. Now, no one ever did. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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One time I played with the idea of cutting my dick. I was having an ego death and my ego was getting nervous so as I way to trigger Consciousness back into identification (fear), it started to say and warn that he maybe could cut his dick... etc. Of course "I" didn't do it because the ego is always just fucking around. But...still...

It could have been also because of the sustance which was not a strict psychedelic and it has mdma properties like reducing almost totally fear and inhibition. Which I Think it can be a little dangerous in those states.

Definitely for for the normal and known psychedelics. Although we all heard that story of running naked down the street on acid (lol, you are one of those stories it seems ?)..

Thanks for sharing man, that was hilarious reading that.  

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Sadhguru has spoken about it. Even when one has recently realized absolute reality, consciousness is not fully mature to integrate all that it brings. 

Just to let you know, I almost dropped out university, almost got fired at my job, broke with my last gf, my family taught I was going insane, I didnt want anything to do with the world, I have experienced drastic personality changes which ppl consider bipolar and crazy as if there were two ppl inside of me but is just my old karma trying to pull me back and have also being extremely socially awkward in the eyes of normal ppl in society. Just to name a few. Ofc, none of it affected me in the moment as it was not ocurring to me in a personal sense. Only the mind makes all types of stories and judgements. 

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3

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1 hour ago, Carl-Richard said:

The most stupid thing I've done during awakenings is to resist it and stick my head in the sand - every single god damn time. Sometimes I just want to let go, give up, stop playing this game with myself, but I can't. I keep interpreting it as death (which is a thought, yes, Nahm), but nope, this nut ain't gonna crack.

@Carl-Richard Hmm, I’ve never really had a problem with resisting awakening. Not saying it’s 100% good advice, but there’s always the option of taking a large enough dose of a psychedelic to make resistance practically impossible. It’s hard to say though; I don’t experience much resistance so on high dose trips I’m all game for practically anything. If you resist a lot, it might just turn experiences into bad trips. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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“It” isn’t being ‘interpreted’. Can’t interpret a non-happening. “It’s” being expected & anticipated. “It” (infinite) can’t think (finite) itself, so “it” (eternal) can’t imagine death (a finite-not-it), but God knows “it” try’s. xD 



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9 hours ago, Nahm said:


“It” isn’t being ‘interpreted’. Can’t interpret a non-happening. “It’s” being expected & anticipated. “It” (infinite) can’t think (finite) itself, so “it” (eternal) can’t imagine death (a finite-not-it), but God knows “it” try’s. xD 

*panting* yes xD

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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I recently read this from Ramaji's "1000" pdf and I think it describes perfectly what I'm experiencing (or what I'm choosing to experience xD... :():


"Fear of Dying" and the 590s Transitional Zone

The seeker may pass quickly through the transitional 590s or they may get stuck there. If they get stuck, it is usually due to fear of death arising.

To be precise, they are afraid of letting go of their identification with the physical body. The only reason they fear death is that they still believe "I am the body."

This idea, thought or belief "I am the body" is a clever and formidable opponent. I know an Australian seeker living in Thailand who stayed in the 590s for several years. Each time he felt himself being pulled into the 600s, he would experience severe panic and feel as if he was having a heart attack.

When asked about the location of this apparent heart attack, he told me that it was physically located on the right side of his chest. This matched reports from other students and my own experiences of similar activity by the ego (I-thought) in the region of the Heart on the right as taught by Ramana Maharshi. I told the Australian as firmly as I could that he was on the verge of enlightenment. Plunge boldly forward!

This formidable drama staged by the ego (I-thought) was just a strategy to intimidate this aspirant and strike fear into him. Its purpose was to terrify him so much with the thought of dying that he would give up his quest. The physical pain was just thought-based intensification of sensations by the ego.

Unfortunately, the seeker did not follow my advice to plunge forward and ignore the frightening sensations of heat and pain. Instead, he capitulated to ego I-thought intimidation. He tumbled all the way back down to the 570s. This setback was only temporary. He is back to LOC 583 ready for another go.

Chances are that this time he will not buy into the deception created by the ego I-thought. After all, it was just thought intensively contracted to produce momentary localized pain.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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12 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

Not saying it’s 100% good advice, but there’s always the option of taking a large enough dose of a psychedelic to make resistance practically impossible. 

I don't believe it could ever make resistance impossible but just impossibly more painful.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@Carl-Richard that was hilarious.

Now, really, you don't actually believed those things right?

Firstly, the ego is not a dark evil agent wanting you to avoid enlightment. Ego is a total unconsicous process (that why consciousness ends the ego ?).

Secondly, what is this shit about categorising state of consciousness to the point of mockery? I can understand categorising from 100 to 1000 in 100 increments (and this still it's so so fucking naive for something as complex as Consciousness), but to say in detail that he is back at "583" its just hilarious.

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1 hour ago, Javfly33 said:

Secondly, what is this shit about categorising state of consciousness to the point of mockery? I can understand categorising from 100 to 1000 in 100 increments (and this still it's so so fucking naive for something as complex as Consciousness), but to say in detail that he is back at "583" its just hilarious.

I pick my models like I pick blueberries: some of them taste great, some of them are kinda spoiled; either way, they're still food. At the end of the day, no model is gonna help me. It's all up to me.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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