
COVID-19 - Biggest Lessons

34 posts in this topic

Hi All,

What are the biggest lessons that you have learnt so far from the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Could be anything from personal finance, how society should/shouldn't be run, corruption, how the media played on fear, societal obedience to lockdowns, conspiracy about vaccines? 

Literally could be anything, what are your biggest takes so far about the past year??

I'm eager to hear all your responses.

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1) that media can still control everybody

2) that i should have invested in toilet paper 

3) that everybody lost their shit 

4) that i don't want to be a wage slave because i'm disposable and no boss will ever appreciate my work or me as a human because profit is the no1 priority

5) that we are doomed to follow everything that the government decides for us because we are numbed by electronics

6) that it was a very good opportunity for many people to rethink the direction of their lives

7) that maybe all that happens now is an experiment or has a specific goal. I'm not even going to start searching for conspiracy theories but that the whole thing was random nah i don't buy it

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@BlackMaze No 4 is the biggest realisation for me. Always knew it. COVID solidified it.

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@SS10 same! From one hand i'm very grateful that covid happened because my life got a completely new direction. Not saying that it doesn't suck that this whole thing happened but for me personally it was godsent

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Society is a brittle construction. 

It hangs on thin threads on implied social constructs and socialized morality. 

Once few threads break, the flood washes everything away. 

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i think covid thought a lesson in humility on global level. (i cant expand on this yet.) 

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Flexibility > excellence
Fundamentals > trends

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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That life goes on...

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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  • Fear overrides reason and sanity 
  • Our lives are more connected than we think
  • People go to great lengths to maintain their comfort zone
  • Companionship is important in order to stay sane
  • The media controls weak-minded people immensely 
  • Nature restores itself very quickly
  • Society functions only in times without fear
  • Individual responsibility for ones' thoughts and actions is the most fundamental pillar of a functioning society

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I've become less free.

I was never that free in the first place.

Societal collapse is only a step away.

There is unjustified hysteria about society collapsing. 

Lockdowns and top-down control are caused by people not viruses.

Everyone is driven by fear.

Fear beats reason and even money and people's livelihoods.

I like working from home.

Having less options in lockdown makes life simpler.

Getting a regular haircut is a luxury I enjoyed.

People are sheep and don't think for themselves.

Wearing a mask is just pure theatre.

That I'm playing the game of wearing a mask to avoid social stigma.

If people concentrate their resources disease can be eradicated.



57% paranoid

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If I'm being honest, I'm quite surprised by the posts in this thread. 95% of this forum heavily supports the masks, vaccines and the other (usually totally unnecessary) measurements.

And now, this thread basically reflects the complete opposite. 

Edited by nistake

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11 minutes ago, nistake said:

If I'm being honest, I'm quite surprised by the posts in this thread. 95% of this forum is heavily supports the masks, vaccines and the other (usually totally unnecessary) measurements.

And now, this thread basically reflects the complete opposite. 


Now the color came back to the forums face.

Edited by Nivsch

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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31 minutes ago, nistake said:

95% of this forum is heavily supports the masks, vaccines and the other (usually totally unnecessary) measurements.

The unproportional fear from conspiracies made people regress to orange, pretending they are more "yellow" and stuff. This drives me crazy.

Good to see a positive change in this thread.

Edited by Nivsch

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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@nistake I'm all for vaccines against Covid. I wish people didn't have the mentality that it was a cure though. And the virus will probably mutate faster than they can adjust and roll out the vaccines, but I have some faith.

Masks are a waste of time and socially damaging. But they are a very good way of virtue signalling, and that you're being a good citizen, and an excellent way to make the virus seem "real". I can understand why the Government (UK) made it compulsory. 

57% paranoid

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2 hours ago, Nivsch said:

The unproportional fear from conspiracies made people regress to orange, pretending they are more "yellow" and stuff. This drives me crazy.

Good to see a positive change in this thread.

@Nivsch That's an interesting thesis. I've noticed myself giving deference to "mainstream" (Orange) society despite personally resonating more with Green/Yellow values as I fear the implications of societal collapse should conspiracy theory-esq narratives overtake the population. Qanon and the storming of the Capital in the U.S. was an example of the delicacy of the house of cards that we call society. Does this mean that I've "regressed" to Orange or just that I'm seeing the utility that Orange values have in an Orange society during times of societal unrest? How does one measure whether this is regression or simply seeing the meta chess pieces at play and choosing the next move wisely, erring on conservatism in the spirit of preserving sanity? 

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