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Questions Regarding Life Purpose, The Actualized Life And Improving Other's Lives

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Hello everyone. ^_^ I am pleased to be here and be able to speak to you. Firstly, not knowing whether or not Leo Gura will see this thread I want to thank him very much for his videos as they, in a combination with other ones from other YouTubers have massively improved my life in the last few weeks and have increased my awareness to new hights. As this happened I came to realisations about myself about who I am and... who I want to be. I realised I dont want to live a life of comfort, but rather a life of fulfilment, the actualized and self-transcend life ! In order to ask my questions I must first share a few things about myself. I grew up playing video games, something which I have stopped and plan on not doing anymore. The problem isnt with playing video games... but rather is connected with art and the gaming industry. A few years ago, as I was searching for myself I came across a profession called "concept artist" and an art site called "DeviantArt". Since then I have a passion for art and I experience a passionate feeling whenever I see someone's digital art. This was years ago. As my awareness increased after experiencing changes in myself I started realising that... I feel like art isn't something as productive for others as I would like to. I want to live a life of giving. I want to improve other peoples lives as much as possible and I started getting interested into life coaching and psychology. So... now from one end im being pulled towards something im passionate about but believe will not help me achieve my life purpose, and something that I dont even know is my life purpose, but I believe is more giving towards society and the Universe. In the end... I chose to try doing both and use art as a tool to make others happy and improve their lives. I don't know if psychology is a part of my life purpose but at the moment I feel that it is worth trying. Anyways, my questions are as follows

1.Can studying psychology at a university improve my life, in other words, can I use it as another way of developing myself further?

2.Do you believe that being given a gift like a piece of art can motivate you for the rest of your day and improve you in a way?

3.What is your life purpose?

4.How do you sustain a higher conciousness as I seem to have an issue in trying to sustain the feelings and awareness that I gain sometimes?

Thank you for your time in reading my message. Thanks in advance for commenting and have a nice day.^_^

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