Eren Eeager

Don't be afraid of the ego.

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We should not be afraid of the ego. We must accept it and then work to release ourselves from it. If God hated the ego or was afraid from being an ego , there wouldn't be any of us here. Imagine being an ego for entire life, it is good but there is better. This how we should deal with spirituality. To seek more, not to flee from anything.


Edited by Eren Eeager

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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It's more popular to silently hate yourself and pretend that you don't exist.

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What's ego?

ego is not an entity of its own! you never experience any ego! is there two selves inside you? no! only thoughts! and thoughts in their nature appear and disappear, you are not attached to thoughts! otherwise you'd have to appear and disappear along with  thoughts also! you only give power to them! so stop that let them go, they appear and disappear! who cares? don't be afraid of something which doesn't exist actually! 

Edited by m0hsen

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4 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

It's more popular to silently hate yourself and pretend that you don't exist.

or get addicted to spiritual pleasures and then start hating life when you cannot get any of them.

Edited by Eren Eeager

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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15 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

It's more popular to silently hate yourself and pretend that you don't exist.

Well, it´s true that you don´t exist.

But yeah, that who doesn´t exist still should love himself :SxD

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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I find it quite sad. Then again; I was there too; for a brief moment. Its a phase. Spiritual puberty.

Maturity is when you realize there is nothing to leave behind. Nothing to look down on. Everything is here to be met with love.

I fucking love my personality. My uniqueness. My likes and dislikes. Quirks and features. Flaws and shortcomings. Thank God I am who I am. I'd trade it for nothing else. I'm grateful for my past. Even the pain I've endured. I look forward to the future. If reincarnation is real; I'm coming back as Ivan.

Is that ego? Maybe, yes. But it's an ego that knows its place and is being loved and respected. It does not try to outfuck itself.

You'd be surprised how easily it lets go when you just let it be.


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@ivankiss Slayed it! Are you coming to see Matt Kahn in London? If so, wanna say hi? ^_^ I think it was you posting one of his videos on here somewhere that had me check him out for the first time actually. And then my "path" took a much needed, 180° turn. Lovely stuff! Forever grateful!

“When you awaken the truth within yourself, there’s no illusion to overcome, there’s only truth to recognise wherever you go.” Matt Kahn

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@flume Thank you! Happy for you :)

May 22th, is it? It might just happen. It's been on my list for a while now. Would love to experience his transmissions live. 

We'll be in touch!

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The ego is the false god. Worship it if you choose, but it will never bless you. The point of Rupert Spira's teaching is that we are already the true god. Longing is losing. Belonging is being.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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8 hours ago, ivankiss said:

I find it quite sad. Then again; I was there too; for a brief moment. Its a phase. Spiritual puberty.

Maturity is when you realize there is nothing to leave behind. Nothing to look down on. Everything is here to be met with love.

I fucking love my personality. My uniqueness. My likes and dislikes. Quirks and features. Flaws and shortcomings. Thank God I am who I am. I'd trade it for nothing else. I'm grateful for my past. Even the pain I've endured. I look forward to the future. If reincarnation is real; I'm coming back as Ivan.

Is that ego? Maybe, yes. But it's an ego that knows its place and is being loved and respected. It does not try to outfuck itself.

You'd be surprised how easily it lets go when you just let it be.


great post :)

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Yea like @Moksha said, ego is the false God, don't let it go to your head.

Its good to love the self and practice self acceptance and self love but don't let it devolve into Delusion 

The Ego is sneaky. You might like it now because it rewards you to be you. 

But when you go down a dark path in life and if your ego wins against your conscience, then you might some day realize how that sneaky ego tricked you into doing things your conscience didn't really want. 

Sometimes the Ego can turn into a force, a destructive one, and take over everything that you hold sacred and turn you against your own family, turn you against goodness and become fatal 

Beware of the Ego. Sneaky is his name.. Dirty is his game. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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9 hours ago, ivankiss said:

I fucking love my personality. My uniqueness. My likes and dislikes. Quirks and features. Flaws and shortcomings. Thank God I am who I am. I'd trade it for nothing else. I'm grateful for my past. Even the pain I've endured. I look forward to the future. If reincarnation is real; I'm coming back as Ivan.

Now this is a much-much better and healthier approach than the usual immature 'hating the ego and trying to get rid of it' stuff. Well said.

Edited by nistake

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@Eren Eeager How did this insight change your relationship with OCD? Any improvements?

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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@Gesundheit  I decided I will not be doing any mental effort indifinitely until my brain heals. I decided to focus on my life, my self, my life purpose and the Truth. I will not think about any other people or any problems out there in the world. I decided to withdraw from everything and focus on my self.




I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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8 hours ago, nistake said:

Now this is a much-much better and healthier approach than the usual immature 'hating the ego and trying to get rid of it' stuff. Well said.

I have always advocated honoring human life, including our unique quirks and personalities. Life isn't just an empty illusion; it is relative reality, and should be celebrated. I was referring to the ego, which is the illusion that you are your personality, the blind disavowal of your divine nature, and the lie that enduring happiness can be found outside of yourself. The ego is a sneaky bitch, and it will make you miserable if you listen to its lies.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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7 hours ago, Preety_India said:

Beware of the Ego. Sneaky is his name.. Dirty is his game. 


Ime; It's only sneaky and it only plays dirty until you gather the courage to level with it (yourself) and acknowledge its experience. Understand why it acts the way it does. Its point of view.

Yes, it's capable of doing some rather nasty stuff. It's just like a child that's begging for your attention. It will grow bigger and nastier until you finally stop running away from it, trying do deny it, ignore it, eliminate it etc. 

Once you start meeting 'the false self' with love - giving it the time, space, respect and attention it requires - it will let go and slowly dissolve into the Truth of who you are. It is your greatest transformation and initiation.

I understand we're all wired differently and come from different backgrounds... But trying to eliminate, kill or destroy the ego simply did not work for me. I imagine I'm not the only one. While I was on that path; I only created more judgement, resentment and suffering. I was splitting myself in two. Dividing instead of uniting.

One day it just clicked for me; 'holy shit! I'm trying to separate myself from myself here. That's not gonna work. Best find a common ground... A common language...'

And that language was Love.

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26 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

But trying to eliminate, kill or destroy the ego simply did not work for me.

You seem to have a healthy understanding of the relationship between your ultimate nature as Consciousness and your transient nature as a human being. Lucid living, based on such an understanding. is free from suffering. I think we may be discussing semantics more than anything. I like Tolle's definition of the ego, which is misidentification with the conditioned mind, rather than realizing the Consciousness that we are.

Fighting the ego only feeds it. I agree with you that it is impossible to kill it. The best we can do is stay vigilant to its tricks, and not allow ourselves to identify with it. The moment you find yourself chasing after love or meaning or peace, rather than realizing it is already who you are, take it as a tornado siren. The ego cannot stand Consciousness, and it will slither back into the shadows when faced with the light of your being. It doesn't understand the language of love.

It doesn't mean you can't have a personality, preferences, and enjoyment of life. The secret is not to take any of it too seriously, and realize its essential transience.

Edited by Moksha

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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@Eren Eeager Awesome! Stay blessed.


If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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