Kevin Dunlop

What Do Enlightened People Do For Humanity?

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We have heard about how enlightenment is good for the individual because it is a state of true perception, joy, kindness, indifference, these are some personal benefits that have been discussed in videos. But on a planetary level or for the whole of humanity what would the benefit be if more people become enlightened?

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@Kevin Dunlop Usually they help you become enlightened. And that's the greatest thing that one can do for humanity.

Edited by Capethaz

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39 minutes ago, Kevin Dunlop said:

But on a planetary level or for the whole of humanity what would the benefit be if more people become enlightened?

I’m not enlightened so all I can do is conceptualize it. Someone please let me know if I’m way off base, but I believe if everyone is enlightened, they’d be detached from their identity and stories. It’s a high level of consciousness, so everyone would be aware of the dangers of judgments, hatred, ego, materialism, harming the environment on a significant scale, pursuit of power, dogma, and addictions. Sounds like a nice Utopian society, but humanity will be wiped out before we reach that level of awareness, considering the extremely low percentage of spiritually awakened people. We're on the conveyor belt to extinction, and it's a tragic reality. The end times are nigh.

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Edited by Mikey

It's better to burn out than fade away

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1 hour ago, Mikey said:

From my experience with enlightened people they are no different from anyone else they've just learned some supernatural tricks.. I find the ones Ive interacted with to be hypocritical and egotistical.. They think they know it all and what's best for everyone else.. They think they're god and are very judgemental.. They say they're all about love but will wish death upon you if not orchestrate it themselves.. There's enlightened people from all religions or from no religion it's a spiritual thing and they all see  love, right, wrong, good, evil, truth etc differently.. They use terms like awakening or enlightening but what it really is becoming is stalking.. I feel too much of anything is no good and the same goes for enlightened people.. In America you don't get a drivers license until you're 16 it's a age determined to be mature enough to handle the responsibility and power of a car.. Some are born into enlightenment I've heard, that's kinda scary to me.. What age should the powers of a god be issued?.. 

Besides that there's something to giving up your ego which is a form of power that's not told to you.. I don't know what it is there's too many secrets for me.. I need to find a guru that I can talk to about everything before I start meditating again.. I'm not saying anything that's not on the web already by a bunch of people on the web and YouTube.. Some are even enlightened have forums full of enlightened people and they all act and lovingly deceive you like they aren't enlightened.. 

Watch a video on Ramana Maharshi to get a sense of an enlightened being at it's highest. I watched yesterday and today and I was in awe at his story, life and words! (And appearantly his visitors were in awe of his silence too.) He shows clearly that he is not the body... So any enlightened being egoistical might be so only when communicating through the mind. IF they are trully enlightened they know they are not this form. That they are the conciousnes... and so on.. and so on.. I am not a guru. Even Ramana Maharshi is not a guru. The guru is God! Or w/e xD You! Conciousness :P 

The videos of Ramana were more clear to me than anything else! Try them

I will help you with a vid:

But check out the others too, if you like this, ;) of course.

Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Dodoster yeah that 70+ yr old guy I'm sure is a real gentleman I'll watch the video later.. Thanks for sharing.. Enlightenment has many levels like martial arts even a white belt has some moves.. 

Edited by Mikey

It's better to burn out than fade away

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5 minutes ago, Mikey said:

@Dodoster yeah that 70+ yr old guy I'm sure is a real gentleman I'll watch the video later.. Thanks for sharing.. Enlightenment has many levels like martial arts even a white belt has some moves.. 

Im not sure you are thinking it, but just to clarify, the old gentleman in the vid truly is a gentleman, but he is not Ramana Maharshi, he is simply reading some of his work :D

-1/12 is Infinity 

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I am so small I can barely be seen.
How can this great love be inside me?

“Look at your eyes. They are small,
But they see enormous things”

How shall I help the world?
“By understanding it,”

And how shall I understand it?
“By turning away from it.”

How then shall I serve humanity?
“By understanding yourself.”


  @Kevin Dunlop It's of course not a very direct answer to your question :)


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34 minutes ago, Dodoster said:

Im not sure you are thinking it, but just to clarify, the old gentleman in the vid truly is a gentleman, but he is not Ramana Maharshi, he is simply reading some of his work :D

Oh lol ? sorry..

I'm really just tired of it all.. Enlightenment was forced onto me and I don't want it.. I just want to go back to living a normal life.. I feel I have to much fake responsibility with no power.. I'm a patsy.. I wish everyone would just leave me alone..

This forum has been terrible for me.. 

I want to move I want to runaway but I have no means..My whole situation sucks I'm just waiting to see who's gonna kill me..

Edited by Mikey

It's better to burn out than fade away

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10 minutes ago, Mikey said:

Oh lol ? sorry..

I'm really just tired of it all.. Enlightenment was forced onto me and I don't want it.. I just want to go back to living a normal life.. I feel I have to much fake responsibility with no power.. I'm a patsy.. I wish everyone would just leave me alone..

This forum has been terrible for me.. 

My whole situation sucks I'm just waiting to see who's gonna kill me

LOL all that drama, are you joking? 

Who is the one tired? Who is the one seeing? These are thoughts. You are seeing them. Self inquire.. It's the simplest thing. You dont need no enlightenment. It will either come or not. All you need to do is ask the question every time you say I... Who is this I? I is the grand though contaning all other. BUt it's still a thought, contain within you - watcher, consciousness, so keep searching for that. That's what Im doing at least. Just watch Ramana, him you should believe, just watch the way he lived.#

Ye this forum is full of "allknowers" and I might be one of em sometimes lol //even though I know that I know nothing just like Jon Snow/, but I have tried and tested self enquiry to be truly effective in everyday life.

Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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i stopped doing things just for attachment to pleasure or aversion to pain. i no longer feed the cycle of cultural trash and violent food. i no longer disrespect others and my peaceful state of being brings peace to other people just from being near me. there are a lot of other examples i could enumerate.

unborn Truth

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7 minutes ago, Dodoster said:

LOL all that drama, are you joking? 


Good luck on your journey..

you don't have to even meditate to become enlightened.. I dont want to get into it.. anyways take care.. I Just wanted to yell a couple things before I go.. 

Edited by Mikey

It's better to burn out than fade away

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4 minutes ago, Mikey said:


Good luck on your journey..

you don't have to even meditate to become enlightened.. I dont want to get into it.. anyways take care.. I Just wanted to yell a couple things before I go.. 

Self inquiry is not meditation. Your path is your choice. Bye Mikey, I will miss you from this one topic we discussed together. Member me.

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@DodosterAll I know is I don't want to be killed and live in some dream world.. I'll live the life I'm in now my path is all good.. I'm not going to do any sort of meditation or inquiry.. Every change I've made I did to improve this life not as an indicator towards the direction of the next.. I'm not making any deals with anyone.. I'm not for sale.. I'm not going to vote

A lady at Walgreen's told me to remember her too.. What's up with people wanting me to remember them

Edited by Mikey

It's better to burn out than fade away

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1 minute ago, Mikey said:

@DodosterAll I know is I don't want to be killed and live in some dream world.. I'll live the life I'm in now my path is all good.. I'm not going to do any sort of meditation or inquiry.. Every change I've made I did to improve this life not as an indicator towards the direction of the next.. I'm not making any deals with anyone 

A lady at Walgreen's told me to remember her too.. What's up with people wanting me to remember them

Maybe you'll be the next Jesus and save us from our sins by sucking up all our karma. Tnx if u do it btw haha

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@Dodoster no I'm not going to be the next Jesus sorry.. That will be the only reason I do vote to make sure I'm not.. People sins and karma aren't my problem 

Edited by Mikey

It's better to burn out than fade away

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1 minute ago, Mikey said:

@Dodoster no I'm not going to be the next Jesus.. 

Thats what jesus would say! 

Joking aside, you gonna die anyway. Isnt it more fun if you become aware of the you that never dies? You have been given this chance now and for whatever reason you gravitated towards this. And after all you wont die, only illusions will die. Its a journey of finding truth, not some suicide mission. The true you, they say, can never die.

Of course that being the case it doesnt really matter if you get the realization in this lifetime or in the next 100. I feel that I owe it to myself to find the truth, so im on the path. Im enjoying the path. And observing the one that enjoys! 

I think it would be regrettable to turn away from working on inner peace and inner truth.

-1/12 is Infinity 

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11 minutes ago, Dodoster said:

Thats what jesus would say! 

Joking aside, you gonna die anyway. Isnt it more fun if you become aware of the you that never dies? You have been given this chance now and for whatever reason you gravitated towards this. And after all you wont die, only illusions will die. Its a journey of finding truth, not some suicide mission. The true you, they say, can never die.

Of course that being the case it doesnt really matter if you get the realization in this lifetime or in the next 100. I feel that I owe it to myself to find the truth, so im on the path. Im enjoying the path. And observing the one that enjoys! 

I think it would be regrettable to turn away from working on inner peace and inner truth.

No man Leo lured me in with his meme's and the church used their tricks.. I've been trying to figure out how the hell they've been stalking me.. It was only through their lies and deception is why I'm here.. But I am not going to be Jesus, Buddha or anyone else but who I am at the present moment.. I don't give two poops to go further with this.. I'm happy not seeing or knowing anymore.. They need to go find someone else.. I've been resisting them from the get go but they don't get the message to leave me alone.. 


Edited by Mikey

It's better to burn out than fade away

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@blazed I'm glad it went this way.. Leo needs to leave me alone so does the church and and anyone else involved.. Go find someone else.. It's all a setup and I'm not a whiling participant.. Anyways this is what enlightened people do now you know..  

Edited by Mikey

It's better to burn out than fade away

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So there's let's say 7 billion people on planet earth.  What an enlightened person does is he or she solves 1/7,000,000,000 of the problem, and that's the best anyone can do.

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