
Tap water filter good enough for cooking?

70 posts in this topic

I recommend Berkey's water purifier. Very good and very easy to use, free from chlorine and other odors.

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I recommend using APEC Water Systems RO-90, the installation of this unit is very simple and the directions are clearly explained. There is a noticeable difference in taste between tap water and RO water. We bought RO water by filling our Natural Grocery water and 5 gallon jars and it tastes, if not better, than that RO water. Output is excellent. The tank fills quickly. The filters last for 3-5 years! So the cost of maintaining is low. The stainless steel dispenser looks glossy on the sink and is easy to switch on and off.

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On 25/01/2021 at 4:52 PM, Michael569 said:

Something like this is a good start. It is not as effective as RO but if you are short on budget, this will do for the largest molecules like copper & lead which are the biggest problems in Europe in terms of contamination. Since we don't use glycophosphates as much, water in Europe is generally cleaner and also fluoride-free. What this won't do is filter microplastics, at least it has not been claimed by the manufacturer but I am not convinced that RO does either. 

@Michael569 Does microplastics affect the brain like metals? 

Can tap water instantly make you sick? I ran out of filters & I have been feeling so sick & tired, although this does happen to me anyway fairly often

Will the Brita water filter keep out mercury, arsenic ect.. ? 

Could you please link me to the "next step" better filter on amazon ect.. please, 

I'm tired of this over complications I just want a clear guarantee of the best option to avoid metals & toxins 


Oh yeah, what about the shower, can the shower release toxins to a significant degree.

& Are old houses & flats more likely to havecontaminated  piipes than modern ones, or is it just random

Edited by Striving for more

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On 29/01/2021 at 4:37 AM, Leo Gura said:

Why you gotta make things so complicated when the solution has already been made in a single package?

This is currently unavialble on amazon. Is american too

Any other links. 

Edited by Striving for more

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36 minutes ago, Striving for more said:

Does microplastics affect the brain like metals? 

I don't really know. Not all heavy metals can cross the blood-brain barrier eitherand I guess the same for microplastics. But some people have a degree of "leaky" blood brain barrier so this is very individual. Not something I've looked into thou so I'd just be giving you my anecdotal opinion. The issue with microplastics is them being xenoestrogens that can dock into oestrogen receptors and potentially cause problems. This we already know. 

38 minutes ago, Striving for more said:

Can tap water instantly make you sick

yeah it can if the water is filled with copper and lead. 

39 minutes ago, Striving for more said:

Will the Brita water filter keep out mercury, arsenic ect.. ? 

arsenic is not a big issue in water nor us mercury (at least not in UK). The greatest source of mercury is dental fillings and seafood especially big fish like tuna. The issue is chlorine, copper and lead and Britta does filter all. 

40 minutes ago, Striving for more said:

Could you please link me to the "next step" better filter on amazon ect.. please, 

The Brittas all use the same filter, it is literally down to what size of the jug you want. Get something that comes with at least 2-3 filters. 

41 minutes ago, Striving for more said:

Oh yeah, what about the shower, can the shower release toxins to a significant degree.

don't drink the shower water :D I don't think any of that will really enter through your skin, the dermal collagen barrier is very very dense and thick. If you wanna filter it, by all means, but I'd start with filtering the tap especially if you're on limited budget. 

43 minutes ago, Striving for more said:

Are old houses & flats more likely to havecontaminated  piipes than modern ones, or is it just random

yeah they are, copper can be a problem in the British victorian houses. Again the filter in Britta if filled with millions of tiny activated carbon particles literally being attracted to these heavy metal cations things like a magnet. Just change it regularly and you are mostly fine. If you want to go deeper and 100% buy an RO filter. 

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Brita filters and their ilk are junk. They will not filter out heavy metals properly.

If your filter system doesn't not cost at least $250, it is junk. You cannot filter water properly too cheaply. Nor can your filter water properly with a single filter. A multi-stage system is necessary. 3-6 stages. 3 stages is the bare minimum.

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I've used Brita. 

It's totally useless. 

Either go get a $300(min) RO or don't do anything. 



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Structured water is always recommended for cooking and drinking. Choose your method of filtration and after you can make sure you store it in copper vessel which energizes the water. Water is also very sensitive to thought and intention so always "bless" your water with positive thoughts. 


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