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Hello Guys, I hope you are doing good. I have a friend that 4 years ago she has been poisoned by an Organophosphate. She has all kind of bad problems, like few times a week if not everyday she has low blood pressure, high blood pressure, her heart rate goes 160 for no reason, she has partial paralalazyz, neuropathy. Also I thing something called a "cholinergic crisis". Im trying to help her and I would like you guys to help me. She's 32, she a singer and she's a very strong woman. Did anything like this happened to you or someone you know? And what did you do? I think when it first happened they have her "atropine". Now they are just giving her beta blockers for heart rate when it goes up for no reason, like 160. Any holistic therapy in mind? Anything will help. Thank you!

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