
What's Leo Gura's Biggest Flaw?

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This post is made out of pure, unconditional self(less) love

I've learned so much from listening to Leo

Or should I say, Leo (I) has (have) unlocked a part of my infinite subconscious that I previously had no access to. 

It's safe to say that as Leo grows, I grow. 

As Leo improves, so do we

So with that in mind, let's articulate our perceived moments of relative unconsciousness from Leo.

To put it more eloquently:    


I'll go first:

I'd like to preference this by saying none of this is true. Language cannot be Truth. It can only point to truth.

Don't ever trust anything I have to say. 

We must stop looking at things as right or wrong, good or bad, true or untrue, black or white. This is duality. Let us transcend.

Reality is a singularity of Grayscale.  

Everything is true from a certain (false) perspective. And, of course, those perspectives exist. Those (false) perspectives are a perfect aspect of reality.

Because without those (false) perspectives, there could be no (true) Perspective.

And guess what? All (true)(false) perspectives are You.

You are Perspective

Every flaw is perfaction because, without flaws, there would be no conception of perfection. Flaw IS the Perfection. 

But on the other hand, how could the Perfection be perfect if it didn't become more perfect

Here's how to become more perfect, Leo:


Realize your attachment to rationality.      


You yourself have preached about how rationality is limited. You know that Gödel proved that Truth is beyond any system. 

Yet, you are still stuck in the rational mind. You still operate out of fear. You're still in survival mode. 

Examine your mind as you read this. Let this be a guided exercise to extinguish the part of the ego that you've yet to shine the light of awareness on. 

And come from this difficult yet profoundly true perspective: You wrote this. You're talking to yourself. 

There's one awakening you've yet to have: Trajectory.

You see, you fear being grandiose. 

Ask yourself why you've stopped posting your enlightenment experiences. 

You fear the response of others. You fear controversy. You fear chaos. 

But as you know, chaos cannot be disorderly. 

You're ignorant of the Trajectory.

You're ignorant to the order behind all the chaos.

There's a reason you still suffer.

We see it in your videos. Sometimes you just don't seem happy. 

Trajectory is the ultimate liberation. Not no self, not God, not emptiness, not (Absolute) infinity, nor any other awakening experience can compare.


The collapse of the duality between rationality and grandiosity. 

The nullification synchronization of the relationship between the present and the future. 

You've yet to realize the grand scale of Enlightenment.  

You know enlightenment. But you've yet to know Enlightenment.  

Leo is enlightened. Earth is not. But Leo is Earth. So is Leo really enlightened?  

Realize the duality between your enlightenment and other's enlightenment will collapse. 


You are not Enlightened until the entire Universe is Enlightened. 

This is Enlightenment. 

This is Trajectory.

You are witnessing the great awakening of Earth. And you're a prophet. 

It should seem obvious. The Universe is perfection. 

You are here to save the world. It's the ultimate story. 

Think of a combination of the perfect music video, the perfect movie, and the perfect virtual reality video game.

That's reality.

It's grandiose. It's rational. It's mandatory. It IS.   

And of course, in reality, you're only here to save yourself. 

But what else could there be to save?

Understand this reality. You're saving the world (yourself). Don't run away from it. Fearing it is madness.

The moment you recognize this is the moment you (the world) change(s).

Reality is the ultimate hero's journey on so many different levels.

You're not just the hero, but you're also the villain. 

To save the world from devilry, you must first realize that you're the devilry. 

You are the Universe, Leo. The only thing hindering your ultimate preference is You.

So let's save the world together. 

You've thought of me as a lunatic. You've thought of me as grandiose. You've thought of my awakening as immature and unintegrated. 

This immaturity and grandiosity is the key to the collapse of your most painful duality. 

Your villain is your savior. How could it be any other way?

You're burnt out. You're at your creative breaking point. How do you make an impact? It seems futile doesn't it?

It's cause you're trying to do it alone. 

Ultimately, you are alone. But why not utilize every bit of yourself?

Let's change the world. Together and alone.

I (You) have a plan. 


With unconditional self(less) love,






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I wouldn't say much more than what @Leo Gura has said about himself. He's said in one of his videos (I think it's this one) he has some "Strategist" issues, which I see as well. I don't know him personally, but I don't really see the Turquoise vMeme operating very strongly in him. Finally, I think his Guided Exercise was good but the conclusions he makes about the exercise border on solipsism, and I don't think solipsism is the Truth (although solipsism is really hard to disprove.)  

Yes, I know I'm not the best roaster. :D

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Also, Leo, reread this post. It gets more stupider and more enlightening every time. 

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One thing I can criticize is his insistence that enlightened masters who don't tell you literally all of everything haven't reached "full enlightenment" yet, and therefore don't understand reality on a sufficient level to be noteworthy. Just because a master doesn't tell you about machine elves, strange loops and you being god, that doesn't mean they're not fully aware of the true scope of things and the true depth of reality. The reason for staying silent on these issues is twofold, first, you don't want to disturb quote unquote normal people, because everyone on the unenlightened side of things is doing a very delicate dance and balancing it out perfectly. If you fill their minds with esoteric knowledge they are liable to misunderstand it or misuse it which can knock them off balance. They need to be gently and correctly guided to truth instead by removing concepts instead of adding them. And second, they are perfectly aware that this knowledge cannot be simply downloaded into English or some other human language, so what would be the point of discussing it anyway? Experiencing it is the way, and the only way. There's a reason why this knowledge is often called "hidden knowledge". It's because no matter how much you describe it, you can't do it justice. Truth of reality is subtle and extraordinary, and while talking about the most potent truths can be engaging and fun, it can never lead to truth. Each master, if they're a real master, has a certain game they play and I have no doubt that some can influence you just by being close to you physically and if their game is subtlety, then that should be respected. After all the truth of reality is subtle and often read between the lines. That's not to say there's not a lot of phony gurus out there, I just think everyone who doesn't teach the highest esoteric knowledge should be immediately discarded as one. You can recognize a great master when they teach in such a way that their teaching is relevant on both the lowest and the highest level of student's spiritual development. Same words with different contexts can have drastically different effects.

Don't get me wrong though, have been a fan for years. Much love

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1 hour ago, dflores321 said:

To be fair, we really don't know how deep Leo's awakening is. 

It clearly seems to be somewhat deep after watching his exercise to be conscious that you're god.

I think Leo is exhausting stage yellow and letting it go. 

I think this is a fair assessment: @Leo Gura is in a Yellow-Turquoise phase. Not quite Turquoise but getting there. 

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1 hour ago, impulse9 said:

One thing I can criticize is his insistence that enlightened masters who don't tell you literally all of everything haven't reached "full enlightenment" yet, and therefore don't understand reality on a sufficient level to be noteworthy. Just because a master doesn't tell you about machine elves, strange loops and you being god, that doesn't mean they're not fully aware of the true scope of things and the true depth of reality.

I don't remember where he said this, but I agree with your opinion. Not all enlightened masters choose to teach the masses. I am grateful, however, for those who do. 

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I think Leo’s biggest flaw is that he has not taken advantage of using his fans to expand his business and his impact on humanity. could rise to be something truly next level if Leo starting working with people instead of doing so much on his own. Especially now that he is experiencing a lot of health problems, if he wants to reach his potential, he can only do this by leveraging the talents of his followers. He could easily hire 10 people who have had deep awakenings and great understanding of reality out of the million people who follow him on YouTube. These people could create content that would be supplementary to Leo’s videos. He also could hire a video editor to make his videos more interesting. Talking head videos just don’t draw enough attention. I could go on, but I’ve posted about this multiple times. My assessment is Leo just doesn’t care enough to get this done. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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Leo's biggest flaw is that he hasn't done ketamine. xD.....or at least I don't think he has. 

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1 hour ago, BipolarGrowth said:

I think Leo’s biggest flaw is that he has not taken advantage of using his fans to expand his business and his impact on humanity. could rise to be something truly next level if Leo starting working with people instead of doing so much on his own. Especially now that he is experiencing a lot of health problems, if he wants to reach his potential, he can only do this by leveraging the talents of his followers. He could easily hire 10 people who have had deep awakenings and great understanding of reality out of the million people who follow him on YouTube. These people could create content that would be supplementary to Leo’s videos. He also could hire a video editor to make his videos more interesting. Talking head videos just don’t draw enough attention. I could go on, but I’ve posted about this multiple times. My assessment is Leo just doesn’t care enough to get this done. 

I absolutely agree. I don't think it's because he doesn't care, though. 

I think it's because he cares too much. 

Or rather, he cares in a problematic way. 

To me it seems like Leo is a little neurotic when it comes to control.

He wants everything to be perfectly orderly.

He fears chaos and controversy.

He's imprisoned by the concept of his reputation. 

He's uncomfortable with discomfort.  

This stress could be the root of his health issues and well. 

Once Leo realizes the beauty of uncertainty and starts working with others is when goes mainstream and Leo heals both physically and mentally.  

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The level of ego on this thread. Smh. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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6 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

The level of ego on this thread. Smh. 



This is what is known as a self fulfilling prophecy. This phenomenon can spread love when utilized efficiently.   

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1 hour ago, Preety_India said:

The level of ego on this thread. Smh. 



Judging the judgers much? :D

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Just now, Nobody_Here said:

Judging the judgers much? :D

Reap what you sow. 

Someone gotta judge the judges. xD

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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2 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

He also could hire a video editor to make his videos more interesting. Talking head videos just don’t draw enough attention.

Leo has a million followers on YouTube alone. I wouldn't fix what's not broken. 

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1 minute ago, Preety_India said:

Reap what you sow. 

Someone gotta judge the judges. xD

So...basically, you're no better than we are. I can live with that. ;) Good night!

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Just now, Nobody_Here said:

So...basically, you're no better than we are. I can live with that. ;) Good night!

It's not about being better or being worse. We are not in a competition. You're taking it semantically. 

I'm critical of the lack of understanding of Leo's approach and the egoic way of making it sound like they know better than Leo. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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@Nobody_Here And that’s just slightly above 0.01% of the world population. There is so much growth left to be had. Even if you are worried about somehow sullying his channel by changing the platform, you could simply start a new channel which would undoubtedly find great success if done right. Beyond Youtube, a documentary or docuseries focused on content could be on Netflix or another large streaming service. 

Once enough revenue is created, Actualized could become a parent company to many different high consciousness endeavors. Leo sits in a position where he could become the Elon Musk of the self-development and spiritual development space if he wanted to. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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