
Being triggered by vegans

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I'm always heavily triggered by vegans and I always have the tendency to emotionally lash out, saying something sarcastic or snappy.

I fully get the economic and environmental aspect, although veganism can be more expensive and hazardous for the environment. Especially if you look at the volumes of food they are consuming to get their calories. The vitamin pills they are binging on. The doctor's appointments and constant blood tests. It is not cheap, nor is it good for the environment if you take a peak at the bus loads of vegetables and fruits they are consuming.

The economic and environmental aspect can be debated and I don't have a strong opinion on this matter. It is just the judgmental and pretentious personality of these people that I can't stand. They feel better than everybody and lie to themselves too that they have a healthy diet although noteworthy vegan celebrities are dropping left and right, going back to a normal diet.

Am I projecting my own issues on vegans or are these people really that annoying?

Edited by StarStruck

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Projection of course! 
But I would say first and foremost vegans are vegans out of compassion for animals and not wanting to contribute to suffering.  They are passionate about it and want to speak up... if you are triggered by that then you should ask yourself why... 



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I actually find meat eaters to be more annoying personally, they like to provoke vegans.  
My sister has been vegetarian since a teenager and vegan the last 7 years.
She received a lot of shit from my brother over the years, he would wind her up, and make jokes about her not wanting to eat meat. he is another one who gets really triggered about people not wanting to eat meat.  But he is a chef who prepares a lot of meat, so veganism is a threat to his work, since more and more people don’t want to eat meat. 



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9 minutes ago, intotheblack said:

Projection of course! 
But I would say first and foremost vegans are vegans out of compassion for animals and not wanting to contribute to suffering.  They are passionate about it and want to speak up... if you are triggered by that then you should ask yourself why... 

Vegetables are living things too. They might not have a heart but they do have senses and an urge to survive. I find their passion highly selective. Loads of people are suffering because of vegan diets. They should care about humans too.


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8 minutes ago, neutralempty said:

Fkn 1000% you are buddy :D.


Sure, I mean you could say that, but whatever you said here applies to carnists by a 10 times scalar increase.

You clearly haven't looked into environment and health issues aspects properly.

If everybody would become a vegan, the world would literally not be able to sustain that.

Meat is high caloric and highly nutritious. You don't need to eat a truck load of meat. A small piece is enough to sustain you for days.

Vegans on the other hands eat truck loads of fruit and vegetables to stay alive, and afterwards they still have health issues. They are forced to take supplements and blood test. On the long term every vegan finds out their diet just simply doesn't work out.

3 minutes ago, neutralempty said:

Do you understand how ridiculously self confirming that argument.

Do you consider your smart phone sentient? 

Pay attention to what animals are and what vegetables are.

My phone doesn't want to survive. Plants actually have mechanism to stay alive. A plants survival strategy and a human's survival strategy is not very different: they both want to stay alive. We literally share DNA with plants, dude.

Edited by StarStruck

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10 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

Vegetables are living things too. They might not have a heart but they do have senses and an urge to survive. I find their passion highly selective

this is just something dumb that all meat eaters have started saying over social media.  it's the only response they have.

You said you are triggered by vegans... what are you trying to get out of this thread?



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Have any of you cried for hurting plants? 

Or am I going crazy? 

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Follow your heart.

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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Moving to health subforum. Seems like this topic is heading towards similar fate as the other ones. 

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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@StarStruck Watch this thingy to the end and then tell me what you think.


Do you understand the vegan mindset? Do you know how they feel, why they feel? Can you feel compassion for those vegans that want to compel other people to adopt a vegan diet?

Edited by Loving Radiance

Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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There is a term for this, it is called "Vegaphobia". It works very similar to other forms of phobias (homophobia, islamophobia and so forth), here is a paper on this:


Quite interesting, even the research found that it is more of the vegans who do it for the morality who are being judged by others. This is just what happens with moral progress. The stance of the more evolved morality is an invalidation of the previous form of morality. So just by someone being an ethical vegan, they are invalidating your own ethical stance, which is to view animals as inferior beings to humans, for example.



Here, read this post on the matter of plants:

More importantly however, and this is often the case with these sneaky arguments, is that you do not advocate for compassion towards plants. Rather, you attempt to invalidate the ethical expansion by pointing to something else that could be expanded on. This is very similar to arguing that enslaving a certain race of people is permissable, because after all, we are also enslaving animals, so it's hypocritcal to say that slavery is wrong if we also enslave animals. Therefore, all people who want to abolish human slavery are hypocrates and actually slavery is right and natural.

This is not actually an ethical stance, this is just an attempt to dismiss, to have the status quo remain as is. After all, the person who enslaves black people cares not about black people nor animals, he simply uses the argument so that he doesn't have to change.

You are victim to one of the most basic human flaws. It is the same flaw which made people resist the abolishment of slavery, and the same flaw which made religious people crusade against others.


See, you accept the economic and environmental arguments precisely because they are not moral arguments. What you are resisting is not veganism, nor a change in diet. What you are actually resisting is giving up on your identity of human superiority. It is offensive to you to compare a pig to a human, precisely because


a pig to you is not even an individual. There is something in your mind that creates a clear line between the pig and the human. That line is what is being fought over.

This very line is what people went to war for, whether to defend the line, or move further towards unity.


21 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

Moving to health subforum. Seems like this topic is heading towards similar fate as the other ones. 

I don't think this fits the health subforum at all. Being triggered by vegans is a social problem, not a health problem.

Edited by Scholar

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@K Ghoul I prescribe you to watch the video above ;)

Edit: There is no need to defend yourself (aka attacking) against neutralempty.


@neutralempty Name calling is not allowed no matter how frustrated you are.

Edited by Loving Radiance

Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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6 minutes ago, K Ghoul said:

Compassion starts with you - why don’t you start practicing love with yourself and give your body the nourishment that it deserves.

This manufactured sense of morality comes from having become removed from nature to the point that your sense of reality is now altered.

THIS is reality:



(I hope this video doesn’t trigger protests against lions)

You know what else is reality? Ants enslaving other ant races.

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30 minutes ago, K Ghoul said:

Compassion starts with you - why don’t you start practicing love with yourself and give your body the nourishment that it deserves.

This manufactured sense of morality comes from having become removed from nature to the point that your sense of reality is now altered.

THIS is reality:



(I hope this video doesn’t trigger protests against lions)

That is love right there. That lion wants to survive. Just like me. I don't want to have an unnatural diet, end up doing blood tests every month, eat shit loads of vitamin pills and still end up being depressed and suicidal. I only eat small amounts of meat/fish/chicken/and so on. That is what doctor's recommend and that is what I do.


34 minutes ago, Loving Radiance said:

@StarStruck Watch this thingy to the end and then tell me what you think.


Do you understand the vegan mindset? Do you know how they feel, why they feel? Can you feel compassion for those vegans that want to compel other people to adopt a vegan diet?

I totally understand and sympathize, but I disagree with him.


46 minutes ago, intotheblack said:

this is just something dumb that all meat eaters have started saying over social media.  it's the only response they have.

You said you are triggered by vegans... what are you trying to get out of this thread?

I didn't expect so many members to be triggered and emotional. I didn't know this forum had so many vegans. I guess I just learned how people think about veganism on this forum?

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15 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

I didn't expect so many members to be triggered and emotional. I didn't know this forum had so many vegans. I guess I just learned how people think about veganism on this forum?

High consciousness tends to come with veganism. ;)

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37 minutes ago, neutralempty said:

We already established in a post you are stage blue.

Listen, if you fear because doctors say so and mama and papa say so, fine, then be honest about it.

But don't go with your nonsensical argumentation about what is natural or not presenting it as a fixed fact about biology.

I'm actually stage green-yellow and I'm shedding stage green ideology and dogma. Not everybody will like that.

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27 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

I'm actually stage green-yellow and I'm shedding stage green ideology and dogma. Not everybody will like that.

This makes no sense. Veganism is not an ideology or dogma that will be abandoned, otherwise stage green would abandon human rights.

"Man, we were so ideological about the abolishment of slavery, now that I am stage green I finally am able to shed myself of this human rights dogma."


Proper and solid stage yellow will integrate animal rights and veganism to such a degree that it won't even be called veganism anymore, it will be so normal. Much like people don't call themselves abolitionists today.

Edited by Scholar

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14 minutes ago, Scholar said:

This makes no sense. Veganism is not an ideology or dogma that will be abandoned, otherwise stage green would abandon human rights.

"Man, we were so ideological about the abolishment of slavery, now that I am stage green I finally am able to shed myself of this human rights dogma."


Proper and solid stage yellow will integrate animal rights and veganism to such a degree that it won't even be called veganism anymore, it will be so normal. Much like people don't call themselves abolitionists today.

The higher up the spiral the less ideological one becomes. 

Vegans are very ideological and almost militant. It is hard to discuss anything. This mindset will go in stage yellow. 

With shedding I didn't mean shedding of the values. I meant shedding of the fixed-minded ideology and dogma. 

Obviously there is a whole ideology and industry behind veganism. It is a money making business, praying on certain insecure people, at this moment. Improvements can't be made at this point. 

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3 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

The higher up the spiral the less ideological one becomes. 

Vegans are very ideological and almost militant. It is hard to discuss anything. This mindset will go in stage yellow. 

With shedding I didn't mean shedding of the values. I meant shedding of the fixed-minded ideology and dogma. 

Obviously there is a whole ideology and industry behind veganism. It is a money making business, praying on certain insecure people, at this moment. Improvements can't be made at this point. 

I have actually met more vegans who are very open minded about this topic than meat eaters. I usually see meat eaters being the ones coming from emotions and not able to rationlized their behavior. What mindset will go and not go is irrelevant, the fact of the matter is that going up the spiral means higher inclusivity.

The ideology and industry behind veganism is necessary to establish enough evolutionary force to actually make the change happen. You seem to think that ideology has no function, or that it somehow is bad, because Leo says so in the video. This fails to recognize how progess happens in the real world. Would you criticize the abolitionists to be ideological and that there was an entire anti-slavery industry? Would this be a valid criticism of what was going on back then? At this stage, whether you like it or not, this kind of ideology and identification is necessary. When women were fighting for their rights, what was necessary was a strong feminist identity, a strong feminist ideology and an entire industry behind it.

When the rights have been achieved, then it is appropriate to let go of identity, bcause identity has served it's purposed, survival needs have been met.


You simply are vegaphobic, it is quite obvious. You call veganism insecure, ideological, militant. What would you call those who defend their consumption of factory farmed meat? Who will make fun of vegans, bully them, eat the corpses of tortured animals because they hate them so much? What is that? Is that not ideolology and dogmatism?


Any ethical movement will be militant, atleast that is how the one who is doing the immorality will perceive it. I perceive vegans as passionate and caring. If you think what is going on today is radical, just wait a few decades. You will look the same as any other biggoted and outdated old man who has walked this earth in the past.

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I've been on a vegetarian diet for nearly two decades, and have been experimenting with veganism from time to time, sometimes for a few months, other times for a few weeks. On the basis of how incredibly good I feel after vegan food, I'd say veganism is an extremely good diet and I would likely fully commit to it if I ate alone 100% of the time. You should probably take B12 supplements if you're doing vegan diet though.

I haven't really read the full thread but my take on it is that an extremely advanced civilization would have no need for meat. That said, I don't really argue about it because it never leads anywhere. I think people should eat what they think is best for them.

Edited by impulse9

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