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Singing Analysis Journal - (i.e. clips compared side by side)

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As described, and of the highest intelligence overtime in as much as I can extend myself to that resolve.


All arts need to be broken down into a science and then built back up into an art through the natural expression of the science that's become a habit for you.

The following first clip is a simple example of what I'll be doing to improve my ear on my own sounds produced and the way in which those sounds are produced so I can stay away from bad habits and move towards those habits that concentrate my sound towards its best direction.

Notice in the first parts of each aspect of this clip for example that the first is a more narrow and heady and the second is more round and open. We can potentially blend various ways of singing, but in general you want to be focusing on a particular direction simply because just like any other part of your body you build up muscle memory.

The following based on an improv I just completed, the full version listed at the bottom of this entry.

[ Prefacing this with the fact that I'm perfecting the second version, that the first is done with the wrong technique (for lack of a better way of describing it) ]



Full version - while listening I encourage you to try and see if you can notice nuances yourself that could have been improved, doing such an exercise will improve your ear as well as change the way you listen to other singers from now on. For example, at the beginning, notice how my sound isn't very open at all, its a little congested, it would have sounded much better if I was open and resonant. This is of course one of the difficulties with improvisations I'll have to overcome, I never know precisely (not even close) just what I'm going to be singing so its far easier to sing something in a way that you probably shouldn't. This is something that comes with the sole repetition of your chosen technique.

Ultimately, this is still something I'm experimenting with.

Outside of analysis we have just the natural development of the voice overtime of course through scales and so on where said technique is ideally emphasised and carries over outside of training (not always happens). Cognitively it takes away from the free-flow, but cognition here is simply relative to number of sets you still need to complete before it becomes seamless and thoughtless for creative flow.



Edited by Origins

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This is a reminder of myself to do a clip comparison for this song.... Will have it up by tomorrow sometime. 

Compare with how I sound here which is early days with how I sound today. I should be able to do it much better, not if I forget the style I did this in though which I like.

On that note, secondly, a reminder to myself to remember to keep some of that granular rusty essence and not be too smooth which is an easy trap to fall into when you forget other good qualities to your voice when you're working on 'technique'.\



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Haven't redone Devotion yet (see above), but will do over the next few days just when I'm content to do so.

Here's an update on my now chosen path of singing style that'll take a few weeks for me to perfect to a level I'm comfortable enough to advance from.


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okay fixed distortion now (slightly still there but its all I have time for and not used to recording a classical sound):


So I've just been getting back into my singing training, includes classical. My goal is to combine rap/classical in a creative way.

Here's a before and in one months time from now I'll see how I sound and test for progress.

NO EDITS TO THESE VOALS AT ALL (other than the adding of the cathedral plugin - only very lightly)

This will provide a good marker for me.

This is just a random improv done just now


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