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Narrative in Music - Story telling - Ideational, Personal and Theoretical

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The following journal will be dedicated to developing a framework in which future improvisational music will be developed in the context of story generation.

Here I will journal about ideas, themes and elements for and about story within songs (byproducts will be shared here, however wait until Feb 1st and beyond for more conscious developments -

This means that the following journals will no longer be acted on, this is because I want to remain on the razor edge of song development between now and the end of the year, dedicating all my creative less theoretical writing energies here (and in the improvisations themselves inclusive of any personal reflections on them) rather than operating separately.

For this more self aware plan I thank Draenei Paladin for being my right hand side kick in sharing their wisdom to me here ;) .

I know I can achieve the same level of poetic linguistic prowess or higher during musical improvisations around story there as I do inside of solely focusing on linguistic poetic production, it will just take me a couple of weeks or maybe even less to get there. It is merely a matter of activating the right brain regions within myself, consistently enough, because I know as well how to channel and heighten neurplasticity on a purposeful level to my own designed ends now too.

In Draenei's words:

"It's hard to explain how to do it other than to believe that you can and that you should, to go directly and deeply into yourself and make it so. An act of will. What you put out into the world, in your experience -internally-, so it is. You resolve that at the root of intention. You tend to get there by circling around it through the feedback of reality at any level, or you get straighter to the point and you realign yourself."

And to add, their emphasis on the importance of concentrating energies in a singular direction (as much as is feasible at least).

Experiation to the following journals / inactivity:

(1) Title of journal - Diamonds of time
(2) Title of Journal -  Psychological Poetic Ruminations (Future Reflections)

(3) Title of Journal - Improvised Short Stories - Daily Challenge

(4) Autobiographical Reflective Insight Journal: 0 Years to Now

(5) Thought Experiments - AS THE THOUGHT ARISES


And any other potential journal that falls outside the scope of pure theory and can in any way still be related to music

This includes even:

 (7) Journal for Visions (Corresponding PhotoShop Beginner stuff)

This is because I can always create art for the Youtube video itself and the content of the song which is what I believe I should now do and be the sole means of sharing any visual work from now on, in fact that will be my goal, to create daily Photoshop stuff and just pop in the background of music.


Here's to Draenei Paladin for sharing their retrospective foresight with me (from the lens of myself - complicated mirror here :P ):





Edited by Origins

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My first diagram around lyric production being created on the fly by consciousness. Created quickly just now.

Intellectual property is owned by me but feel free to use of course just so long as you don't take credit for it haha ;) .



Edited by Origins

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Simple formula:

1. Feeling -> Story (non-fictional to fictional) -> Development of feelings with further connected narrative

- In general this would be a simple first person approach but then we can have many other variations as well of course that'll explore after testing out this method for improvisation. So all I'd do is think of a feeling, connect a story from that feeling and then use the rest of the song to develop narrative for the further exploration and even changes or growth of those feelings depending on the context of those narratives and from what perspective they were being told.

  • Noticing the utility otherwise in creating formulas just to help me ideate a little faster than usual; ultimately a necessity at this point in light of how many I'm experimenting with completing each day.
  • Tangentially as well it's interesting, most peoples difficulties, all of them probably, come from story first then feeling followed by the development of those feelings with further connected narrative if they get that far in explaining things to themselves. So existentially, this lends itself to the question of what stories can we be resilient to and what stories can we not? What stories have we yet to simulate and mentally prepare for and what stories have we not that we ought to? I think its great as a strategic mindset moving forward.


And you can even just start off with literally any prompt, simply rely on the associational network of the brain to do the rest of the work for you. Here's a random list of words I'll type out quickly now for example:













I'm sure I could start a song out with any one of these words and complete it with no other prompt/planning, its about having the confidence to follow the stream of consciousness that joins. You can also build your associational abilities in this sense both directly through associative reasoning and more broadly through relational reasoning. 

Edited by Origins

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Brainstorm... think of all the most interesting questions, places and more in the world, combine sublime.


  • times in history
  • world wars
  • unique environments (i.e. diamond caves)
  • unique situations
    - robberies
    - back of an ambulance
    - inside a firetruck during a dangerous fire
  • Unique times in the year
    - Christmas, birthdays, easter, etc
    - weekends vs weekdays

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