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More Development (i Think)

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So after watching some more videos (some twice or more), I've noticed something interesting. I'm learning more about myself which is great, but something came to light recently. 

I really enjoy being alone. 

It's weird to explain.  For example, every now and then I'll enjoy having conversation with individuals.  Other times that's the last thing I want to do.  I enjoy going to restaurants or pubs alone to take in the atmosphere and enjoy my surroundings.  Maybe even strike up a conversation with someone.  But, in no way shape or form do I feel like I need to invite someone I know along for my company.  

The other thing I've noticed is I'm seeing people for who they are more clearly.  I am able to identify those I know who really don't care about my well-being, just that of themselves.  For the first time in my life, I am totally comfortable turning down a request to hang out with them or standing up and saying to them what I truly believe.  

This little discovery has felt so liberating!


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