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Is breast pain okay?

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I have been having pulsating pain in my left breast. 

I'm not sure what to make of this. 


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Can be temporary sensitivity caused by stress or short term spike of certain hormones if it lasts over 3 days probably good to get it checked

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22 hours ago, Preety_India said:

I have been having pulsating pain in my left breast. 

I'm not sure what to make of this. 

Worth checking. Not to sound gloomy, it might be connected with period hormones, ofc, but it also might be a cyst or something else.
Better be safe than sorry.

I've been in a similar situation. Turned out - gladly - that it were some tiny cysts that measure only a couple of millimetres but nothing that would be causing the pain. The pain was caused by stress mainly, but I'm not a doc to give you any prescriptions. 
Hope everything will be OK, Preety_India. 

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