
Why does it feel good to look people in the eyes?

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Once I decided to find a bookstore called the "Theosophical Society of Melbourne" (I think that was the name). It is full of cool self-help books from authors like Byron Katie, David Hawkins, Shinzen Young. 

I walked up the steps, and found a little breakout room, with a guy sitting outside the doorway. He told me that a guy inside had written a book on gratitude. I caught the end of it. He was a nice, charismatic guy, and people who asked questions seemed to love sharing their insights they've had. 

He proceeded to sign books and chat to people, I bought his book and got him to sign it. I asked him how to identify the process of growing/healing, he had some interesting answers. At some points in the conversation, we would just stop talking and look each other in the eyes. It made us both smile, I think it felt quite good in my body. I was resistant to keep looking at him, the fear/anxiety in my body kind of wanted to take my gaze away from his. 


Why does it feel good to look someone in the eye, and be silent? 

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you can "feel" their soul.

Edited by blackchair

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I’ve found that it only feels good when you are not projecting onto the other person, and you can definitely see when they are projecting onto you. So the purer the heart, the better the eye contact feels

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27 minutes ago, Jaka Pirs Hanzic said:

So the purer the heart, the better the eye contact feels

i'll take this as a compliment. Thank you.

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