
Is there only one Awakening?

56 posts in this topic

24 minutes ago, Harikrishnan said:

When you say someone else is suffering; honey its you suffering- Mahthma Gandhi


 In a gentle way, you can shake the world. Mahthma Gandhi

24 minutes ago, Harikrishnan said:

if you think you are disrespected by a my ass comment then its high time to check your ego instead saying someone is suffering. saying someone is suffering is more disrespectful than my ass comment. 

No one is suffering other than you- Abraham lincoln

When you say someone else is suffering; honey its you suffering- Mahthma Gandhi

Suffering makes you close to God- Mother theresa.

You can clearly see in the picture that it wasnt even telling “me”. It was telling to “Flyboy” by “Leo”. 

24 minutes ago, Harikrishnan said:

p.s i dont want to derail the topic. im out


You said “Suffering makes you close to God- Mother Theresa.” How many people does Mother Teresa hurt??

Much love to you?❤️?


Edited by James123

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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"Daily Guides - Vernon Howard , Esoteric Encyclopedia of Eternal Knowledge

Observe the kind of advice you are giving yourself, then decide whether you like the results of that advice

Anyone wishing to make it his own must first discover what is really his own and what is not

There are great possibilities for anyone who asks after getting his feelings hurt, "Why am I such a slave to others?"

Something exciting is happening inwardly when you no long forward to something exciting 

Fear of ridicule can be overcome by always being who you really are

You can use your thoughts correctly or you can let them use you incorrectly

Make it your aim to no longer let artificial personality speak and act in your name

An inability to understand an esoteric fact contains a favourable element, for it means that at last we are trying to open the right door"

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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50 minutes ago, James123 said:

FORGET ABOUT YOURSELF, THINK ABOUT OTHERS. How many people become nothing? Because if you did, you know others are you too, and not aware(including you). Anything “I” said not for “me” for others. Read it carefully. But almost %95 of people on this forum talks from the ego or self. Therefore it is normal to not comprehend the conversation that comes from no self and ego comprehend it as comes from the ego. Ego sees everything as ego.

Your feelings are not my responsibility. If you can't take a humorous response that is on you. Right now you are kind of being a mechanical projection machine.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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4 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

Your feelings are not my responsibility. If you can't take a humorous response that is on you. Right now you are kind of being a mechanical projection machine.

None of this conversation happened because something as said to “me”. Something said to “someone else”, but next time you can be the one who gets humiliated too. Let “me” know, “i” will be next to you. Don’t forget you are me and i am you. Because we are nothing. ❤️

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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On 1/21/2021 at 4:06 PM, Leo Gura said:

4th path my ass.

There are infinite paths, infinite states.

While I truly don't doubt this is the case in an ultimate sense, I'm trying to understand what Ingram's description of 4th path "is".  It does sound, at least on a perceptual level, like a completion--like the point when the flickering nature of perception finally completely syncs and the codependent origination of awareness is fully obvious in everything--the closing of the universal ouroboros, if you will.

I guess I'd really like to know the relationship between this "enlightenment" and other aspects of awakening.  This does appear to be a permanent state for those who attain it, and they relate to being able to access all 8 Jhanas simultaneously.  Frank Yang describes it as "more profound than all the drugs in the world put together."  Perhaps hyperbole, but still, I'm just trying to understand and would love more perspective.

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The conditioned mind can't understand enlightenment because it views everything from a subject/object self centered perspective(what's in it for me)... it will literally take something said and twist it into what it wants to hear.

This is why you hear Masters speak of No mind... Unknowing...No self...Not knowing... Emptying the glass Etc.

No one enters the gateless gate, so be nobody.



“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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29 minutes ago, VeganAwake said:

The conditioned mind can't understand enlightenment because it views everything from a subject/object self centered perspective(what's in it for me)... it will literally take something said and twist it into what it wants to hear.

This is why you hear Masters speak of No mind... Unknowing...No self...Not knowing... Emptying the glass Etc.

No one enters the gateless gate, so be nobody.




Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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On 1/21/2021 at 3:56 PM, Leo Gura said:

You can have an infinite number of awakenings.

@Leo Gura

Does that mean we can not have any awakenings?

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There is only one awakening but it has an infinite depth to it. It has infinite awakenings in it, in that sense. 

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54 minutes ago, mw711 said:

@Leo Gura

Does that mean we can not have any awakenings?


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 1/22/2021 at 6:28 PM, Flyboy said:

While I truly don't doubt this is the case in an ultimate sense, I'm trying to understand what Ingram's description of 4th path "is".  It does sound, at least on a perceptual level, like a completion--like the point when the flickering nature of perception finally completely syncs and the codependent origination of awareness is fully obvious in everything--the closing of the universal ouroboros, if you will.

I guess I'd really like to know the relationship between this "enlightenment" and other aspects of awakening.  This does appear to be a permanent state for those who attain it, and they relate to being able to access all 8 Jhanas simultaneously.  Frank Yang describes it as "more profound than all the drugs in the world put together."  Perhaps hyperbole, but still, I'm just trying to understand and would love more perspective.

Crickets?  @Leo Gura  I'm someone who you have helped a lot asking a genuine question to deepen understanding.  This would be an awesome opportunity to shed some light if you do think you have a deeper perspective.  I am not trolling.

Edited by Flyboy

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@Flyboy Less talking, more practice.

You are NOT going to understand these things through talking! Stop talking!

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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There is only one awakening in the sense that awakening is all there is. 

Literally every minutia of reality is part of awakening. 

Every facet of reality is infinitely, intricately interconnected.

Every thought you've ever had is to provide context to the realization of what thought is.  

There are multiple awakenings in the sense that you will realize the infinite interconnectedness of the Universe from various different perspectives. 

"Total" awakening is when the duality between one awakening and multiple awakenings collapse. 

But, of course, "Total" awakening must only get more total, or it wouldn't be a totality would it?

Let's stop believing there are black and white answers. 

Reality is a singularity of Grayscale. 

It will help us not get so offended. It will lead us to peace. 


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19 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Flyboy Less talking, more practice.

You are NOT going to understand these things through talking! Stop talking!

I'm doing my best man.  Been doing Kriya and contemplation since I started watching your videos 9 months ago, I've read close to 20 books off your book list, and watched most of your content as well plenty of other teachers, articles, and sources for cross-reference.  Psychedelics are off-limits for now after a bad online MAOI fucked up my receptors (huge mistake).  I'm making real progress, but I'm not there yet.

The purpose of this question is meta-thinking about the direction of the path I'm taking, and I'm just considering whether a long-term dedicated vipassana practice is worth the investment / opportunity cost over other methods. 

I frankly don't love the Buddhist framework, though if interpreted correctly it is essentially pointing to the same things you are.  I really like the idea of overall Actualization, and I credit you primarily for championing that with your content.  Big picture understanding in your content is phenomenal.  But, of course, enlightenment is at the center of all of it, so optimizing that piece of the puzzle is the highest priority for me at the moment.

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