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Nature of Infinity

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In Leo’s ‘What is death?’ video he states that when we die we’ll automatically merge back with the godhead. Is it possible to merge with the godhead while alive (using 5-MeO-DMT, meditation, etc. for example) or will there always be layers of reality that are impossible to uncover regardless of how much work is put into spirituality?

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Ultimately I think we can't know until we actually do "merge back", when it's no longer an idea but actual. Leo has talked about Mahasamadhi, just as other sages have - which is, to merge into Infinity, you have to die. Mahasamadhi seems to be a free choice of leaving the body to not be bound to any form. It's a nice thought, but who knows. I definitely had a very similar experience to the one Leo talks about on 5-MeO, where it actually felt like I wanted to leave this body, and it also felt like one step further would mean voluntary death. But I didn't do it, so no idea :D But an amazing question for sure!

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3 hours ago, JayFueel said:

In Leo’s ‘What is death?’ video he states that when we die we’ll automatically merge back with the godhead. Is it possible to merge with the godhead while alive (using 5-MeO-DMT, meditation, etc. for example) or will there always be layers of reality that are impossible to uncover regardless of how much work is put into spirituality?

This is from the perspective there is a you which is separate and alive. Nothing wrong with the perspective per se, but you are what the perspective is made of, and not the abstraction it appears, to be about. The “Cosmic Joke”. 

Or if you like, there are already no layers, there is only “godhead”, or, there is already not two which could merge. What appears as the thought that there are two, is already, One. The ‘substance’ you might say, what the thought is ‘made of’, ‘bliss’. 



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Apparent separation from the Godhead is a feature not a bug. All that being alive means, is to be separated. Alive to dead is not just a one way street though. "You" could merge with the Godhead and die and yet still come back to life later. Will it be the same "you" again? No. But you're not the same "you" even of five minutes ago: that "you" already died.

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2 hours ago, LastThursday said:

Apparent separation from the Godhead is a feature not a bug.

Exactly. None of the great spiritual masters teaches suicide of the form, only suicide of the ego. Rather than disparaging life as meaningless, they emphasize the hero's journey. If life has no purpose, why bother teaching love, and the end of suffering?

Is it helpful to say that ultimately, there is no soul, there is no journey, and there is no purpose? Or is there wisdom in recognizing that God creates this cosmos for a reason? The realization of ultimate reality is correct, yet it has no power to liberate us from this transient form. It only provides perspective. There is not only ultimate reality, there is also relative reality. God is all of it. This understanding allows lucidity, enhancing the quality of our experience, however transient it may be.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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12 minutes ago, Moksha said:

There is not only ultimate reality, there is also relative reality. God is all of it.


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