Light Lover

How To Spend My Time In The Best Possible Way

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Hey guys I was just looking for some advice and thought this place might be the best to ask it :) I wake up fearful and in dread because now I have cut down all my pleasure and sloth time I have an enormous amount of time during the day and have a huge fear of wasting it. I already work on my passion and other Life purpose stuff and meditation but I still feel like I am missing something which could finally make me sleep in peace knowing I did the very best I could during my day.

No patronising comments please, Love from Light Lover :x

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Watch more of Leo's videos and take action on them =) 

Or if you get sore eyes from watching too many, download the MP3 versions of his videos and feed this incredibly valuable information through your ears if you have a device which has enough memory =)

It's important what we feed our minds, so make sure you're feeding it with "stuff" you know will benefit you.

I trust this helps.

Edited by Lawrence

I write about scientific-based self-help, habits, productivity, creativity and ancient wisdom over at


"Lions don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep" - The Internet

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Hello Light lover. Lawrence has summed it up perfectly.  I use to feed my mind garbage on TV the internet, but now I feed it only positive stuff. It's good you are meditating following your passion.

My advice would be go for walks in nature read some spiritual books or self motivation books if you think they will help. :) you are enough my friend. 

Hope this helps.

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14 minutes ago, Lawrence said:

Watch more of Leo's videos and take action on them =) 

Or if you get sore eyes from watching too many, download the MP3 versions of his videos and feed this incredibly valuable information through your ears if you have a device which has enough memory =)

It's important what we feed our minds, so make sure you're feeding it with "stuff" you know will benefit you.

I trust this helps.

I agree with this.  What we need is accurate, helpful information.  My addition to @Lawrence adivce is just take it in slowly, work on one issue at a time and spend some time checking that it corresponds to common sense and reason.  

"Never believe anything I say - unless it corresponds to common sense and reason" -  Buddha.


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4 hours ago, Lawrence said:

Watch more of Leo's videos and take action on them =) 

In multiple videos Leo talks about slow, deliberate and mindful action (or worded some other way). I like the Lifestyle Minimalism one - one I like to re-listen to now and then. 

Here's a similar thread: 


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Thankyou guys really helpful advice. It looks like I wasn't missing out on anything then at all! I guess I was trying, and still am, trying to get to the moon in one leap! :)

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Just keep at the meditation, mindfulness, self-inquiry introspection as much as you can and let it seduce you into the best ever lasting relationship you could ever dream of. ;)

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@Light Lover I think that you are still in your old system: "whats next?" or maybe you're tricky ego always say "I'm special so my time should not be wasted". Remember Leo's advice about "Lifestyle Minimalism" slow and deliberate action to whatever you are doin'. This is not a perfect advice but personal development is doing the two stuff: you take the massive actions from leo's advice and in another hand completely be happy, quite, calm, doing nothing, being and content in every situation. Good Luck:)

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