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Door to Door job and anxiety

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I started working at a door to door job giving away free government phones for people who receive medical and food stamps. The work environment before we go out and work is really positive and uplifting, but also really hard for me because I’ve become a very introverted person and I’ve had social anxiety ever since I could remember 

Before this job I hardly saw anyone besides a few friends and I live with my girlfriend who convinced me to join her in the job. I took it because I needed money for rent cause we just moved out together. The first week was miserable and drained me of everything I had because of all the anxiety of talking to strangers and trying to convince them to take the phones 

anyway the point of this post is seeking advice. I’m picking up social skills and confidence doing this job, however it’s extremely emotionally exhausting and I can’t see myself doing this everyday for 5 years, let alone a few months. My true passion is art and I’ve been contemplating every night on how to start a good business around my passion. My art is the fuel for my heart and soul, without it I am depressed. All these silly jobs take me away from having the time to do my art.

Do i stay at this job for the skills? Or am I wasting my time doing something unnecessarily difficult just to get by? It feels like psychedelic trips have given me too much self respect in that I know my purpose is art and that ain’t nobody is going to stop me or distract me from doing it. 

I obviously don’t want to be stupid and not pay my bills, I want to figure out a strategic way to put this all together. If anyone has gone through something similar I’d love to hear your stories! Until I get payed my girlfriend has been supporting me, it makes me feel useless sometimes, I’m in a tricky emotional bind. I want to empower myself by breaking free of wage slavery so I can share support with her and also have money and time for myself.


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I think in the more near term it would be good for you to work on those social skills and for paying rent. 

You will want to spend your time strategically and work on building up what you want for a business on the side. You also should get as much value that you can out of the position while you are there. Anyway that you can improve yourself, art, etc while on the job. That might come in the form of listening to audio while in transition, or just building up your social skills. It's unlikely that you won't benefit from being able to articulate yourself better. 

I would also search for a job that is close to what you want to do for your purpose, passions, hobbies, etc. That will help bring up your mood and possibly help give you ideas of what you want and don't want. You can also use them to build up future skills. 

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Honestly, that is a pretty sick gig for getting over the fear of rejection. 

Read some books on assertiveness, and install some relaxation techniques..

Ultimately follow your intuition.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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