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Psychological Poetic Ruminations (Future Reflections)

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For Future Reflections (to travel back to so I remember how I changed, transformed and transmuted my state for my own betterment).

Will do this in 3 parts:

Part 1) The poem

Part 2) The resolution

Part 3) The experimental follow up

Edited by Origins

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Part 1) Title: Mindless sleepy compensatory, finds itself again through emotional masturbatory 

As I sit here with my mind, why is it that the world is so misaligned

Waking up on the couch again, falling asleep after talking to you till the midnight bend

Pictures like shadows on the wall, falling dreams like waterfalls that were once so tall

What is it that I can invent in this brain, so that the colours of this day I can begin to entertain

A rhyme for a reason, to break into this season, I, cannot describe, doctor, please prescribe

Let me beg for a prescription in my dream, for this feeling body needs to feel something in order to get going to its extreme

By seeing the possibility of my imagination, even if its a feeling I will not commit to in this 3D world, I will restore my inner nation

To this now, I collect, a payment to my being, for the future recollect, I have broken the spell, through the rush of hell

And all ready for my existential, abstract, pavlovian bell

Return to this, when I forget my bliss

And I will reignite, this great fight

Know there is, always light (its just a matter of poetic exploration to discover new grains)


Edited by Origins

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Part 2) FUTURE REFLECTIONS on poem titled: Title: Mindless sleepy compensatory, finds itself again through emotional masturbatory 

Let me speak to you, yes you above, the me in the comment prior.

There exists, in manifest, explosive power in merely the middle band of your consciousness rising.

What is consciousness rising?

This is the process of shifting consciousness from one state of realisation to another state of realisation.

Your subconscious informs you throughout your life-time, what states it is possible of achieving and what states it is not possible of achieving, to all those higher states you most document them closely, and through that documentation your subconscious will make them more readily available to you on command. Do the same for your other states, and your subconscious will get better at learning from them and ascending beyond them as you’ve described in your poetic notes above.

There is no humour in this, even if, humour abound, humour exists as a state, this state we’re not entertaining in this comment for purposes relating to extensionality, and keeping any future mind that reads this inclusive of my own understanding of this fine point.

You knock on the kingdom of consciousness power, this area of being is no area to trifle with because it exists just adjacent to all forms of consciousness magick. Use the greatest potions your subconscious conjures up automatically to you and you will make this process a much more natural one compared to trying to instruct consciousness in a particular direction. 

You must make this state of action as something that exists in manifest, rather than something that exists in naturality, even if it appears that way inside and outside the state, this way you can generate distinctness between wherever your state happens to be and its distance with this state as it relates to consciousness magick, comparatively. 

There is no will power now, this subject seems entirely bizarre and foreign to me, its merely a matter of how well one knows how to utilise the energies of consciousness shifting from one state to the next, one only needs will power when they do not have the natural will either directed organically or through the described means of manifestation, which is consciousness power descript.

Consciousness power, when one understands the relationship between energy, will, recipe, potentiation, directionality and spectrum of states here, is what replaces will power, and is all the power one needs in the process of, at the very least, state shifting, its role in consciousness transmutation, on the other hand is an entirely different subject.

So the prior poetic sentiment revealed my state in the morning and the above writing reveals just how much contrast I can achieve from that state in a mere couple to few hours beyond that state. These two combined becoming a permanent resting and extension point for future periods in which I need a reminder about our capacities for consciousness state manifestation.

For those interested, now you know that this is possible for yourself, and my standard here is that this is for nearly any state that I happen to be in.

Where I am now:

screenshot 5.png

Edited by Origins

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  • Yes I can create this state whenever I want now, as soon as I wake, within moments. There is one most important rule. The acceptance of truth and through the execution of that rule what are some of its implications:
    - Accept literally everything within every fibre of my being and utilise that as an energy source to explode my state. This doesn't need to be before I hop out of bed. It all starts with consciousness, so you begin with consciousness and you perform this act as consciousness, and after consciousness has absorbed and transformed enough of its subsidiary and primary energetic material, getting out of bed, for me in less than 30 to 60 seconds after the absorption and transformation process, happens not just automatically, but inspirationally, powerfully, like thunder and lighting on a sunny day. Cool shit right. Done. Feeling great and I haven't even had my coffee yet.

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