
Does your Life Purpose change over time?

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I've been cultivating my current Life Purpose my entire life without even knowing what a Life Purpose was, I just followed my passion and have gotten a lot of success out of it. 


But now I don't enjoy it. I just do it for the money. But the amount of money I'm making makes it very hard to quit, especially since one of my goals in life is freedom. 


Is a Life Purpose supposed to be exhausted? Is it time for me to close this chapter of my life and cultivate a new Life Purpose that's closer to my core? 



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Defining one can be tricky. If you remain too down to earth, the statement will be a mere construct of an already predefined paradigm, yet if you go too nondual, the statement will always be Love. 

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Times change.

Cultures change.

Likes / Dislikes change.

Interests change.

Priorities change.


Either your life purpose needs some innovation to rekindle that passion, so that it can keep up with your evolving self. 

Or, you have developed / could develop an interest in something that fascinates you presently, and wish to act upon it. 


It’s your choice.

You have the ability to choose, while respecting the changes in your emotional states — and you decide the extent, keeping in mind a lot of factors involved, for you know your situation the best — financial, or otherwise. 

If your life purpose was that stringent, how different would it be from an assembly line job, where you do things just for the sake of it? 


Check if you want to innovate, diversify, or endeavour into a new field, altogether.





Edited by xxxx

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As you grow, mature and develop your life purpose will change. It is a part of growth. Also we go through phases in life. 

Sounds like you are in the 3rd or 4th phase. 


 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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