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What is happiness?

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7 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

And also is funny when I hear gurus like Spira day that happiness is what we are or our true nature. Lol.


It's true , the being is pure happiness

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@nistake @zeroISinfinity

For the quote-lovers, from the same author:


Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.


What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

It's true , the being is pure happiness

Or we could call it "unicorn" also..

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8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The desire to go beyond the mundane is what creates unhappiness.

Sit and be happy. If you can't do that, you will never be happy.

How does that work for you? 

When I sit and meditate there is a rather emptiness or Neutral feeling like tranquility or something like that. Not really what we call happiness or excitement. 

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Happiness is being in the now. 

"We are like the spider. We weave our life and then move along in it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. This is true for the entire universe."

-- The Upanishads


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8 hours ago, nistake said:

This may sound airy-fairy, but I'd say true happiness is flowing with life. Learning appreciating even the small everyday things. Seeing problems as a chance to grow. Having an authentic purpose does help.

In short, life-long learning and enjoying the process.

Nice insights. Thanks. 

8 hours ago, xxxx said:

@Someone here

Our true state of being is peace; happiness is a human, emotional manifestation of peace — if one is not peaceful, they can never really be happy.

Peace is a no-emotion, and one way peace can be felt is through our relation with the other things. 

Peace comes with unity — and once someone has realised that, everything they do in this human form (duality) will result in true happiness.

The concept of happiness requires another — and peace requires oneness — therefore, if you realise the another is also you, happiness arises. 

Sorry I almost didn't understand anything. If you could simplify it. 


7 hours ago, RedLine said:

Happiness = no desire = accept things as they are = no ego (ego=desire for change)

Money can make you happier since it could stop you desire of making money. But what actually happens most of the time is when people become reach they aim to get even more and more money.





7 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

Happiness=total acceptance of what is, or cessation of resistance to what is

Is it realistic to have no desires or attachments.. Preferences and so forth? 


7 hours ago, Gesundheit said:

It's a state of mind that that can be easily achieved with a healthy human body & mind. But otherwise, the hardest thing to get. 

It has absolutely nothing to do with any material possessions or other people or the outside world.

You are contradicting yourself. You are saying being healthy is necessary but it's independence of material conditions? Isn't health a material condition? 


6 hours ago, allislove said:

Happiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside.

I love maharshi but wait a minute... 

How is happiness my nature?  Isn't pain and sorrow and every other feeling and emotion for that matter equally my "nature"?  And exactly how is it found "inside"? There is nothing inside! 

11 minutes ago, Megan Alecia said:

Happiness is being in the now. 

I believe I'm always in the now (physically) or do you mean mentally? Sometimes the now is quite shitty.. you actually must escape it to be happy

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I don't know about happiness but I simply enjoy the experience of being alive and experiencing duality with all its beautiful nuances.

If you could not have that then what would you have?

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@Someone here The thing is the now doesnt exist. Once you feel the ecstasy or synchronicity of the now there's no pain left... because you go with it, in the words of Alan Watts. There's no resistance left (which is a human construct).

And what is resistance? Resistance is war, looting, protests, battles, domination, extinction. 

Edited by Megan Alecia

"We are like the spider. We weave our life and then move along in it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. This is true for the entire universe."

-- The Upanishads


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@Snader well here's the thing in case you didn't notice.. The universe is a tricky fucking devil.. Sometimes life is amazing.. Other times you wanna blow up the whole universe.. Yin and yang.. Leela.. Maya.. Tricky stuff.. I just want true stable THING. 

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happiness = fufill desires that brings you happiness. simple as that whatever it is desires for enlightenment, relationships, hobbies, friends, nature etc

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5 minutes ago, krockerman said:

happiness = fufill desires

desire is never satisfied because it's ever-renewed. 



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3 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@Snader well here's the thing in case you didn't notice.. The universe is a tricky fucking devil.. Sometimes life is amazing.. Other times you wanna blow up the whole universe.. Yin and yang.. Leela.. Maya.. Tricky stuff.. I just want true stable THING. 

It's that yearning for ''stable thing'' that makes you wanna blow up the universe. You find your stable thing when you start embracing the ''lower'' moments as well.

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11 minutes ago, Snader said:

It's that yearning for ''stable thing'' that makes you wanna blow up the universe. You find your stable thing when you start embracing the ''lower'' moments as well.

How to go about achieving that? Do you think that the human organism was "designed " to embrace a sharp nail Penetrating your legs? 

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13 minutes ago, Someone here said:

How to go about achieving that? Do you think that the human organism was "designed " to embrace a sharp nail Penetrating your legs? 

That's what spiritual practices and growing your consciousness is about.

You don't have to take it to the extreme. Practice it. Next time you drop and break the coffee pan while making coffee in the morning, accept it and smile while picking up the shards from the floor.

Edited by Snader

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

I love maharshi but wait a minute... 

How is happiness my nature?  Isn't pain and sorrow and every other feeling and emotion for that matter equally my "nature"?  And exactly how is it found "inside"? There is nothing inside!

Peace and happiness is your true nature because no matter what: you are always here, always untouched, always loved. Pain, sorrow, every other feeling and emotion are just objects, just energy flowing inside of you, made out of you, experienced by you. If you try to push back this energy, to make a distance between you and this energy, by identification with a thought then suffering arises. Suffering is always relative, when you look from the position of a separate self. The way out is in. Everything and Nothing are identical. Monkey mind never gets it, let go the identification with it, so the self realization may occur that there is no monkey mind. Then it may be seen that happiness shines through every object.

"Your nature is Peace and Happiness.
Thoughts are the obstacles to realization.
A thought must be quelled as soon as it rises.
Whenever a thought arises, do not be carried away by it." 
− Sri Ramana Maharshi

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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2 hours ago, Someone here said:

Sorry I almost didn't understand anything. If you could simplify it. 

Okay, I'll try my best to break this down:

God, in the ultimate sense is peace - therefore, at our core, beyond these human limits, our truth is peace alone. When we meditate, we feel no emotion - we become nothingness, a neutrality, and there's an acceptance of this infinite oneness. 

True happiness - that is, an eternal state of happiness is a derivative of peace. We humans, operate out of feelings, and act upon them, right? We are, at the end of the day, God in a limited form - a God that is living through us, through feelings.

If we use our senses, we feel; feelings are nothing but a reaction. 

Say, you stay in that state of complete acceptance of nothingness, you transcend your limited form, and become one with God. You, technically, arrive at death, right?

Now, through this unification and oneness, you shall realize that everything is you, and you are everything. 

You decide to come back, to live through God, in this limited form - a limited form that is nothing but a bundle of feelings - you use your senses, and they stimulate you; feelings are a reaction, we know that --- so, when you realize this infinite vastness, and that everything is you alone, your reaction is of pure infinite happiness and love. 

Here, the wall is you, the car is you, that dead animal on the street is you, the magnificent house is you, the grain of rice is you, your phone is you, that annoying aunt who talks a lot is you, haha! 

When you realize that everything is you, would you need anything to make you feel happy, at all? 


I hope I was pellucid in my elucidation this time. 


Other than that, @allislove's explanation is very good, too. 


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I will not allow your dumb question to ruin my happiness :P

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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7 hours ago, allislove said:

Peace and happiness is your true nature because no matter what: you are always here, always untouched, always loved. Pain, sorrow, every other feeling and emotion are just objects, just energy flowing inside of you, made out of you, experienced by you. If you try to push back this energy, to make a distance between you and this energy, by identification with a thought then suffering arises. Suffering is always relative, when you look from the position of a separate self. The way out is in. Everything and Nothing are identical. Monkey mind never gets it, let go the identification with it, so the self realization may occur that there is no monkey mind. Then it may be seen that happiness shines through every object.

I have to disagree with the entirety of this. 

I literally asked if pain and suffering are part of what undoubtedly must be considered part of my "true" nature and you are denying that by actually admitting that it's "known by me as me"...????  So you are saying no because yes? 

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