
Lucid Dreaming Reality

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Taking a few things as truths. 

  • I am God, and am dreaming all of reality.
  • Everything within my perception is me (God), including the human avatar I'm experiencing reality through in first person view.
  • Everything within perception, including all people, are all part of the dream.
  • A 'nighttime dream' is no different than 'waking world/daytime reality'. Both are a dream. 

If all these are true, there is no reason that once I master Lucid Dreaming, being able to control the dream at will, I (God) should be able to learn to control the waking world dream as well. 

Only different between the two (there is no two, only one) different states of consciousness is my (God) belief that there are different rules that apply to the waking world, and the belief that it is not possible. There are different grounding rules to make the waking world more stable. But, in truth both are dreams, and those rules are being dreamt. 

If I can master Lucid Dreaming control over dreams, I should be able to overcome the beliefs in those grounding rules, and be able control the 'waking world' dream as well. 

At least that's the theory. 

** (Any objections being made are within the dream, therefore are just myself telling myself it's not possible ? )

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It sounds like a fun theory and I'm definitely rooting for you... But it reminds me to ask - - why is everyone so obsessed with what they call the waking dream? Like it's more important or something. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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23 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

It sounds like a fun theory and I'm definitely rooting for you... But it reminds me to ask - - why is everyone so obsessed with what they call the waking dream? Like it's more important or something. 

Good question. I guess because the waking world seems more 'real' than the sleeping dream to me. I still consider the people in my life as real, with their own lives that extend beyond them being in my perception. Whereas when I meet people in a dream, I know they only exist because I dreamt them, and they only exist as long as I am dreaming them, and cease to exist when I'm not imagining them. It's my views and beliefs that create the difference between sleeping dream and the waking dream. Hypothetically I know they are the same, but not in actuality. But, once I close that gap, and have the same beliefs for all dreams, there is no reason why I can't lucid dream all dreams I'm dreaming.

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Steven Wolinski tells good a story of when he first meet Nisargadatta. Nisargadatta asked him what he understood thus far about enlightenment. So he preceded to tell him of all his deepest insights. And when he was finished Nisargadatta just looked at him with a look of total discuss and said 'No, that's not it"

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13 minutes ago, Keyhole said:

You already are doing that in the waking world. 

I know I'm dreaming all this, exactly how it is. And how it is is perfect. 

But, to use the analogy of when i'm sleeping dreaming, I am in a dream and don't know I'm dreaming. To me it is real. Lucid dreaming, becoming aware it is a dream, and then being able to control the dream. This hypothesis is the same, the real world to me is a dream and I think it is real and not a dream. I want to wake up in the waking dream, and be able to create at will. It's the difference of being in a sleeping dream and knowing it's all my creation and just going along for the ride of whatever it is, or becoming a lucid dreamer and being able to teleport, create whatever I want, fly, and so on. 

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4 minutes ago, Keyhole said:

@Sempiternity Just having fun with this, but I think you would have to connect to your Self in a higher dimension and change things around from there, I don't know how though, as far as flying and stuff like that - some people say they can levitate, idk. 

I already am my higher Self, and there is no other dimension than here and now. At least that's my understanding. This is more of a case of me (God) understanding (or more precisely remembering) what it is possible for me to do (dream), which is anything and everything. Right now, I'm lost in the amnesia of the dream. I simply have to wake up from the dream (Awakening), remember who I am, then go back dreaming (Reality) and willfully become lucid and create the dream at will. 

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You say that you as God should be able to control the dream, but you don't realize that God is already controlling it from the beginning, and that that's just ego going against God's will in appearance, while, in fact, both reality and the appearance are still under God's control and follow his will.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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15 hours ago, Gesundheit said:

You say that you as God should be able to control the dream, but you don't realize that God is already controlling it from the beginning, and that that's just ego going against God's will in appearance, while, in fact, both reality and the appearance are still under God's control and follow his will.

That seems to be viewing God and Ego as being separate. Ego is part of the dream(me/God), just as is thoughts, feelings, senses, and everything else. I'm God dreaming. I'm in control of the dream. But I'm not yet fully aware of this, hence still getting convinced that the dream is real. I'm working to become fully lucid in the dream, and not just creating the dream (for lack of a better word) unconsciously. See description below.

20 hours ago, Sempiternity said:

I already am my higher Self, and there is no other dimension than here and now. At least that's my understanding. This is more of a case of me (God) understanding (or more precisely remembering) what it is possible for me to do (dream), which is anything and everything. Right now, I'm lost in the amnesia of the dream. I simply have to wake up from the dream (Awakening), remember who I am, then go back dreaming (Reality) and willfully become lucid and create the dream at will. 


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@Sempiternity Control is a relative notion. It does not apply to God. Inquire as to how the ego seems to be having control, and notice that it's just a mirage. It's just thoughts about control, but not really control. And the thoughts themselves are not under the ego's control, even though they may appear to be.

What is control?

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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