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Jasmine Voit

Ideas for book dedicated to daughter?

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I have been brainstorming for days on how to go about this. I am taking a break from teaching this year. But while I am a full-time mother to my 4 month old and part time waitress, I want to take some time to write a book for her. I hope to write something I feel confident in publishing one day and to make at least somewhat of a profit (we broke ‘round here). 

I struggled with a lot of depression and anxiety for years and have slowly, but surely improved. In the book, I would like to interview at least 60 diverse people with simple and not so simple questions that children might ask an adult. Or things they wish they knew then that they know now. Impactive quotes. All to give my daughter (and perhaps other people if it’s published) some resources to help her/them obtain self-actualization quicker than I did. 

I don’t want the book to be unfocused though. Any ideas on how to organize and this broad vision???????


Edited by Jasmine Voit

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