
Official Jordan Peterson Thread

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Post all Jordan Peterson related things in this thread, one of my fav teachers of all time, he is amazing :) :D xD


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Dude, we have so many JP threads already.

Just... why?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Dude, we have so many JP threads already.

Just... why?

He is amazing.

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On 1/18/2021 at 5:53 AM, Leo Gura said:

Dude, we have so many JP threads already.

Just... why?

Thats for people to cry about him like a buncha dogs, I prefer to love him, love is good right?



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Enough JP threads. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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Keep crying for him, he's only going to get more popular.

Enough crying for him.

Or keep crying for him.


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2 minutes ago, The_Alchemist said:

Keep crying for him, he's only going to get more popular.

Enough crying for him.

Or keep crying for him.


At least he won't get any publicity here. 

So one place is safe. -_-


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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10 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

At least he won't get any publicity here. 

So one place is safe. -_-


For sure, you and other SJWs aren't still crying for him. Definitely NOT giving him any publicity LMFAO


thx for the bumps again ;)

Edited by The_Alchemist

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Just now, The_Alchemist said:

For sure, you and other SJWs aren't still crying for him. Definitely NOT giving him any publicity LMFAO

I'm not an sjw because I have issues with SJWs. 

A lot of people don't like the teachings of JP and they are not SJWs. 

It's a myth created by JP. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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Just now, Preety_India said:

I'm not an sjw because I have issues with SJWs. 

A lot of people don't like the teachings of JP and they are not SJWs. 

It's a myth created by JP. 


You know what I do when I don't like something?

I don't go in the threads and cry about it.

What has all your crying gotten you?

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5 minutes ago, The_Alchemist said:

You know what I do when I don't like something?

I don't go in the threads and cry about it.

What has all your crying gotten you?

I apologize. (maybe I should have used  more tact.) 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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5 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

I apologize. (maybe I should have used  more tact.) 


It's no problem have an awesome day!

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@Leo Gura can I ask you an honest question you feel like all right wing voices somehow damage society or hold it back from evolution?

I'm just trying to understand why you seem so militant against right wing stuff. I'm not trying to challenge you, I'm honestly just interested in what you have to say...

Edited by Aaron p

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On 18/01/2021 at 1:39 PM, The_Alchemist said:

Post all Jordan Peterson related things in this thread, one of my fav teachers of all time, he is amazing :) :D xD


I was speaking about old mate JP earlier this evening with a friend. He’s a interesting conundrum in my view. He provides a lot of value regarding survival and rudimentary aspects of psychology but as for metaphysics, existentialism and the nuances of spirituality he is devoid of rich wisdom.

JP resorts to a very systematic and rigidified way of delivering knowledge. A lot of his insights are housed in the pragmatics of science and within the tight parameters of the academic intuitions. Nothing wrong with that for navigating the basics of human livelihood. However, for the most fundamental avenues of human experience they cannot be merely read in a journal article, case analysis or observed in a scientific study. They must be directly experienced and explored for oneself.

After finishing a 3 year degree in psychology, I have come to discover that I learnt far less within the bounds of uni than I did myself though self exploration and philosophical studies in personal time.

This is one of crucial points I have learned about life. One must learn directly to really learn anything at all and any learning outside of this is otherwise systematically organised and testimonial.

Figures akin to JP must be taken in context and with an extremely measured grain of salt.

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@Jacobsrw could you give an example of someone who is a more evolved political speaker? Someone who fits the description you talked about...?

Or could you maybe mention specific things that Jordan talks about that you disagree with? It seems as though he is right as long as free speech stands. Ofcourse there isint really such a thing as absolute free speech everywhere. The government controls what we are allowed to say to children, what we are allowed to say in court etc. Or at least tries to.

If the matter is on free speech perhaps the area of correction lies within how free "free-speech" should actually be. 

There is ofcourse the "unofficial" symbols his political presence sexism, racism, or whatever. But the only reason this happens is because his followers manipulate what he says.

So the way I see it, either Jordan needs to become aware of what his political presence encourages subconsciously, or he needs to continually reject his hateful followers. Or perhaps more specifically, reject the *hatred* of his followers. Specificity is important. I do see that a lot of right wing selfish people hijack his lone claim to free speech as a license to be mean and heartless. 

He's a very loving, intellectual, vaunerable kind of guy. If evolution is the movement towards love then he seems to be very evolved...his followers do not. 

It would probably be best if hateful people (against gays for example) didn't have a political figure to follow. However, if you cut one head off, usually 2 more grow back in its I say, at least Jordan is sensitive, aware and composed. He's very loving. 


Edited by Aaron p

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51 minutes ago, Aaron p said:

@Jacobsrw could you give an example of someone who is a more evolved political speaker? Someone who fits the description you talked about...?

Or could you maybe mention specific things that Jordan talks about that you disagree with? It seems as though he is right as long as free speech stands. Ofcourse there isint really such a thing as absolute free speech everywhere. The government controls what we are allowed to say to children, what we are allowed to say in court etc. Or at least tries to.

If the matter is on free speech perhaps the area of correction lies within how free "free-speech" should actually be. 

There is ofcourse the "non-absolute" symbols his political presence sexism, racism, or whatever. But the only reason this happens is because his followers manipulate what he says.

So the way I see it, either Jordan needs to become aware of what his political presence encourages subconsciously, or he needs to continually reject his hateful followers. Or perhaps more specifically, reject the *hatred* of his followers. Specificity is important. I do see that a lot of right wing selfish people hijack his lone claim to free speech as a license to be mean and heartless. 

He's a very loving, intellectual, vaunerable kind of guy. If evolution is the movement towards love then he seems to be very evolved...his followers do not. 

It would probably be best if hateful people (against gays for example) didn't have a political figure to follow. However, if you cut one head off, usually 2 more grow back in its I say, at least Jordan is sensitive, aware and composed. He's very loving. 


Firstly, JP is not a political speaker he is a clinical psychologist. Just because he speaks on such topics does not provide him the equal rights for such a title. He himself denounces this title.

I cannot think of a political speaker more evolved as of this moment but there are many speakers who speak on politics that are far more evolved, such as Sadhguru for one. Very much in the weeds with politics and far more active then JP. He actually campaigns what he proposes.

Also I agree with your point, JP’s followers are completely lost. However, so is JP. He vehemently creates aggravative and divisive conflict that only further perpetuates the political warfare he rails against. He disagrees with much of the left but does not recognise he would not exists without them. The left denounces the right and also do not recognise the invariable need for the right.

Aggravating socialist and left-wing activists does not make one a conscious political speaker. It only reflects an inability to accept the imperative need for both sides of the spectrum, which is only maintained though delicately balancing both of them.

He is sensitive to some regard, but also callous and cold in others. For example, he champions individuality then completely forgets one cannot be an optimal individual without a society that firsts supports them. People he criticises for not adopting individual liberty are often not even developed nor socially nurtured enough to even embody it. 

So is he developed? Yeah to the degree of survival. But in regards to deep existential growth not very in my opinion.

Edited by Jacobsrw

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@Jacobsrw fair enough bro good response. Unfortunately Im not a Jordan Peterson expert, nor am I a political expert at all. Interesting points

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He has some good lectures, but he is also a super stressed out idiot full of self deception.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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