Leo Gura

Ben Shapiro Propaganda Movies Are Here!

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So, Ben Shaprio is branching out into the Hollywood sector by making right-wing propaganda entertainment films.

His first film: Die Hard In School -- where the conservative hunter girl goes John McClane on a couple of high school shooters.

Message of the film: If you are in a mass shooting situation, don't be a pussy and take on the mass shooters one-on-one, Die Hard style, by using the conservative gun skillz your pappy taught you. Play out your gun fantasies, be a hero, save the day!

You can't make this shit up, but apparently Ben Shapiro and his ilk did.

Yippie-ka-yay motherfuckers ;)



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4 minutes ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

they're trying to appeal to young people and falling flat on their faces while doing so

I dunno. Plenty of young people eat this shit up. What young Murican male doesn't want to believe he can use his hunting skills to take on a couple of mass shooters Rambo-style?

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Man, all the stratagems that humans use to get what they want are astounding.

Edited by Abdelghafar

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Does it also teach to die at the hands of the mass shooter? 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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lol ...... Shitting more on-top of the existing shit. Just what we need xD Entertainment is getting bizarre.

But after all the holy-wood leftist ctinge BS that was injected in movies and games in the last half a decade.... It doesn't really surprise me. In a way it feels like the right response.


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I had an argument with a military guy about gun laws and school shootings, when I pointed out that guns have became 100x more advanced and lethal since the time when the founding fathers were laying the constitution, therefore guns should be treated with 100x more care when selling them by number and to whom your selling them to, He countered by saying: that this is like saying that the founding fathers were stupid for not foreseeing that guns were going to be more advanced in the future. 

He seemed like a sane person and was willing to hear what I was arguing while being able to come up with an explanation to how he saw things, it was unfortunate that he had built a firewall around the thought of a 'more strict gun control' since I presume it somehow was linked in this mind with being less patriotic/less loyal to the founders of the country.


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Every teacher and every janitor should carry a loaded gun to neutralize threats as soon as they emerge. The bullets need to be the kind that doesn't go through so they don't kill innocent kids.




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36 minutes ago, Happy Lizard said:

He countered by saying: that this is like saying that the founding fathers were stupid for not foreseeing that guns were going to be more advanced in the future.


How could the genius of Ben Franklin not foresee this?




24 minutes ago, Arcangelo said:

Every teacher and every janitor should carry a loaded gun to neutralize threats as soon as they emerge. The bullets need to be the kind that doesn't go through so they don't kill innocent kids.

Yeah, every teacher and janitor should be a SWAT warrior trained in counter-terrorist tactics.


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Ben Shapiro has turned out to be a major disappointment. For someone as extremely intelligent as he is his political beliefs are truly backwards.

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Let's just let every freedom loving American the right to buy an Abrams Tank while we're at it...

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at : https://7provtruths.substack.com/

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Message of the film: If you are in a mass shooting situation, don't be a pussy and take on the mass shooters one-on-one, Die Hard style, by using the conservative gun skillz your pappy taught you. Play out your gun fantasies, be a hero, save the day!

And in the real world, Ben would be hiding under a table. He can’t even say the P-word without his wife’s permission. 

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I might watch it, Thomas Jane is a good actor.


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This is honestly fucking horrible. I don’t comment on stuff too much these days but I felt I had to speak about this one.

People could die because of this movie. Art deeply influences people’s ideas and behaviours and if some impressionable 14 year old kid watches this and thinks “yeah, if some gun-totting turd comes to MY school I’ll just outwit them like in that movie!” ... before getting themselves killed.

Active shooter situations are not goddamn Hollywood action scenes. There’s no glory in them. Your goal should 100% be your own survival, not some foolhardy attempt to look like an action hero. Not only that, but by glorifying taking down school shooters it encourages kids to resolve more conflicts this way. It turns school zones into some fucked up “survival of the fittest” battle arena, not places of peace and learning. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so disturbing.

Shame on you, Benjamin.

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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39 minutes ago, Forestluv said:

And in the real world, Ben would be hiding under a table. He can’t even say the P-word without his wife’s permission. 

He hasn’t rebel against their parents yet. He still wants to be a good boy. 

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Why dont we buy everyone in america a free nascar while we're at instead of this stimulus checks. After all we need street smarts to get by. Not the college smarteners. 

Love life and your Health, INFJ Visionary


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Step 4: after you get shoot and you're bleeding out on the floor, hold your breath until you pass out to reduce the amount of pain you'll feel before you die. 

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Step 5: make sure you die with the bullet holes facing up to keep the blood from spilling on the floor so it's easier to clean up. 

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20 minutes ago, K Ghoul said:

Based on your opinion about Ben Shapiro's movie, is it safe to assume that you consider this Estonian film a right wing propaganda entertainment film as well?

Shapiro's foray into filmmaking is obviously driven by ideology. He's taking a page from the Dennis Prager propaganda strategy.

If you can't see this, well, I can't help you.

Do some Hollywood movies have political messages and could also be considered propaganda? Sure. But most Hollywood filmmakers are no there to push an ideology, and even when they do, the messages they put into their movies are higher quality stage Green ones.

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