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How to stop loving yourself.

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Hi guys. This is rather an odd question that my friend asked. 

'I kind of know I'm  ot the ego, but still for some reason I can't be fully awakened all the time'.

'My guru said that it's because I love myself too much. How do I stop wanting to love myself? When I see the Earth or just big crowded places, I kind of become afraid of how actually meaningless and small I really am. It absolutely terrifies me. I always want to be recognized as superior and this will is driving my life. And because of this I feel like hating myself more and more every day. I'm so narcissistic but I can't help myself!'

I laughed at her being over dramatic. But have all of us let go of our ego image? Are we too, afraid of the emptiness? How do we stop this?

Edited by Shunyata

Stay cool & dry.

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9 minutes ago, Shunyata said:

I kind of know I'm  ot the ego, but still for some reason I can't be fully awakened all the time'.

Ego is so called “belief of an I”.

10 minutes ago, Shunyata said:

How do I stop wanting to love myself?

Willingly let go and surrender everything for truth.

10 minutes ago, Shunyata said:

I laughed at her being over dramatic. But have all of us let go of our ego image? Are we too, afraid of the emptiness?

You are the “nothingness”. Ego is just a “thought “ as “life, not even.  

Life is suffering.


"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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Watch this video. Self love is about learning to love Self (all of it, everything, all that you are as God), not the little self (ego). 



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When the mind is released, with its insatiable voracity for validation, one understands that one already is Love. 

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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We are all narcissistic to a degree.  We want the love to flow into us from outside, so we puff ourselves up to grab attention and delude ourselves that this is the love we want. Really, the flow needs to go the other way and you should be the source of love. We should give it freely and unconditionally and practise until we become masters at it. And in the process you'll learn to love yourself in the way you want and teach others to do the same. God I've become such a hippie.

Edited by LastThursday

57% paranoid

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