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Extreme Z7

Test Your Ego

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Explanation: Assuming that you follow spirituality, I thought that posting this video would be fun test of your level of equanimity, acceptance of opposing belief systems, and also, acceptance of modern society's high level of closed-mindedness. Your reaction to this video can be a good reflection to how much psychological progress you've gained through consciousness work.

Edited by Extreme Z7

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Spirituality is a subjective experience, just like love. What is the criterion of love? Can you prove when you fall in love? Can you prove that really you have fallen in love? Is there a way to prove it? Is there any argument, any logic that will support you — any eyewitnesses? All that you can say is, “I know for certain that my heart is beating differently” — but that is something inner to you. You can say, “I am feeling so blissful,” but that is something subjective. You cannot bring some part of your blissfulness and show it to people as a criterion.
Love, or truth, or bliss — they don’t have any criterion; they are experiences of the inner. Criteria are always of the outer. Don’t impose outer criteria for the inner — that is the fallacy of the video.

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@Extreme Z7 Thanks, I didn't look at the content, but scanned through the descriptions of the charlatan on the screen.  Agreed, almost 100% .  


I just listened to the content, and no, this guy sounds misinformed.  He's still attached to the world as if it is real and worth worrying about.


Edited by kurt

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5 hours ago, Prabhaker said:

Spirituality is a subjective experience, just like love. What is the criterion of love? Can you prove when you fall in love? Can you prove that really you have fallen in love? Is there a way to prove it? Is there any argument, any logic that will support you — any eyewitnesses? All that you can say is, “I know for certain that my heart is beating differently” — but that is something inner to you. You can say, “I am feeling so blissful,” but that is something subjective. You cannot bring some part of your blissfulness and show it to people as a criterion.
Love, or truth, or bliss — they don’t have any criterion; they are experiences of the inner. Criteria are always of the outer. Don’t impose outer criteria for the inner — that is the fallacy of the video.

True, but a teacher cannot teach (they may in fact be enlightened) unless they have a teaching that others can follow, exactly for the reason you mentioned that experience is subjective.  If you follow a teacher with only their subjective experience as a teaching then you have technically been drawn into a religious cult

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13 minutes ago, kurt said:

If you follow a teacher with only their subjective experience as a teaching then you have technically been drawn into a religious cult

The goal is one, but the paths are many. And each master has to defend his path, which is his experience, knowing perfectly well that other paths are as valid as his. But if he starts saying that all the paths are valid, he will not have the impact, the influence on his people. The journey is long and he needs absolute trust. He is not a philosopher propounding a system of philosophy. His basic concern is that your commitment to the path should be total. 

If you travel some time on one path and then you change the path, you will have to start again from ABC. Whatever you have learned on one path is invalid on another path, and if you go on keeping it within you it is going to create tremendous confusion.The journey is long, the night is long, and if you go astray you can go on round and round for eternity without finding anything.

Path of meditation is not the only path and many great religions ( not talking about fake cults), which  are not relevant for modern man, guided hundreds of seekers, when they were alive and not distorted. 

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@Prabhaker I agree with that, don't mix or confuse paths.  100% agree, I took the whole conversation out of context because I didnt listen to the guys rant on the video, I admit I only looked at the content on the screen. My bad lol.  Thank you, you have some god stuff to say, not everything I understand or agree with, but it's all good learning for me.

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I found that video interesting for few reasons. It showcases how a man is being instantly judged as ego by the spiritual ego. He is a man that is expressing his viewpoint and I don't see him saying anything outrageous. He is stating what he believes to be true. There will always be the other side of the coin, otherwise the coin will vanish.

Furthermore, it made me ponder about the right and wrong moral question. There clearly is right and wrong, from the human viewpoint. More or less we all agree that what's wrong with this planet is the suffering, and if we could find a path which leads to us living without suffering, that would be the right path. That's the main reason I took up spirituality in the first place. 

I made this simple observation which proves once and for all that there is right and wrong from the human perspective - ultimately, through the use of contradiction.

If one believes that the statement "there is no right and wrong" is "right", that one is contradicting him/herself and is believing in nonsense. The only possible belief one can have about that statement is that it is wrong, which promotes it from belief to fact.

Sometimes one must act on truth. Be passionate about truth. Like that guy. Left brain right brain balance is one of the most important things we need to work on. Sometimes we need to let go, accept, relax, embrace and sometimes we need to act, be passionate, even get angry. It's not wrong, dont label it as ego. Human beings are forces of nature. It's disrespectful to call a force of nature by a 3 letter label. That's really the biggest thing I cant understand. How is it that in spirituality, the realm where we should be without labels AT ALL, we label everyone who expresses themselves strongly as ego... Come on ! :?

PS: Sorry, the Right and Wrong thing is from the next video I watched of him... I didnt realize :D

Edited by Dodoster

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@Dodoster Its ego because he has not attained liberation, if he had attained liberation and then proceeded to say those things then it would not be "ego".  Furthermore he would more likely just be laughing at the world because he would know the world is not real, its only an appearance.

Hes ranting because he still believes in the world (and others), this is the sign of an unenlightened person whos making up his own version of enlightenment as a dogma.



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1 minute ago, kurt said:

@Dodoster Its ego because he has not attained liberation, if he had attained liberation and then proceeded to say those things then it would not be "ego".  Furthermore he would more likely just be laughing at the world because he would know the world is not real, its only an appearance.

Hes ranting because he still believes in the world (and others), this is the sign of an unenlightened person whos making up his own version of enlightenment as a dogma.



not enlightened here, so cant say if his version is right or wrong :D Also I dont know whether he has attained liberation or not, because I am not him.

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@Dodoster You dont have to be enlightened to know what it means, you only have to be educated on it, and then use that education to destroy the belief in duality.

So yes, you can say whether his version is accurate or not by what you understand.  This does not mean to say you can't let him have his ideas, his ideas are fine, but they are not enlightenment.

Edited by kurt

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1 minute ago, blazed said:

Everyone has an ego, spiritual or not, the difference is this guy is so lost in his ego, he's identified with it, he can't just let opinions be opinions, which would make it easier for him to let go of them, and he seems quite angry. This is self-inflicted suffering.

As for outrageous, he is basically insulting people who don't agree with him, he does tell people to "shove it up their asses".

And yes bad is necessary, without bad there is no good, without sorrow there is no joy. However that doesn't mean an enlightened person needs to hang out with someone who is completely negative and wants to destroy the world etc.

Just the same way you want to remove bad thoughts and self-inflicted suffering yourself, is the same reason you want to avoid bad and negative people in the real world.

I dont want to remove bad thoughts, I might have in the past, but now I am subscribed to : all thoughts are my children. So I gotta MattKahnLove the shit out of them. :D

But ok I see the validity of what you say, and also of what he says. Do I win a spiritual cookie now?

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I am enjoying this, check out at least 10 minutes of that from this start point, or the whole thing ofcourse. This guy is pretty interesting imo and has sound stuff to say.

-1/12 is Infinity 

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15 minutes ago, blazed said:

Just so you know everything is perfect the way it is, in an infinite reality all these people are necessary otherwise it wouldn't be infinite, you must experience the reality from every perspective, including non-spiritual.

There is no free will, if you want to debate about free will I think Stephen Hawking is more qualified for that, or if you find a time capsule you can try speaking to Albert Einstein about determism.

I'm just glad the experience (in an infinite amount of experiences) I'm currently having is aware of it's true nature.

What do you mean non-spiritual... The guy is talking about spirituality, he is against religion and bullshit. He is a warrior of the truth and is not content with just spitting out things that others agree with. He is fighting against delusion from what I've seen so far... Maybe you didn't see the video and are judging him by his cover. He is about increasing the quality of human lives for the rest of the life of this planet. J

Just because you know the truth (pretty easy truth to grasp) that all has an end and that nothing really matters in infinity, doesnt mean people have to give up trying to improve their finite lives. In fact, exactly because people werent content with what is, you have the life you are so happy about experiencing right now. Otherwise it would be something else and who knows, you might have even been an "ATHEIST" (yuuuuuk) for your whole life. Lol.

Just wanted to give you 2 cents, that your comment was very egoistical. If you are liberated and know the truth, why are you talking down on other forms, saying the form you are living right now is somehow better than another? Or that the experience you are having is better than other experiences. How do you know your experience is not in fact the lowest of all possible?

You talk about infinity and determinism. Both those I am completely agreeing on an intellectual level. I don't really need a teaching I havent asked for. This is another sign of a spiritual ego, which I am currently trying to move away from, because it's not me.


Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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10 minutes ago, Dodoster said:

What do you mean non-spiritual... The guy is talking about spirituality, he is against religion and bullshit. He is a warrior of the truth and is not content with just spitting out things that others agree with. He is fighting against delusion from what I've seen so far... Maybe you didn't see the video and are judging him by his cover. He is about increasing the quality of human lives for the rest of the life of this planet. J

Just because you know the truth (pretty easy truth to grasp) that all has an end and that nothing really matters in infinity, doesnt mean people have to give up trying to improve their finite lives. In fact, exactly because people werent content with what is, you have the life you are so happy about experiencing right now. Otherwise it would be something else and who knows, you might have even been an "ATHEIST" (yuuuuuk) for your whole life. Lol.

Just wanted to give you 2 cents, that your comment was very egoistical. If you are liberated and know the truth, why are you talking down on other forms, saying the form you are living right now is somehow better than another? Or that the experience you are having is better than other experiences. How do you know your experience is not in fact the lowest of all possible?

You talk about infinity and determinism. Both those I am completely agreeing on an intellectual level. I don't really need a teaching I havent asked for. This is another sign of a spiritual ego, which I am currently trying to move away from, because it's not me.


Have you ever heard of non-injury?  You statements are self insulting and also insulting of the other people involved.  You just have a bunch of ignorant and unassociated ideas that you use as a way of trying to organize reality.  You speak of new age bullshit, yet listen to matt khan videos.  You values are skewed, unassimilated and they make you do the very things you are trying to move away from.  Drop the concepts and work on your qualities of mind, because that is what helps you understand truth.  

Or just drop spirituality altogether because you clearly cant hold a civil conversation.  Work on this first then look into non duality.

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2 minutes ago, blazed said:

My whole point was there is no right or wrong way to live life. I just said everything is perfect.

Being aware has help me so much in being content with life, I do not compare myself to others, afterall everything is me, all their suffering is me as well.

I am not egoless, and I'm not enlightened, I'm on a journey of the experience.

Maybe perceiving everything as perfect brings you on the path to nirvana. But thats exactly the reason why those people who do not see everything as perfect and are trying to fix things for others who dont see everything as perfect and improving their finite lives should be considered much more of a saint than those who reach nirvana and live in constant bliss and can't be bothered by anything.

Oh and by the way, its much easier to see everything as perfect, when you have a warm home, internet and most things that people in the past who didnt see things as being perfect broke sweat for, exactly because they were burnt by a fire that said: Nope, thats not really perfect. 

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25 minutes ago, kurt said:

Have you ever heard of non-injury?  You statements are self insulting and also insulting of the other people involved.  You just have a bunch of ignorant and unassociated ideas that you use as a way of trying to organize reality.  You speak of new age bullshit, yet listen to matt khan videos.  You values are skewed, unassimilated and they make you do the very things you are trying to move away from.  Drop the concepts and work on your qualities of mind, because that is what helps you understand truth.  

Or just drop spirituality altogether because you clearly cant hold a civil conversation.  Work on this first then look into non duality.

Dude you don't even know what I've said. You are judging your interpretation of what I said. I can see that you definitely didn't understand what I meant with my post.

 Never said anything about new age bullshit, your mind is playing tricks on you. All I said is the guy is talking against what he thinks is bullshit. 

The easiest thing is to paint a stick figure in your mind and then pull it apart... The truth is, you don't know anything of me, my values and so on. You are acting on your own false beliefs and fighting with your own image of me. It's disheartening that you are not seeing it. Or maybe you are and doing this stuff anyway just for fun.

Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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8 minutes ago, Dodoster said:

Dude you don't even know what I've said. You are judging your interpretation of what I said. I can see that you definitely didn't understand what I meant with my post.

 Never said anything about new age bullshit, your mind is playing tricks on you. All I said is the guy is talking against what he thinks is bullshit. 

The easiest thing is to paint a stick figure in your mind and then pull it apart... The truth is, you don't know anything of me, my values and so on. You are acting on your own false beliefs and fighting with your own image of me. It's disheartening that you are not seeing it. Or maybe you are and doing this stuff anyway just for fun.

Strong stuff!  A lot of unassimilated concepts to ward of a simple disagreement.

Im sure if I agreed with you back then the reactiveness would have been of the opposite polarity?  I think so!



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Just now, kurt said:

Strong stuff!  A lot of unassimilated concepts to ward of a simple disagreement.

Im sure if I agreed with you back then the reactiveness would have been of the opposite polarity?  I think so!



Dont react. Yield and overcome!

-1/12 is Infinity 

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This guy seems to have very black and white thinking, meaning he is identified with thought. Not enlightened. That said, he brings up some good points. Don't believe in any teachings or teacher. Investigate if what they say is true or not.

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12 hours ago, Dodoster said:

What do you mean non-spiritual... The guy is talking about spirituality, he is against religion and bullshit. He is a warrior of the truth and is not content with just spitting out things that others agree with. He is fighting against delusion from what I've seen so far... Maybe you didn't see the video and are judging him by his cover. He is about increasing the quality of human lives for the rest of the life of this planet. J

Just because you know the truth (pretty easy truth to grasp) that all has an end and that nothing really matters in infinity, doesnt mean people have to give up trying to improve their finite lives. In fact, exactly because people werent content with what is, you have the life you are so happy about experiencing right now. Otherwise it would be something else and who knows, you might have even been an "ATHEIST" (yuuuuuk) for your whole life. Lol.

Just wanted to give you 2 cents, that your comment was very egoistical. If you are liberated and know the truth, why are you talking down on other forms, saying the form you are living right now is somehow better than another? Or that the experience you are having is better than other experiences. How do you know your experience is not in fact the lowest of all possible?

You talk about infinity and determinism. Both those I am completely agreeing on an intellectual level. I don't really need a teaching I havent asked for. This is another sign of a spiritual ego, which I am currently trying to move away from, because it's not me.



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